Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan institute of the Gene pool of plants and Animals
- GBIF publisher since
- 19 January 2016
The Institute carries out research in the following areas: flora, plant systematics; anatomy, morphology, cytoembryology, physiology, biochemistry of plants; mycology, and phycology Hydrobotany; geobotany and ecology of plants; introduction and acclimatization of plants phytomelioration; Parasitology, Helminthology; entomology; Hydrobiology and Ichthyology; theriology, ornithology and herpetology. The priority research areas are: Analysis and evaluation of the gene pool of flora and fauna of Uzbekistan, development of feasibility studies for the creation of a network of key botanical and zoological areas. Expanding the application of the theoretical foundations of introduction and acclimatization inorayonnyh plants, creating a genetic bank of rare, endangered and endemic species of flora and fauna of Uzbekistan. Assessment of current state of arid ecosystems, the study of structural and functional characteristics under the influence of anthropogenic factors, and desertification. Developing ways to sustainable use of arid ecosystems as the main rangelands in Uzbekistan Development and application of a unified program of monitoring, the formation of national databases. Regular carrying out of inventory of research on the flora and fauna of Uzbekistan. Development of modern methods and means of prevention of parasitic diseases of farm animals, the creation of integrated pest management practices of major crops and biological factors structures. Inventory of invasive flora and fauna of Uzbekistan, the identification of pathways species, assess their impact on native biodiversity. The development of measures to manage pathways of invasive species in order to prevent their introduction and establishment. The study of structural and functional organization of aquatic communities and ecology of aquatic organisms and their populations in order to develop the scientific foundations of protection, reproduction and sustainable use of fisheries resources, principles and methods of increasing the productivity of ecosystems, fishing ponds and enrich the diversity of aquatic organisms.Contacts
Telephone: +998-903740267
Farxod Karimov
Telephone: +998-903740267
Farxod Karimov
Telephone: +998-903740267
Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan institute of the Gene pool of plants and Animals
Tashkent city, Yunusobod district, st. Bagishamol, 232.