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8kDutch Foundation for Applied Water Research (STOWA) - Limnodata Neerlandica
8kSystème d’évaluation de l’état des Eaux (SEEE) - Diatomées
3kMarine metagenomes Metagenome
1kREPHY - Réseau d'Observation et de Surveillance du Phytoplancton et de l'Hydrologie dans les eaux littorales
1kThe Australian Phytoplankton Database (1844 onwards)
1kGlobal Lacustrine Diatoms
847Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans DNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
644NMNH Extant Specimen Records
348Monitoreo Ambiental del Proyecto La Colosa
344Sediment Metagenome Raw sequence reads
285Natural History Museum (London) Collection Specimens
268IndOBIS, Indian Ocean Node of OBIS
259Extracellular DNA marine sediment Targeted Locus (Loci)
244EMOSE (2017) Inter-Comparison of Marine Plankton Metagenome Analysis Methods
223Diversidad y dinámica del fitoplancton marino en la bahía de Acapulco, Guerrero
215flora & fauna(NIBR)
211Nahant Collection
193Temporal variation in pesticide biodegradation
187Banco de Datos de la Biodiversidad de la Comunitat Valenciana
177marine sediment metagenome Metagenome
174Algaterra Types
167The cryptogamy collection (PC) at the Herbarium of the Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle (MNHN - Paris)
162Water and Sediment samples Targeted loci environmental
140Benthic Microalgae Chukchi Sea, 1972
138Colección científica de diatomeas bentónicas de la Bahía de la Paz, BCS
137PlutoF platform reference-based occurrences
136South African National Diatom Collection (SANDC)
136Diatomeas (Bacillariophyceae) y dinoflageladas (Dinophyceae) frecuentes en el Pacífico mexicano (costa oeste de Baja California, Pacífico centro y sur)
130ARMS Jeddah sample Raw sequence reads
127The Diatom Collection of Franz Josef Weinzierl at the Botanische Staatssammlung München
125Phytoplankton from the White Sea, Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea and Arctic Basin 1993-2003
125Arctic Ocean Diversity
121Algae (NSMK-AG)
110Marine sediment metagenome raw sequence reads
99Diatomeas (Bacillariophyceae) y dinoflageladas (Dinophyceae) planctónicas más frecuentes en el Golfo de California
98Estructura y variación geográfica de las asociaciones de diatomeas bentónicas de la Península de Baja California; Bahía de La Paz
84sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
77Diatomeas bentónicas de los oasis de Baja California Sur
66Marine Water Column Samples Targeted loci environmental
66Sea ice and seawater Raw sequence reads
62Apoyo a las colecciones biológicas de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM: Fase 1 (FCME_AL)
55Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes. Limnological Observatory of the Pyrenees - Diatomeas de lagos pirenaícos
55Amplicon sequencing of Tara Oceans RNA samples corresponding to size fractions for protists.
50sediment metagenome Raw sequence reads
50IMOS National Reference Stations (NRS) Phytoplankton Abundance and Biovolume
49Sediment Microcosm Metagenome
48Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Botany
47JODC Dataset
44Diatoms from the Vestfold Hills Lakes
43Protist Diversity in the East China Sea
43North Sea plastic incubation and reference communities, raw sequence reads
38Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_EP1 in 2002, Casma, Peru
37Macroalgal Morphology affects composition and settlement of microbial communities
37The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium (NY)
36Biological rejuvenation of iron oxides in bioturbated marine sediments
35Effect of size fractionation and DNA extraction on the diversity and composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic plankton community
34Phytoplankton abundance at Station Sechin_EP2 in 2002, Casma, Peru
34EDIT - ATBI in Mercantour/Alpi Marittime (France/Italy)
34UB - Herbário da Universidade de Brasília
3216S Amplicon Data from an Antarctic Cold Seep
32Microbial communities in the phycosphere environment
30Patrones de variación espacial y temporal de la biodiversidad fitoplanctónica de los cenotes abiertos de Yucatán
29California Current Cruise CCE-P1408 Process Cruise #6
2916S and 18S sequences from the epiphytic biofilm on leaves of Enhalus acroides
29Macroinvertebrados y perifiton pertenecientes a cuatro regiones de Colombia
29Geographically tagged INSDC sequences
28Colección Ficológica del Herbario Criptogámico de la FML
27Red Sea microbial plankton Raw sequence reads
27Zooplankton communities in the coastal water of northeastern Hokkaido
26CARBOM cruise 2013 flow cytometry sorted phytoplankton
25Trap data WR2, 599 m
24Biodiversidad fitoplanctónica de cenotes: Patrones espaciales y temporales
23Biodiversidad de productores primarios de las lagunas costeras del norte de Yucatán
23Nutrient addition mesocosm experiment Targeted Locus (Loci)
23Uncultured eukaryotes Targeted Locus (Loci)
23FUEL-Algae - Coleção Ficológica do Herbário da Universidade Estadual de Londrina
22UEL - Coleção Ficológica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (FUEL-Algae)
21SAR amplicon from community incubated with various nanophytoplankton in microcosm
21Neptune Deep-Sea Microfossil Occurrence Database
20Flora ficológica de la huasteca potosina
20Diversidad y distribución de las comunidades de fitoplancton y peces de ríos y lagunas del volcán San Martín de la reserva de la biósfera Los Tuxtlas (Fitoplancton)
20Freshwater biodiversity
19Protists community in the southern East China Sea
19Metabarcoding surveys of the Arctic marine environment
18Comportamiento espacio-temporal de la densidad fitoplanctónica en el año 2015 Magdalena, Colombia
18Phytoplankton abundance at several bottle stations in May 1996, Sechura, Peru
17Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap OG5
17Sediment of acid mine drainage Targeted loci environmental
16Pelagic Microbiome: viruses to protists. 16S and 18S data from oceanic samples collected at the chlorophyll maximum.
16Diatomeas (Bacillariophyceae) y Dinoflageladas (Dinophyceae) planctónicas más frecuentes en la región sur del Golfo de México
16(Table V) Distribution of diatoms in samples from Heidemann Valley trench, Antarctica
16National Trust Species Records
16Exploring Fronts With Multiple Robots Schmidt Ocean Institute Cruise to the Pacific Ocean in 2018
16Benthic diatom communities in pristine lakes and tarns, South Island
15White sea picoplankton Metagenome
15iNaturalist Research-grade Observations
15Wetland Algae
15Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in March 1997, Ilo, Peru
15Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in June 1997, Ilo, Peru
14Bealey Wetland Algae
13Colección Limnológica Universidad de Antioquia
13Données Microalgues de l'ATBI Parc National du Mercantour / Parco Naturale Alpi Marittime (Rapports A. Couté)
13UTEX Culture Collection of Algae at The University of Texas Living Algae Holdings
13sediment metagenome Metagenome
13Phytoplankton data collected from diurnal stations in the halistatic region of the Black Sea during April and July 1957
12sediment metagenome Metagenome
12Centralisation des données d'études sur le territoire de la Communauté de Communes de la Côte d'Albâtre
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in July-August 1996, Callao, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in July-August 1996, Pisco, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in September 1996, Callao, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in October 1996, Callao, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in March 1997, Pisco, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in June 1997, Pisco, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in November 1997, Pisco, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in May 1996, Pisco, Peru
12Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in May 1996, Ilo, Peru
12Microbial Processes and Biodiversity: OCEAN
12Microbial indicators of anthropogenic marine pollution identified by 16S and 18S metagenomic library analysis
12Microbial diversity in shallow water hydrothermal sediments of Gueishan Island, Taiwan
12Development and validation of a multi-trophic metabarcoding biotic index for benthic organic enrichment biomonitoring using a salmon farm case-study.
11Premier catalogue d'espèces de Bacillariophycae (diatomées) de la ville de Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy
11Trap data GBZ4, 696 m
11Harvard University Herbaria: All Records
11The Survey Data of Benthic Diatoms in Anping historical waterview park
11Eukaryotic diversity in Central Park
11(Table 2) Species composition of algae and cyanobacteria encountered in plankton of the Large Aral Sea on June 2-8, 2008
11Protistan plankton diversity along salt gradient
11Microbial communities in estuarine sediments
10Trap data WR2, 1648 m
10Phytoplankton abundance off Guañape islands in Juli 2003, Peru
10Implementación de la bioindicación en el Río Magdalena - 2016
10Magadalen Islands Spatio Temporal (MIST) Large Fraction
9Microbial communities in the ocean Raw sequence reads
9ECOPOT_2: Phytoplankton in Flemish waterbodies
9marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
8Microbial communities associated with Eurasian watermilfoil, water and sediment
8SOLA Raw sequence reads
8Diet analysis of Japanese sardine and Pacific round herring larvae
8Colección de Plancton Mixto – Sección Fitoplancton del Museo de Historia Natural Marina de Colombia – Makuriwa (Invemar)
8GEO-Hauptveranstaltung in "Wildtierland"
8CSIRO, Australian National Algae Culture Collection, Global, 1949-2008
8Phytoplankton abundance in surface water in August 1997, Pisco, Peru
8Eukaryote diversity assessment of sediments of the Western English Channel
7Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre - Other datasets
7Phytoplankton abundance during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV5
7CSIC-Real Jardín Botánico-Colección de Algas (MA-Algae)
7Botanical Museum, Copenhagen. Database of type specimens
7Fauna y flora del municipio de Lipa, Arauca
7Données naturalistes de Catherine PERRETTE
7Environmental eukaryotes Metagenome
6Active microbial eukaryotes amidst a marine subsurface RNA paleome
6Amundsen Gulf Overwintering Eukaryote Community
6EDP Baixo Sabor: Phytoplankton - Ecological Monitoring Program [2016]
6IMOS - AusCPR: Phytoplankton Abundance
6Catalogue des diatomées du ruisseau du jardin botanique J-M Pelt à Villers-lès-Nancy
6Implementación de la bioindicación en el Río Magdalena
6Phytoplankton abundance off Chao island in Juli 2003, Peru
6Phytoplankton abundance off Guañape bay in Juli 2003, Peru
6Colección Ficológica del Herbario Criptogámico de la FML
6Nitrate-storing microorganisms in sediments of the Bornholm Basin
5Microbial eukaryote Metagenome
5Jeux de données provenant de l'ATBI Mercantour
5Comparative study in validity of three regions of 18S-rRNA for eukaryote amplicon sequence analyses
5Phytoplankton sampling in the coastal waters of south eastern Tasmania, Australia (2009-2015)
5Microbial eukaryotes present in a Norwegian coastal ecosystem and in the gut content of Calanus copepods from Raunefjorden
5Ireland's BioBlitz
5Phytoplankton abundance during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV13
5Phytoplankton data collected from the North-Western part of the Black Sea during August 1957 (Cruise 2)
5Evaluation of filtration and DNA extraction methods for environmental DNA biodiversity assessments across multiple trophic levels.
5Biodiverskripsi: Biodiversity Theses Database
4NBIS Records to December 2016
4Fitoplancton marino frente a Baja California. 1. Bahía de Todos Santos, BC
4Mokihinui and Karamaea small tributaries and seeps
4RB - Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden Herbarium Collection
4Caracterización hidrogeológica para el diagnóstico ambiental de alternativas del proyecto hidroeléctrico San Bartolomé (ISAGEN y HMV).
4Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Wiener Steinhofgründe
4Uncultured marine eukaryotes Targeted Locus (Loci)
4Diatom assamblage in samples from sediment trap OG4
4Biodiversidad acuática del río Amacuzac, Morelos, México (Fitoplancton)
4Phytoplankton abundance during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV23
4Marine protists Metagenome
4Lower Waiau River monitoring
4Phytoplankton data collected from the North-Western part of the Black Sea during August 1957 (Cruise 1)
4Registros biológicos en áreas protegidas obtenidos de documentos impresos
4Structuring effect of environmental variables on protistan diversity patterns in two anoxic marine basins
4Red Sea Zooplankton Raw sequence reads
4Phytoplankton of coastal waters in Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean, 2002-2003.
4Eukaryotic protists Metagenome
3PlutoF platform observations
3Canadian Museum of Nature Herbarium
3Socompa Lake Stromatolite Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing
3Coastal Sediment Bacterial Community Alterations in Association with Sudden Vegetation Dieback
3Marine metagenomes from the bioGEOTRACES project
3Diet, Tidal and Vertical Variations of Phytoplankton and Its Environment in Frobisher Bay, Canada, 1980 and 1981
3Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-03-27_2, Casma, Peru
3Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-04-14_1, Casma, Peru
3Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-03-13_2, Casma, Peru
3Phytoplankton abundance and species composition in the Tyrrhenian Sea in November 1981
3Hydrate Ridge, OR - Deep sea cold seep ecosystem Targeted Locus (Loci)
3The national database for marine data (MADS)
3SEWBReC Algae and allied species (South East Wales)
3GEO Biodiversity Day
3Algas perifíticas del cerro Tacarcuna en el marco del proyecto Colombia BIO-2017
3Biological observations from the Discovery Investigations 1925-1952
3River macroinvertebrate data for 2005 and 2006
3Microbial eukaryote 454 Roche sequencing in estuarine ecosystems
3Eukaryotic natural population from Northern Baffin Bay - Raw sequence reads
3Meise Botanic Garden Herbarium (BR)
3Colección Ficológica del Herbario Cripctogámico de la FML
3Colección Ficológica del Herbario Criptogámico de la FML
3PEUFR - Herbário Professor Vasconcelos Sobrinho
3Phytoplankton measured on water bottle samples during THALASSA cruise PROSOPE
3Environmental zooplankton Targeted Locus (Loci)
3Whale fall
2Herbicide-incubated GBR lagoon microbiomes Targeted loci environmental
2Queensland Marine Sediment
2Culture Collection of Cryophilic Algae
2Marine eukaryotes Targeted loci environmental
2Phytoplankton Species Composition, Abundance and Cell Size in San Francisco Bay: Microscopic Analyses of USGS Samples Collected 1992-2014
2Eucaryotic microbial communities structure in the headwater watchment of Dongjiang River in the south of China
2Indian Ocean Islands - Historic Freshwater Diatom Data
2MEL AVH data
2Meiobenthos nSSU metagenetic meiobenthic data
2Microbial eukaryotes in an Arctic under-ice spring bloom north of Svalbard.
2Biodiversity of springs and rock seepages 2003
2University of California Museum of Paleontology
2Metagenome data from DNA stable isotope probing of Stiffkey saltmarsh sediment microcosms to investigate methanogenesis from choline
2Trap data GBN3, 3921 m
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-01-07_2, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-01-30_1, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-02-27_1, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-01-30_2, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-03-13_1, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-06-24_2, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-07-15_1, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-07-15_2, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-08-27_1, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-09-18_1, Casma, Peru
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-10-03_1, Casma, Peru
2Biosphärenpark Wienerwald - Pfaffstätten
2Von Elf bis Elf" Der Botanische Garten Wuppertal
2Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-06-04_1, Casma, Peru
2marine metagenome Raw sequence reads
2Abundance and biomass of phytoplankton in Butakova Bay, Aral Sea, in september 1990
2BioBlitz Barcelona 2010-14
2Abundance of phytoplankton in surface water during THALASSA campaign PROSOPE
2BRERC species records from all years at full resolution excluding Notable Species within the last 10 years
2Phytoplankton abundance during Akademik Vernadsky cruise AV5
2MICROBIS database
2Fauna y flora del municipio de Paipa, Boyacá
2Bacterial communities in sandy sediment at submarine volcanic vents off Panarea Island (Italy)
2Metagenomic community analysis of marine zooplankton using two plankton nets
2Magdalen Island Spatio Temporal (MIST) Raw sequence reads
2Fungal diversity in Sanya mangrove sediments, China
2Amplicon-Based Illumina Sequencing Reveals High Diversity of Phytoplankton in the Coastal Waters of Qinhuangdao
2uncultured marine picoeukaryote strain:Peuk_V4_NWP2 Raw sequence reads
2Study on plankton at the port of Ostend in 1965
2Abundance, diversity and distribution of Legionellales in wet environments in Sweden
2ARK26/3_Station212 Targeted Locus (Loci)
2Surface ocean Targeted Locus (Loci)
2Protistan communities of the upper Arctic Ocean (18S SSU-rRNA Targeted Locus)
2Municipal Pensacola Beach Sand Metagenome
2Stackpole National Nature Reserve Species Inventory and Ad-hoc Sightings from Across Pembrokeshire
2soil bacteria and fungi Targeted loci environmental
2BioFresh Pond Data
1Mokihinui project: landslide lakes
1Saltern of Margherita di Savoia Metagenome
1Artificial stream sediment raw sequence reads
1Characteristics of eukaryotic plankton community in the Coastal Waters of Rongcheng by Illumina sequencing
1Phytoplankton data collected from a diurnal station in Sevastopol Bay (Black Sea) during 1952
1Biota occurrence data from plankton surveys around New Zealand
1Ascidian and Seawater Metagenome
1Ecological study of the plankton in the port of Ostend in 1965
1HAS-Algae-Cyanobacteria - Coleção Ficológica do HAS
1Rapid Assessment Program (RAP) Biodiversity Survey Database
1Biological Resource Center, Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology and Evaluation
1Microbial communities associated with Juncus roemerianus and Spartina alterniflora vegetated sediments in Louisiana saltmarshes
1Saltern microbial community diversity
1Berlin - Treptower Park / Karpfenteich
1Diatom Community Composition CCS Diel
1Naturalis Biodiversity Center (NL) - Micropaleontology
1Phytoplankton abundance at the sea bottom off Sechura in january 2007, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-02-15_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-01-07_1, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-02-15_1, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-02-27_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-03-27_1, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-04-14_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Casma_2003-04-28_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-08-06_1, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-08-27_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-09-18_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-11-06_1, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-11-25_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-12-10_1, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-12-10_2, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at station Sechin_2003-12-28_1, Casma, Peru
1Phytoplankton abundance at stations off Punta Falsa in August 1995, Piura, Peru
1Marine metagenome ICM_WBS
1LBV 100 - Artenvielfalt am Rothsee
1Minor impact of ocean acidification to the structure of an Arctic sediment microbial community
1Microplankton abundance at Station MARCH-1997-GN36199704603MNB01 in the euphotic zone of the Aegean Sea in spring 1997. Part 1 - diatoms
1Microplankton abundance at Station MARCH-1998-GN36199804611MNB01 in the euphotic zone of the Aegean Sea in March 1998. Part 1 - diatoms
1Microplankton abundance at Station MARCH-1998-GN36199804611MNB04 in the euphotic zone of the Aegean Sea in March 1998. Part 1 - diatoms
1Phytoplankton samples - 2006/07 V3 SAZ-Sense
1Colección de diatomeas del Herbario "Jaime Andrés Rodríguez". LEB-Diatomea
1Antarctic Marine Protists species checklist
1Bay of Fundy Species List
1Macroalgal collection of National Museum of Nature and Science (TNS)
1Priest Pot species list, Cumbria, Britain
1Invertebrate Zoology Division, Yale Peabody Museum
1GEO-Hauptveranstaltung (Duisburg)
1Phytoplankton abundance in surface water during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV30_1
1Microplankton abundance in the euphotic zone of the Aegean and Levantine Seas in February 1989
1Natural History Museum, University of Tartu
1Composición y distribución espacial del fitoplancton en aguas oceánicas del Caribe sur colombiano
1Marine sediment Raw sequence reads
1marine sediment Raw sequence reads
1Polymetallic nodule field Targeted loci environmental
1Marine sediment metagenome ICM_FIS
1Brown University
1Benthic Ocean Acidification
11)sediments; 2) coral floc Metagenome
1Sea spray aerosols at Three California Beaches
1Implementación de la bioindicación en el Río Cauca - 2016
1Phytoplankton long-term time-series at the fixed coastal station in the Gulf of Naples, data for the years 1984-1991. Part 1
1Shotgun metagenomic analysis of Lake Paajarvi sediment microbes.
1Microeukaryotes in metagenomic survey of ancient Siberian permafrost
1blocking PCR amplification of metazoan DNA for protistan diversity
1Microbial eukaryotes Metagenome
1Ecosystem biomonitoring with eDNA: metabarcoding across the tree of life in a tropical marine environment
1National Museum of Natural Science
1Effect of climate-change induced glacier melting on the benthic prokaryotic diversity in the West Antarctic Peninsula