This project inventories data generated from REDD+ pilot projects in Tanzania, to establish the state of the data holdings, the formats that data are held in, and the level of data digitization and access. The information is captured as metadata that TanBIF – the Tanzania Biodiversity Information Facility, will use to prioritize data mobilization. The inventory also helps to engage REDD+ partners in TanBIF activities.
Occurrence records, checklists and sampling-event datasets are mobilized and published through the TanBIF portal and These data will help REDD+ partners identify priority areas for investment in conservation.
Project Progress
Following an inventory of REDD+ data holders, the project team determined that 5 out of 7 REDD+ projects hold relevant biodiversity data. Data include mainly information on tree species.
A "data capture tool" has been developped, and data from 3 relevant REDD+ projects and 7 vegetation types have already been collected. These data are being processed for publishing in TanBIF portal and
The project has had 6 publications through the GBIF website, five occurrence datasets and one checklist. Data on three species and their location (GPS coordinates) were collated for five vegetation types in Tanzania; Miombo woodlands, Acacia woodlands, volcanic mountains, crystalline mountains and coastal forests. The result was a total of 139 miombo woodland tree species, 81 coastal forest species, 95 species from Acacia/Commiphora woodlands, 56 species from evergreen forests on the Eastern Arc crystalline mountains, and 120 species from forests on volcanic mountains. The data holder of the checklist is the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI), and the checklist has a total of 71 tree species (miombo woodland) from Western Tanzania, Kigoma region.
The project convened a two-day IPT-training workshop for holders of biodiversity data from REDD+ projects to enhance publishing. The workshop was held in Morogoro in August 2017 with participants coming from various institutions.