Florabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region)
Van Landuyt W, Brosens D (2024). Florabank1 - A grid-based database on vascular plant distribution in the northern part of Belgium (Flanders and the Brussels Capital region). Version 45.27. Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO). Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.12.2849 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-07.Description
Florabank1 is a database that contains distributional data on the wild flora (indigenous species, archeophytes and naturalised aliens) of Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region. It holds about 3 million records of vascular plants, dating from 1800 till present. Furthermore, it includes ecological data on vascular plant species, redlist category information, Ellenberg values, legal status, global distribution, seed bank etc. The database is an initiative of "Flo.Wer" (http://www.plantenwerkgroep.be), the Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO) (http://www.inbo.be) and the National Botanic Garden of Belgium (http://www.br.fgov.be). Florabank aims at centralizing botanical distribution data gathered by both professional and amateur botanists and to make these data available to the benefit of nature conservation, policy and scientific research. The occurrence data contained in Florabank1 are extracted from checklists, literature and herbarium specimen information. Of survey lists, the locality name (verbatimLocality), species name, observation date and IFBL square code - the grid system used for plant mapping in Belgium (Van Rompaey 1943) - are recorded. For records dating from the period 1972–2004 all pertinent botanical journals dealing with Belgian flora were systematically screened. Analysis of herbarium specimens in the collection of the National Botanic Garden of Belgium, the University of Ghent and the University of Liège provided interesting distribution knowledge concerning rare species, this information is also included in Florabank1.
The IFBL data recorded before 1972 is available through the Belgian GBIF node (http://www.gbif.org/dataset/940821c0-3269-11df-855a-b8a03c50a862), not through Florabank1, to avoid duplication of information. A dedicated portal providing access to all currently published Belgian IFBL records is available at: http://projects.biodiversity.be/ifbl.
All data in Florabank1 is georeferenced. Every record holds the decimal centroid coordinates of the > IFBL square containing the observation. The uncertainty radius is the smallest circle possible covering the whole IFBL square, which can measure 1 km² or 4 km². Florabank is a work in progress and new occurrences are added as they become available; the dataset will be updated through GBIF on a regularly base.
The purpose of the Florabank database is the aggregation of occurrences data gathered by volunteers and/or professional botanists in order to make the data available for nature conservation, policy and research.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The purpose of the Florabank database is the aggregation of occurrences data gathered by volunteers and/or professional botanists in order to make the data available for nature conservation, policy and research.Sampling
The spatial coverage of the territory has evolved through time. The data from the period before 1939 pertains mostly to herbarium specimens and reflects only part of the vascular plant composition of the region. From 1939 onwards most observations are collected using a standardized protocol based on the methodology used for the Atlas of the flora of Belgium and Luxemburg (VAN ROMPAEY & DELVOSALLE 1972). The atlas area is covered by a grid of 4 x 4 Km squares, which is further subdivided into 1 x 1 Km squares. All species observed during a visit to a grid cell of 1 km² were recorded without distinguishing between common or rare species. In each 4 x 4 km square, more than one 1 km² squares were surveyed. The inventories dating from the period 1939-1971 fed the Atlas of the flora of Belgium and Luxemburg (VAN ROMPAEY & DELVOSALLE 1972) (figure 2), while those from 1972-2004 served to produce that by VAN LANDUYT et al. (2006) (figure 3). During the first period (figure 2) only one survey of 1km² in each grid of 4 x 4km was required, during the second period we attempted to obtain data from at least four 1 km² grids in each grid of 4x4 km. From 2005 onwards we continued to gather data using the same protocol.Quality Control
All records are validated.Method steps
- All records are validated before they are added to Florabank. The basic reference for quality control is the Belgian atlas (VAN ROMPAEY & DELVOSALLE 1972). New data to be entered into the database are first submitted to a preliminary, automatic control. Observations pertaining to common species which were previously validated to occur in the neighbouring grid cells of 4 x 4 km squares over the last 35 years are automatically validated. Observations of species that are considered rare, or common species that have not been recorded in the neighbouring grid cells since 35 years are subjected to a manual control by experts. If the record concerns a location validated by other sources (e.g. recent herbarium specimens, peer reviewed papers) it is validated by the managers of the database, if not the observers can be asked to provide extra proof of their observation (e.g. herbarium specimens or photographs). Once an observation is validated (automatically or by the database manager) it can be considered for the validation of new observations.
Additional info
To allow anyone to use this dataset, we have released the data to the public domain under a Creative Commons Zero waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/). We would appreciate however, if you read and follow these norms for data use (http://www.inbo.be/en/norms-for-data-use) and provide a link to the original dataset whenever possible. If you use these data for a scientific paper, please cite the dataset following the applicable citation norms and/or consider us for co-authorship. We are always interested to know how you have used or visualized the data, or to provide more information, so please contact us via the contact information provided in the metadata, opendata@inbo.be or https://twitter.com/LifeWatchINBO. Data pertaining to Brussels with occurrences from 2003-2005 is owned by BIM-IBGE. See: http://www.floraofbrussels.be/floraofbrussels/ for more information.Taxonomic Coverages
Tracheophytescommon name: vascular plants rank: phylum
Coniferopsidarank: class
Filicopsidarank: class
Ginkgopsidarank: class
Liliopsidarank: class
Lycopsidarank: class
Magnoliopsidarank: class
Sphenopsidarank: class
Sapindalesrank: order
Sarracenialesrank: order
Saxifragalesrank: order
Scrophularialesrank: order
Thealesrank: order
Thymelaealesrank: order
Urticalesrank: order
Violalesrank: order
Gymnospermaerank: order
Equisetalesrank: order
Pinalesrank: order
Taxalesrank: order
Filicalesrank: order
Marsilealesrank: order
Ophioglossalesrank: order
Osmundalesrank: order
Salvinialesrank: order
Ginkgoalesrank: order
Alismatalesrank: order
Aralesrank: order
Commelinalesrank: order
Cyperalesrank: order
Hydrocharitalesrank: order
Juncalesrank: order
Lilialesrank: order
Najadalesrank: order
Orchidalesrank: order
Poalesrank: order
Pontederialesrank: order
Typhalesrank: order
Typhalesrank: order
Zingiberalesrank: order
Isoetalesrank: order
Lycopodialesrank: order
Selaginellalesrank: order
Apialesrank: order
Aristolochialesrank: order
Asteralesrank: order
Callitrichalesrank: order
Campanulalesrank: order
Capparalesrank: order
Caryophyllalesrank: order
Celastralesrank: order
Cornalesrank: order
Cucurbitalesrank: order
Dipsacalesrank: order
Elaeagnalesrank: order
Ericalesrank: order
Euphorbialesrank: order
Fabalesrank: order
Gentianalesrank: order
Geranialesrank: order
Haloragalesrank: order
Haloragalesrank: order
Hamamelidalesrank: order
Juglandalesrank: order
Lamialesrank: order
Linalesrank: order
Loganialesrank: order
Magnolialesrank: order
Malvalesrank: order
Myricalesrank: order
Myrtalesrank: order
Nymphaealesrank: order
Olealesrank: order
Paeonialesrank: order
Papaveralesrank: order
Piperalesrank: order
Plantaginalesrank: order
Plumbaginalesrank: order
Polemonialesrank: order
Polygalalesrank: order
Polygonalesrank: order
Primulalesrank: order
Ranunculalesrank: order
Rhamnalesrank: order
Rosalesrank: order
Rubialesrank: order
Rutalesrank: order
Salicalesrank: order
Santalalesrank: order
Araucariaceaerank: family
Cupressaceaerank: family
Pinaceaerank: family
Taxodiaceaerank: family
Taxaceaerank: family
Adiantaceaerank: family
Aspleniaceaerank: family
Blechnaceaerank: family
Dennstaedtiaceaerank: family
Dryopteridaceaerank: family
Hymenophyllaceaerank: family
Polypodiaceaerank: family
Thelypteridaceaerank: family
Woodsiaceaerank: family
Marsileaceaerank: family
Ophioglossaceaerank: family
Osmundaceaerank: family
Azollaceaerank: family
Salviniaceaerank: family
Ginkgoaceaerank: family
Alismataceaerank: family
Butomaceaerank: family
Araceaerank: family
Lemnaceaerank: family
Commelinaceaerank: family
Cyperaceaerank: family
Hydrocharitaceaerank: family
Juncaceaerank: family
Agavaceaerank: family
Alliaceaerank: family
Amaryllidaceaerank: family
Dioscoreaceaerank: family
Iridaceaerank: family
Liliaceaerank: family
Aponogetonaceaerank: family
Juncaginaceaerank: family
Najadaceaerank: family
Potamogetonaceaerank: family
Ruppiaceaerank: family
Scheuchzeriaceaerank: family
Zannichelliaceaerank: family
Zosteraceaerank: family
Orchidaceaerank: family
Poaceaerank: family
Pontederiaceaerank: family
Sparganiaceaerank: family
Typhaceaerank: family
Cannaceaerank: family
Isoetaceaerank: family
Lycopodiaceaerank: family
Selaginellaceaerank: family
Apiaceaerank: family
Araliaceaerank: family
Aristolochiaceaerank: family
Asteraceaerank: family
Callitrichaceaerank: family
Campanulaceaerank: family
Lobeliaceaerank: family
Brassicaceaerank: family
Capparaceaerank: family
Resedaceaerank: family
Aizoaceaerank: family
Amaranthaceaerank: family
Caryophyllaceaerank: family
Chenopodiaceaerank: family
Molluginaceaerank: family
Nyctaginaceaerank: family
Phytolaccaceaerank: family
Portulacaceaerank: family
Aquifoliaceaerank: family
Celastraceaerank: family
Cornaceaerank: family
Cucurbitaceaerank: family
Adoxaceaerank: family
Caprifoliaceaerank: family
Dipsacaceaerank: family
Valerianaceaerank: family
Elaeagnaceaerank: family
Actinidiaceaerank: family
Clethraceaerank: family
Empetraceaerank: family
Ericaceaerank: family
Monotropaceaerank: family
Pyrolaceaerank: family
Buxaceaerank: family
Euphorbiaceaerank: family
Caesalpiniaceaerank: family
Fabaceaerank: family
Betulaceaerank: family
Fagaceaerank: family
Apocynaceaerank: family
Asclepiadaceaerank: family
Gentianaceaerank: family
Balsaminaceaerank: family
Geraniaceaerank: family
Limnanthaceaerank: family
Oxalidaceaerank: family
Tropaeolaceaerank: family
Gunneraceaerank: family
Haloragaceaerank: family
Hippuridaceaerank: family
Hamamelidaceaerank: family
Platanaceaerank: family
Juglandaceaerank: family
Boraginaceaerank: family
Lamiaceaerank: family
Verbenaceaerank: family
Linaceaerank: family
Buddlejaceaerank: family
Calycanthaceaerank: family
Magnoliaceaerank: family
Malvaceaerank: family
Tiliaceaerank: family
Myricaceaerank: family
Lythraceaerank: family
Onagraceaerank: family
Trapaceaerank: family
Cabombaceaerank: family
Ceratophyllaceaerank: family
Nymphaeaceaerank: family
Oleaceaerank: family
Paeoniaceaerank: family
Fumariaceaerank: family
Papaveraceaerank: family
Saururaceaerank: family
Plantaginaceaerank: family
Plumbaginaceaerank: family
Convolvulaceaerank: family
Cuscutaceaerank: family
Hydrophyllaceaerank: family
Menyanthaceaerank: family
Polemoniaceaerank: family
Solanaceaerank: family
Polygalaceaerank: family
Polygonaceaerank: family
Primulaceaerank: family
Berberidaceaerank: family
Menispermaceaerank: family
Ranunculaceaerank: family
Rhamnaceaerank: family
Vitaceaerank: family
Amygdalaceaerank: family
Malaceaerank: family
Rosaceaerank: family
Rubiaceaerank: family
Anacardiaceaerank: family
Rutaceaerank: family
Simaroubaceaerank: family
Zygophyllaceaerank: family
Salicaceaerank: family
Loranthaceaerank: family
Santalaceaerank: family
Aceraceaerank: family
Hippocastanaceaerank: family
Sapindaceaerank: family
Staphyleaceaerank: family
Droseraceaerank: family
Crassulaceaerank: family
Grossulariaceaerank: family
Hydrangeaceaerank: family
Saxifragaceaerank: family
Bignoniaceaerank: family
Globulariaceaerank: family
Lentibulariaceaerank: family
Martyniaceaerank: family
Orobanchaceaerank: family
Pedaliaceaerank: family
Scrophulariaceaerank: family
Elatinaceaerank: family
Hypericaceaerank: family
Thymelaeaceaerank: family
Cannabaceaerank: family
Moraceaerank: family
Ulmaceaerank: family
Urticaceaerank: family
Begoniaceaerank: family
Cistaceaerank: family
Frankeniaceaerank: family
Loasaceaerank: family
Passifloraceaerank: family
Tamaricaceaerank: family
Violaceaerank: family
Ephedraceaerank: family
Equisetaceaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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Wouter Van Landuytoriginator
position: Researcher
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Kliniekstraat 25
Brussels Capital Region
email: wouter.vanlanduyt@inbo.be
Dimitri Brosens
metadata author
position: Data liaison officer
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Kliniekstraat 25
Brussels Capital Region
email: dimitri.brosens@inbo.be
homepage: http://www.biodiversity.be
Wouter Van Landuyt
point of contact
position: Researcher
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Kliniekstraat 25
Brussels Capital Region
email: wouter.vanlanduyt@inbo.be
Wouter Van Landuyt
position: Researcher
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Kliniekstraat 25
Brussels Capital Region
Telephone: 0032 (0) 2 525 02 96
email: wouter.vanlanduyt@inbo.be
Leo Vanhecke
position: Researcher
National Botanic Garden Belgium (NBGB)
Bouchout Domain, Nieuwelaan 38
Flemish Brabant
email: leo.vanhecke@br.fgov.be
Brussels Environment (BIM/IBGE)
Gulledelle 100
Brussels Capital Region
homepage: http://www.ibgebim.be
Dimitri Brosens
position: Data liaison officer
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Kliniekstraat 25
Brussels Capital Region
email: dimitri.brosens@inbo.be
homepage: http://www.biodiversity.be
Wouter Van Landuyt
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)
Kliniekstraat 25
Brussels Capital Region
email: wouter.vanlanduyt@inbo.be