Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857)
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- kingdom
- Animalia
- phylum
- Mollusca
- class
- Bivalvia
- order
- Pectinida
- family
- Pectinidae
- genus
- Mizuhopecten
- species
- Mizuhopecten yessoensis
- Synonyms
- Patinopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857)
- Pecten brandtii Schrenck, 1862
- Pecten yessoensis Jay, 1857
- Placopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857)
- Homonyms
- Mizuhopecten yessoensis (Jay, 1857)
- Common names
- Ezo giant scallop in English
- Japanese weathervane scallop in English
- Japanische Kammmuschel in German
- Japanische Kammuschel in German
- Japanse grote mantel in Dutch
- Large weathervane scallop in English
- Yesso scallop in language.
- Yesso scallop in English
- ezo giant scallop in language.
- giant Ezo scallop in English
- pétoncle du Japon in French
- Приморский гребешок in Russian
- ホタテガイ in Japanese
- Ezo giant scallop in English
- Ezo giant scallop in English
- Japanese weathervane scallop in English
- Japanese weathervane scallop in English
- Japanische Kammmuschel in German
- Japanische Kammmuschel in German
- Japanische Kammuschel in German
- Japanische Kammuschel in German
- Japanse grote mantel in Dutch
- Japanse grote mantel in Dutch
- Large weathervane scallop in English
- Large weathervane scallop in English
- Yesso scallop in English
- Yesso scallop in English
- giant Ezo scallop in English
- giant Ezo scallop in English
- pétoncle du Japon in French
- pétoncle du Japon in French
- Приморский гребешок in Russian
- Приморский гребешок in Russian
- ホタテガイ in Japanese
- ホタテガイ in Japanese
Bibliographic References
- Kafanov A.I. (1986). Systematic and geological history of the subfamily Fortipectininae Masuda, 1963 (Bivalvia, Pectinidae) [= Систематика и геологическая история подсемейства Fortipectininae Masuda, 1963 (Bivalvia, Pectinidae)]. <em>Paleogene-Neogene bivalves of the Far East and Eastern Paratethys: A collection of scientific papers [= Палеоген-неогеновые двустворчатые моллюски Дальнего Востока и Восточного Паратетиса: Сборник научных трудов].</em> Vladivostok: DVNC AN SSSR, pp. 18-45.
- Kafanov A.I. (1986). Systematic and geological history of the subfamily Fortipectininae Masuda, 1963 (Bivalvia, Pectinidae) [= Систематика и геологическая история подсемейства Fortipectininae Masuda, 1963 (Bivalvia, Pectinidae)]. <em>Paleogene-Neogene bivalves of the Far East and Eastern Paratethys: A collection of scientific papers [= Палеоген-неогеновые двустворчатые моллюски Дальнего Востока и Восточного Паратетиса: Сборник научных трудов].</em> Vladivostok: DVNC AN SSSR, pp. 18-45.
- Lutaenko, K.A.; Furota, T.; Nakayama; S.; Shin, K.; Xu, J. (2013). Atlas of Marine Invasive Species in the NOWPAP Region. Beijing: NOWPAP DINRAC (Northwest Pacific Action Plan, Data and Information Network Regional Center). 189 pp.
- Lutaenko, K.A.; Furota, T.; Nakayama; S.; Shin, K.; Xu, J. (2013). Atlas of Marine Invasive Species in the NOWPAP Region. Beijing: NOWPAP DINRAC (Northwest Pacific Action Plan, Data and Information Network Regional Center). 189 pp.