Suggest a dataset

Not finding the data you're looking for? Know about datasets you'd expect to see here?

The GBIF network actively strives to fill gaps in the open-access biodiversity data we provide (it's part of our current strategic plan, in fact). Users of our tools and services often have expert knowledge about given regions or taxa/species. We welcome your help in identifying other data sources capable of improving the quality, transparency and reproducibility of scientific research and policy supported by GBIF.

Share what you know about datasets you'd like us to consider adding. Only the first four fields (name, link, region and taxon) are required; all others are optional. In keeping with our commitment to openness, your submission will appear as a GitHub issue, where you and other interested in increasing open access to biodiversity data can follow and add to it.

For our part, we will work with our network of members and publishers to contact the data holders and explore their interest in publishing their data through