CeDoc of Plant Biodiversity (CeDocBIV), Univ. Barcelona
- GBIF publisher since
- 9 July 2013
The UB’s herbarium, which is known worldwide by the acronym BCN, houses more than 400,000 specimens, with a broad representation of all the major plant groups: algae, bryophytes, cormophytes, fungi and lichens. It also houses important historical collections from the nineteenth century and specialized collections, such as a collection of fruits and seeds, an ethnobotany collection and a teaching herbarium. It is one of the oldest and most diverse herbaria on the Iberian Peninsula. The herbarium is continuously growing, thanks to the research activity of UB researchers in the area of plant biodiversity and to donations and exchanges with other herbaria worldwide. The current herbarium BCN was created through a merger of the former herbarium of the Faculty of Sciences (BCC) and the herbarium of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Science (BCF).Contacts
Telephone: +34 93 403 70 19
email: cedocbiv@ub.edu
CeDoc of Plant Biodiversity (CeDocBIV), Univ. Barcelona
Baldiri Reixac, 2 2ª planta
email: cedocbiv@ub.edu