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Basis of record Preserved specimen
Country or area Colombia
Geometry POLYGON((-75.15747 -0.04807,-74.88556 -0.23758,-74.7702 -0.21561,-74.71527 -0.34195,-74.5697 -0.39688,-74.42963 -0.51498,-73.83774 -0.36667,-74.20303 -0.15793,-74.70978 0.21561,-74.73038 0.18951,-75.02838 0.48477,-75.23437 0.59875,-75.30991 0.48615,-75.25573 0.11676,-75.15747 -0.04807))
Has coordinate true
Scientific name Aves
Has geospatial issue false
All must apply
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"value": "212",
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16University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Birds
14Colección de Aves del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-A)
6WFVZ Bird Collections
3LACM Vertebrate Collection
2MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)
1Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University