Cynoglossum officinale L.
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- Published in
- L. (1753). In: Sp. Pl.: 134.
- kingdom
- Plantae
- phylum
- Tracheophyta
- class
- Magnoliopsida
- order
- Boraginales
- family
- Boraginaceae
- genus
- Cynoglossum
- species
- Cynoglossum officinale
- Synonyms
- Cynoglossum album Gueldenst.
- Cynoglossum angustifolium E.A.Duchesne
- Cynoglossum angustifolium Steud.
- Cynoglossum bicolor Willd.
- Cynoglossum bracteolatum Opiz
- Cynoglossum castellanum Pau
- Cynoglossum foetens Gilib.
- Cynoglossum hybridum Thuill.
- Cynoglossum nebrodense var. areolatum Boiss.
- Cynoglossum officinale f. bicolor (Willd.) Asch. & Graebn.
- Cynoglossum officinale f. canescens Domin
- Cynoglossum officinale f. concolor (Ducommun) Gams
- Cynoglossum officinale f. hybridum (Thuill.) Brand
- Cynoglossum officinale f. paucisetum (Borbás) Jáv.
- Cynoglossum officinale f. viride Domin
- Cynoglossum officinale subsp. dentatum Lapeyr.
- Cynoglossum officinale subsp. macranthum Opiz
- Cynoglossum officinale subsp. micranthum Opiz
- Cynoglossum officinale subsp. microcarpum Sennen
- Cynoglossum officinale var. albiflorum Opiz
- Homonyms
- Cynoglossum officinale L.
- Cynoglossum officinale Willk.
- Cynoglossum officinale Hook. & Arn., 1833
- Cynoglossum officinale Brot.
- Cynoglossum officinale Desf., 1798
- Common names
- (rohto)koirankieli in Swedish
- (rohto)koirankieli in Finnish
- Almindelig Brombær in Danish
- Common Houndstongue in English
- Common houndstongue in English
- Cynoglosse officinal in French
- Cynoglosse officinal in French
- Cynoglosse officinal in language.
- Cynoglosse officinale in French
- Echte Hundezunge in language.
- Echte Hundszunge in language.
- Echte Hundszunge in German
- Echte Hundszunge in language.
- Echte Hundszunge in German
- Echte Hundszunge in German
- Gebraeuchliche Hundszunge in German
- Gebraeuchliche Hundszunge in German
- Gebräuchliche Hundszunge in language.
- Gemeine Hundszunge in language.
- Gewone hondstong in language.
- Gewöhnliche Hundszunge in German
- Gewöhnliche Hundszunge in German
- Gypsy-flower in English
- Gypsyflower in English
- Gypsyflower in English
- Harilik rass in language.
- Hound's Tongue in English
- Hound's-tongue in English
- Houndstongue in English
- Hundetunge in Danish
- Hundetunge in language.
- Hundetunge in language.
- Hundtunga in language.
- Közönséges ebnyelvufu in language.
- Langue de chien in French
- Langue de chien in French
- Langue-de-chien in language.
- Lengua de perro in language.
- Lingua di cane vellutina in Italian
- Lingua di cane vellutina in Italian
- Lingua-di-cane vellutina in language.
- Læge-Hundetunge in language.
- Læge-hundetunge in Danish
- Læge-hundetunge in Danish
- Norskt björnbär in Swedish
- Nutkahallon in Swedish
- Orvosi ebnyelvufu in language.
- Ostrzen pospolity in language.
- Poimuvatukka in Finnish
- Rats-and-mice in English
Bibliographic References
- Jørgensen PM, Weidemann E, Fremstad E. (2016). Flora Norvegica av JE Gunnerus. På norsk og med kommentarer. ISBN 978-82-8322-077-3. Page: 360. ISBN 978-82-8322-077-3
- Jørgensen PM, Weidemann E, Fremstad E. (2016). Flora Norvegica av JE Gunnerus. På norsk og med kommentarer. ISBN 978-82-8322-077-3. Page: 360. ISBN 978-82-8322-077-3
- Jørgensen PM, Weidemann E, Fremstad E. (2016). Flora Norvegica av JE Gunnerus. På norsk og med kommentarer. ISBN 978-82-8322-077-3. Page: 360. ISBN 978-82-8322-077-3
- Karlsson (2013-09-04 22:00:00) Förteckning över svenska kärlväxter
- Provoost, S.; Bonte, D. (Ed.) (2004). Animated dunes: a view of biodiversity at the Flemish coast [Levende duinen: een overzicht van de biodiversiteit aan de Vlaamse kust]. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud, 22. Instituut voor Natuurbehoud: Brussel, Belgium. ISBN 90-403-0205-7. 416, ill., appendices pp.
- Van der Meijden, R. (2005)