DIVA-GIS is a free and open source geographic information system (GIS) to make maps of species distribution data and analyze these data. DIVA-GIS was specifically developed at CIP for use with genebank data such as available through national or international genebank documentation systems and SINGER. It consists many useful tools such as Grid Calculator (multiplying, adding rasters), Neighbourhood ( changing raster resolution) and Georeference Image. DIVA-GIS also has an Ecological Niche Modeling tool which can be used to predictive modeling ( it uses Bioclim and Domain algorithms). From DIVA-GIS desktop one can directly connect to DIVA-GIS Free GIS Data site and download climate grids, DEM, sattelite images or country level data.
DIVA-GIS is a free and open source geographic information system (GIS) to make maps of species distribution data and analyze these data. It can be used to increase biodiversity data quality through specific features such as outlier detection and reverse jackknifing algorithms.