Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm., 1871
- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- Published in
- Führ. Pilzk. (Zerbst): 26
- kingdom
- Fungi
- phylum
- Basidiomycota
- class
- Agaricomycetes
- order
- Agaricales
- family
- Hygrophoraceae
- genus
- Hygrocybe
- Synonyms
- Bertrandia R.Heim
- Godfrinia Maire, 1902
- Hydrophorus Battara ex F.S.Earle, 1909
- Pseudohygrocybe (Bon) Kovalenko
- Homonyms
- Hygrocybe (Fr.) P.Kumm., 1871
- Common names
- Hygrocybes in French
- Vokshat in Danish
- Waxcaps in English
- Waxcaps in English
- waxcaps in language.
- waxcaps in English
- Waxcap Mushrooms in English
- Waxcap Mushrooms in English
- Waxcap Mushrooms in English
- hagvaxingar in Swedish
- balgan-buachair cupa-cèireach in Scottish Gaelic
- fagervokssopper in Nynorsk, Norwegian
- fagervokssopper in Norwegian Bokmål
- hagvaxskivlingar in Swedish
Bibliographic References
- Betancur M. A.; Calderón M. H., Betancourt O. G., Sucerquia A. G. 2007. Hongos macromycetes en dos relictos de bosque húmedo tropical montano bajo de la vereda la cuchilla, Marmato, Caldas. Bol. Cient. Museo de historia natural U. Caldas. 11: 19 – 31.
- Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version).
- Farr, E. R.; Zijlstra, G. (eds). (1996-current). Index Nominum Genericorum (ING). A compilation of generic names published for organisms covered by the ICN: International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants. [previously: organisms covered by the International Code for Botanical Nomenclature] (2007 version).
- He, Zhao, Hyde, Begerow, Kemler, Yurkov, McKenzie, Raspé, Kakashima, Sánchez-Ramírez & Vellinga (2019-12-02 10:14:00) Notes, outline and divergence times of Basidiomycota
- Index Fungorum (May 2009 version).
- Index Fungorum (May 2009 version).
- Index Fungorum (May 2009 version).
- Index Fungorum (May 2009 version).
- Index fungorum
- Internet http://www.humboldt.org.co/diabiodiversidad/hongos.htm. 2 día de la Biodiversidad
- Lodge, D. Jean, Padamsee, Mahajabeen, Matheny, P. Brandon, Aime, M. Catherine, Cantrell, Sharon A., Boertmann, David, Kovalenko, Alexander, Vizzini, Alfredo, Dentinger, Bryn T. M., Kirk, Paul M., Ainsworth, A. Martyn, Moncalvo, Jean-Marc, Vilgalys, Rytas, Larsson, Ellen, Lücking, Robert, Griffith, Gareth W., Smith, Matthew E., Norvell, Lorelei L., Desjardin, Dennis E., Redhead, Scott A., Ovrebo, Clark L., Lickey, Edgar B., Ercole, Enrico, Hughes, Karen W., Courtecuisse, Régis, Young, Anthony, Binder, Manfred, Minnis, Andrew M., Lindner, Daniel L., Ortiz-Santana, Beatriz, Haight, John, Læssøe, Thomas, Baroni, Timothy J., Geml, József & Hattori, Tsutomu (2019-10-09 14:44:00) Molecular phylogeny, morphology, pigment chemistry and ecology in Hygrophoraceae (Agaricales)
- Læssøe & Petersen (2019-10-11 13:04:00) Fungi of Temperate Europe
- López-Q, C., A. Vasco-Palacios, A. Franco-Molano. 2007. Macrohongos de un Bosque de Roble, Quercus humboldtii Bonpl., en la Vereda Contrafuerte, Municipio de Andes (Colombia).
- Montoya, F., Arias, D. & Betancur-Agudelo M. 2005. Contribución Al Conocimiento De Los Hongos Macromicetos Del Resguardo Indigena Nuestra Señora De La Candelaria De La Montaña Riosucio – Caldas Boletín Científico - Centro de Museos -Museo de Historia Natural Vol. 9, enero - diciembre, 2005, pags. 21-32
- Robert, Stegehuis & Stalpers (2015-04-19 22:00:00) The MycoBank engine and related databases.
- SN2000/Shaffer, 1982
- as per family