This project helps implement an improved data mobilization strategy for GBIF Togo. Training activities and hands-on workshops in data collection, management, cleaning and publication strengthen the node's network of stakeholders. Facilitators from the Belgian Biodiversity Platform and Canadensys assist in the training workshops.
The project mobilizes data from previously undigitized botanical and zoological collections in the country and will publish more than 100,000 records in the form of checklists, occurrences and images. Data mobilization focuses on the needs of policy and decision-makers, identified by participants from institutions which participated in GBIF Togo’s first national workshop in 2011.
Project Progress:
Following the initiation of the project, two working session were held at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Resources (MERF) with all the projects' local partners to review the project implementation strategy and a second working event at the University of Lomé attended by 31 participants from 18 Togolese institutions. During these meetings, the project was officially launched in the presence of the local and national press. Moreover, a national network of biodiversity data owners and users was established and data moblization strategies in Togo were defined.
A digital publishing workshop for stakeholders was held in collaboration with the Belgian Biodiversity Platform and Canadensys. After establishing a monitoring group, regular meetings with the GBIF Togo node manager have strengthened partnerships and and will ensure continued mobilization and data publishing between stakeholders.
A data use workshop in December 2017 held at the Lomé campus brought together stakeholders from NGOs, Research Institutes, Ministries and academia with the goal to increase participants' ability to use biodiversity data for data paper writing and publishing. Following up from the workshop, the node team supported participants to improve manuscripts started during the workshop to improve design and develop the metadata for publishing through the IPT. Currently, four manuscripts are in the review stages in multiple scientific journals with a view to publishing in Autumn of 2018 using data from Djamde Wildlife Reserve in Togo: diversity of woody species, Monitoring data of marine turtles on the Togolese coast over 2012-2013 years, Coleoptera of Togo: data of the LEA Insect Collection of the University of Lome and Data from the Lomé Herbarium Database.
The project team have made available training material developed over the course of the program, largely supporting the data publishing workshop. Through the project the team have achieved more than 80,000 records from 48 datasets published by 7 institutions comprising of 25 checklists, 15 occurrences and 5 metadata.