Data publishing workflow in the GBIF Network (Open webinar)

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29 March 2021
15:00 - 17:00 CEST
Magnolia ekmanii
Magnolia (Magnolia ekmanii) observed in Haiti by Martin Reith. Photo via iNaturalist (CC BY 4.0)

Haiti is placed within the Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot, one of the world’s greatest centers of unique flora and fauna. Currently, there exist large gaps in the biodiversity information available for the country, and over 70% of the records shared through the GBIF network are published by institutions outside Haiti. Promoting data mobilization from institutions within the country is key to increasing availability of information that can be used to plan and carry out in-situ conservation actions.

To increase the capacity of Haitian institutions to share data, the Cayes Botanical Garden of Haiti in collaboration with Mentors from the GBIF community, is organizing a Biodiversity Data Mobilization training workshop, focused on the workflow and tools necessary for sharing biodiversity data through the GBIF network, as well as on key concepts about biodiversity data standards and data quality.

The training will be held mixing virtual and on-site components and will train over 20 people from institutions across the country.

Click to join the webinar here

This event is a part of a series of webinars open to all the community, which will be livestreamed on YouTube. The open webinar topics and dates are:

All webinars will be held at 13:00 UTC, with a duration of 2 hours, and will be in English. To join the webinars, please access the YouTube channel

Organizers: Cayes Botanical Garden, Haiti – VertNet, Argentina – GBIF Argentina
Instructors: Paula Zermoglio (VertNet), Anabela Plos (GBIF Argentina) and William Cinea (Cayes Botanical Garden)

29 March 2021 15:00 - 17:00