Denezhkin Kamen Federal Nature Preserve
- GBIF publisher since
- 26 July 2018
Federal Nature Preserve "Denezhkin Kamen" is one of the 101 preserves of the Russian Federal System of Nature Protection Areas. Zapovednik "Denezhkin Kamen" is located in the Northern Ural geographical region of the Main Ural Mountain Ridge and is situated 40 km to the northwest of the town of Severouralsk, Russia. Its most southern point is located at 60º20” northern latitude, and its most northern point at 60º50” northern latitude. The average longitude is 59º30”. The frontier position of the “Denezhkin Kamen” zapovednik between Europe and Asia; as well as between northern and middle taiga regions, makes it unique among the Ural Preserves. The total area of the preserve has varied over time. When it was first created in 1946, zapovednik “Denezhkin Kamen” encompassed an area of 121,800. In 1951, the area of the zapovednik was reduced to 35,349 ha, but was later expanded up to 146,719 ha in 1959. During the 1960’s the government began eliminating zapovedniks and in 1961 zapovednik “Denezhkin Kamen” was liquidated. During this period, the territory was managed by a federal forestry organization that harvested timber (over 1% of the area) and permitted hunting, as well as well as berry and pine-nut harvesting. In 1991, zapovednik “Denezhkin Kamen” was reestablished and currently covers a total area of 80 000 ha. Geographically, the territory of the zapovednik is located in the North-Ural province of the Ural Mountain region, central zone. Geobotanically, it is located in the Northern Taiga zone. The climate is continental, with long cold winters and short summers of moderate warmth. Stable snow cover is in place for 6-7 months.Contacts
POINT_OF_CONTACTNadezhda Vladimirova
Telephone: +79506542694
Denezhkin Kamen Federal Nature Preserve
Lenina str. 6 Sverdlovskaya oblast
Sverdlovskaya oblast