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Please cite as (02 November 2020) GBIF Occurrence Download

  Rerun query

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711 MB Simple
Involved datasets
{{ 628 | localNumber}}
Involved publishers
{{ 264 | localNumber}}
Involved publishing countries
{{ 35 | localNumber}}
Geometry POLYGON((-9.4834 36.85254,-7.30151 36.90747,-7.43335 37.6106,-7.20483 37.89185,-7.02905 37.927,-6.87964 38.04126,-6.92358 38.27856,-7.05542 38.27856,-7.20483 38.43677,-7.18726 38.58618,-6.92358 38.90259,-6.94116 39.12231,-7.09936 39.23657,-7.37183 39.59692,-6.96753 39.60571,-6.80933 40.00122,-6.89722 40.19458,-6.71265 40.22974,-6.78296 40.97681,-6.24683 41.36353,-6.17651 41.60962,-6.3523 41.77661,-6.45776 42.04028,-8.01343 41.95239,-7.98706 42.08423,-8.24194 42.20728,-8.87476 42.08423,-9.62842 39.02783,-9.56909 37.90063,-9.4834 36.85254))
To repeat the download on current data, you can use below query with the API. Read more
  "type": "within",
  "geometry": "POLYGON((-9.4834 36.85254,-7.30151 36.90747,-7.43335 37.6106,-7.20483 37.89185,-7.02905 37.927,-6.87964 38.04126,-6.92358 38.27856,-7.05542 38.27856,-7.20483 38.43677,-7.18726 38.58618,-6.92358 38.90259,-6.94116 39.12231,-7.09936 39.23657,-7.37183 39.59692,-6.96753 39.60571,-6.80933 40.00122,-6.89722 40.19458,-6.71265 40.22974,-6.78296 40.97681,-6.24683 41.36353,-6.17651 41.60962,-6.3523 41.77661,-6.45776 42.04028,-8.01343 41.95239,-7.98706 42.08423,-8.24194 42.20728,-8.87476 42.08423,-9.62842 39.02783,-9.56909 37.90063,-9.4834 36.85254))"

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