- Dataset
- GBIF Backbone Taxonomy
- Rank
- kingdom
- Chromista
- phylum
- Oomycota
- class
- Peronosporea
- order
- Peronosporales
- Homonyms
- Peronosporales
- Common names
- Downy Mildew in English
- Downy Mildew in English
Bibliographic References
- Catalogue of Life (1899-12-31 23:00:00) Catalogue of Life: 2008 Annual Checklist
- Dai, Wijayawardene, Zhang, Gao, Hyde, Pem, Thiyagaraja, Dong, Sánchez-García, Goto, Saxena, Erdoğdu, Selçuk, Rajeshkumar, Sruthi, Aptroot, Błaszkowski, Boonyuen, Da Silva, De Souza, Ertz, Haelewaters, Jones, Karunarathna, Tibpromma, Wanasinghe, Kirk, Kukwa, Kumla, Suwannarach, Leontyev, Lumbsch, Maharachchikumbura, Marguno, Martínez-Rodríguez, Mešić, Pošta, Tkalčec, Monteiro, Monteiro, Oehl, Pawłowska, Pfliegler, Phillips, He, Li, Raza, Suetrong, Tedersoo, Tedersoo, Tokarev, Wijesundara, Wimalaseana, Madrid, Sánchez-Castro, Tang, Stadler, Yurkov & Thines (2024-08-13 13:08:54) Outline of Fungi and fungus-like taxa – 2021
- Fischer (2022-08-09 18:48:56) Dr. L. Rabenhorsts Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Band 1, Abtheilung 4: Phycomycetes
- Index Fungorum (2022-02-04 10:49:00) Index Fungorum
- Index fungorum
- Robert, Stegehuis & Stalpers (2024-01-04 12:32:08) The MycoBank engine and related databases
- Roberts, Stegehuis & Stalpers (2022-02-03 14:32:00) The MycoBank engine and related databases
- Ruggiero, Gordon, Orrell, Bailly, Bourgoin, Brusca, Cavalier-Smith, Guiry & Kirk (2016-05-10 22:00:00) A Higher Level Classification of All Living Organisms
- The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew represented by the Mycology Section & al. (2024-01-04 12:38:02) Index Fungorum
- The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew represented by the Mycology Section & al. (2024-01-04 12:38:02) Index Fungorum
- The Royal Botanic Gardens Kew represented by the Mycology Section & al. (2024-01-04 12:38:02) Index Fungorum
- Бекетов (Beketov) (2024-08-20 20:14:24) Курсъ Ботаники (Kurs Botaniki = Course in Botany)