EDP Baixo Sabor: Phytoplankton - Ecological Monitoring Program [2016]
Marin C, Viegas V, Gonçalves S, Múrias T (2019). EDP Baixo Sabor: Phytoplankton - Ecological Monitoring Program [2016]. Version 1.3. EDP. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/r2kwjv accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-15.Description
The dataset contains Phytoplankton records of samples collected at Baixo Sabor reservoir during the first year of the Ecology Monitoring Program (PME) of Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Scheme, promoted by EDP – Energias de Portugal, S.A. Samples were collected in the deeper zone of the reservoir, at a fixed station 1300 m upstream of the dam, in 6 campaigns carried out between March and October of 2016. The targeted taxa were phytoplankton species, included as biological quality element for ecological quality in the framework of the EU’s Water Directive.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The study was carried out in one sampling station, 1300 m upstream of the dam, in the deepest zone of the Baixo Sabor reservoir. Six sampling campaigns took place between 3 March and 22 November 2016, covering winter, spring, summer (3 samples) and autumn.Sampling
Sampling followed the procedures defined by the Portuguese National Water Authority in the protocol for sampling and analysis of phytoplankton quality element under the Water Framework Directive. In each sampling campaign, a two-step procedure was adopted. First (a) a water column profile for temperature and dissolved oxygen was perform using a multiparametric probe (b) the water transparency was measure using a Secchi disk (Secchi depth), and (c) the depth of the euphotic zone was estimated (2.5 x the Secchi Depth). Second, (a) water samples were collected, using an integrated water sampling device (hydrobios), from the surface to euphotic zone maximum depth; (b) samples were preserved in loco with Alkaline Lugol’s solution and transported in 48 hours to the laboratory. The samples were stored in a dark and cold place (1º to 4ºC) for a maximum period of 6 months. They were periodically examined and recompleted with Alkaline Lugol’s solution, whenever needed. In the lab, the analysis for identification (to the lower possible taxonomic level), quantification (cells/mL) and biovolume (mm3/m3) were carried out using sedimentation chambers and an inverted microscope (Utermöhl technique), as described in EN 15204:2006 (Water quality - Guidance standard on the enumeration of phytoplankton using inverted microscopy (Utermöhl technique)) and EN 16695:2015 (Water quality - Guidance on the estimation of phytoplankton biovolume).Quality Control
Sampling method and laboratory identification, quantification and biovolume estimation are accredited (accreditation certificate and technical annex L0216) by Instituto Português de Acreditação (IPAC), as demanded by ISO/IEC 17025:2017 (General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories). All individuals were identified by experts with a deep knowledge of Phytoplankton taxonomy.Method steps
- To be completed
Taxonomic Coverages
The taxonomic coverage of this dataset includes 6 kingdoms, 15 phylum, 17 classes, 48 orders, 77 families, 144 genus and 305 species of the list of the EU’s Water Directive framework. The actual observations encompass 5 kingdoms, 9 phylum, 10 classes, 18 orders, 23 families, 30 genus and 31 species. The identification was made, whenever possible, to species level; otherwise, the phylum, class, order, family or genus were specified.
Animaliarank: kingdom
Bacteriarank: kingdom
Chromistarank: kingdom
Eubacteriarank: kingdom
Plantaerank: kingdom
Protozoarank: kingdom
Cnidariarank: phylum
Cyanobacteriarank: phylum
Eubacteriarank: phylum
Bacillariophytarank: phylum
Chrysophytarank: phylum
Cryptophytarank: phylum
Haptophytarank: phylum
Myzozoarank: phylum
Ochrophytarank: phylum
Charophytarank: phylum
Chlorophytarank: phylum
Chromophytarank: phylum
Choanozoarank: phylum
Euglenophytarank: phylum
Euglenozoarank: phylum
Hydrozoarank: class
Cyanophyceaerank: class
Bacillariophyceaerank: class
Cryptophyceaerank: class
Prymnesiophyceaerank: class
Dinophyceaerank: class
Bacillariophyceaerank: class
Chrysophyceaerank: class
Xanthophyceaerank: class
Klebsormidiophyceaerank: class
Zygnematophyceaerank: class
Chlorophyceaerank: class
Pedinophyceaerank: class
Prasinophyceaerank: class
Trebouxiophyceaerank: class
Bacillariophyceaerank: class
Choanoflagellatearank: class
Euglenoidearank: class
Anthoathecatarank: order
Chroococcalesrank: order
Nostocalesrank: order
Chroococcalesrank: order
Bacillarialesrank: order
Cryptomonadalesrank: order
Pyrenomonadalesrank: order
Prymnesialesrank: order
Gonyaulacalesrank: order
Gymnodinialesrank: order
Peridinialesrank: order
Suessialesrank: order
Achnanthalesrank: order
Aulacoseiralesrank: order
Bacillarialesrank: order
Coscinodiscalesrank: order
Cymbellalesrank: order
Eunotialesrank: order
Fragilarialesrank: order
Mastogloialesrank: order
Melosiralesrank: order
Naviculalesrank: order
Rhizosolenialesrank: order
Rhopalodialesrank: order
Surirellalesrank: order
Tabellarialesrank: order
Thalassiophysalesrank: order
Thalassiosiralesrank: order
Chromulinalesrank: order
Ochromonadalesrank: order
Synuralesrank: order
Mischococcalesrank: order
Oscillatorialesrank: order
Synechococcalesrank: order
Klebsormidialesrank: order
Zygnematalesrank: order
Chlamydomonadalesrank: order
Sphaeroplealesrank: order
Tetrasporalesrank: order
Volvocalesrank: order
Pedinomonadalesrank: order
Chlorodendralesrank: order
Pyramimonadalesrank: order
Chlorellalesrank: order
Oocystalesrank: order
Trebouxiophyceae ordo incertae sedisrank: order
Pennalesrank: order
Craspedidarank: order
Euglenidarank: order
Cladonematidaerank: order
Chroococcaceaerank: family
Synechococcaceaerank: family
Nostocaceaerank: family
Oscillatoriaceaerank: family
Rivulariaceaerank: family
Chroococcalesrank: family
Bacillariaceaerank: family
Cryptomonadaceaerank: family
Chroomonadaceaerank: family
Pyrenomonadaceaerank: family
Chrysochromulinaceaerank: family
Ceratiaceaerank: family
Kareniaceaerank: family
Phytodiniaceaerank: family
Glenodiniaceaerank: family
Peridiniaceaerank: family
Borghiellaceaerank: family
Achnanthaceaerank: family
Achnanthidiaceaerank: family
Cocconeidaceaerank: family
Aulacoseiraceaerank: family
Bacillariaceaerank: family
Hemidiscaceaerank: family
Cymbellaceaerank: family
Gomphonemataceaerank: family
Eunotiaceaerank: family
Peroniaceaerank: family
Fragilariaceaerank: family
Mastogloiaceaerank: family
Melosiraceaerank: family
Diploneidaceaerank: family
Naviculaceaerank: family
Neidiaceaerank: family
Pinnulariaceaerank: family
Pleurosigmataceaerank: family
Stauroneidaceaerank: family
Rhizosoleniaceaerank: family
Rhopalodiaceaerank: family
Surirellaceaerank: family
Tabellariaceaerank: family
Catenulaceaerank: family
Skeletonemataceaerank: family
Stephanodiscaceaerank: family
Thalassiosiraceaerank: family
Dinobryaceaerank: family
Chromulinaceaerank: family
Mallomonadaceaerank: family
Pleurochloridaceaerank: family
Ammatoideaceaerank: family
Oscillatoriaceaerank: family
Synechococcaceaerank: family
Elakatotrichaceaerank: family
Closteriaceaerank: family
Desmidiaceaerank: family
Zygnemataceaerank: family
Golenkiniaceaerank: family
Micractiniaceaerank: family
Sphaeropleaceaerank: family
Treubariaceaerank: family
Volvocaceaerank: family
Characiaceaerank: family
Hydrodictyaceaerank: family
Radiococcaceaerank: family
Scenedesmaceaerank: family
Schroederiaceaerank: family
Selenastraceaerank: family
Sphaeropleales incertae sedisrank: family
Sphaerocystidaceaerank: family
Chlamydomonadaceaerank: family
Goniaceaerank: family
Pedinomonadaceaerank: family
Chlorodendraceaerank: family
Pyramimonadaceaerank: family
Chlorellaceaerank: family
Oocystaceaerank: family
Trebouxiophyceae incertae sedisrank: family
Salpingoecaceaerank: family
Euglenaceaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
The data were collected in a single point in the Baixo Sabor reservoir, at a fixed station 1300 m upstream of the dam in the deeper zone of the reservoir.
Bibliographic Citations
Cristina Marinoriginator
position: Coordinator
Labelec - Estudos, Desenvolvimento e Actividades Laboratoriais, S.A. - Área de Ambiente
Rua Cidade de Goa, 4
2685-038 Sacavém
email: Cristina.Marin@edp.pt
Vera Viegas
position: Technician
Labelec - Estudos, Desenvolvimento e Actividades Laboratoriais, S.A. - Área de Ambiente
Rua Cidade de Goa, 4
2685-038 Sacavém
email: Vera.Viegas@edp.pt
Sónia Gonçalves
position: Technician
Labelec - Estudos, Desenvolvimento e Actividades Laboratoriais, S.A. - Área de Ambiente
2685-038 Sacavém
2685-038 Sacavém
email: Sonia.Goncalves@edp.pt
Tiago Múrias
metadata author
position: Researcher
CIBIO-InBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, Universidade do Porto
Campus Agrário de Vairão
4485-661 Vairão
email: tdsantos@cibio.up.pt
João Madeira
administrative point of contact
position: Manager
EDP - Energias de Portugal
Av. 24 de Julho, 12, Torre Nascente, Piso 4
1249-300 Lisboa
email: Joao.Madeira@edp.pt