Victorian National Parks Association
- GBIF publisher since
- 25 September 2019
The [Victorian National Parks Association][1] is the leading voice for nature conservation in Victoria. We help shape the agenda for creating and managing national parks, conservation reserves and other important natural areas across land and sea in Victoria. We work with all levels of government, the scientific community and the general community to achieve long term, best practice environmental outcomes. The VNPA also has Victoria?s largest bushwalking club and provides a range of information, education and activity programs to encourage Victorian?s to get active for nature. We coordinate two Victorian [citizen science programs][2], NatureWatch and Reef Watch. NatureWatch is a community-based biodiversity monitoring program which provides input to park management and planning. Reef Watch is a community-led marine monitoring program, which includes the annual Great Victorian Fish Count. [1]: "VNPA website" [2]: "VNPA citizen science"Contacts
Victorian National Parks AssociationAU