To help prepare for the 2016 calls for proposals under the Biodiversity Information for Development (BID) programme, GBIF has released surveys seeking input from data holders and decision makers in the Pacific Islands—two stakeholder groups critical to the programme’s long-term success.
Data holders need resources and incentives to distribute the many types of information that they steward. Available in English and French, this survey seeks to understand the financial or technical challenges that data holders in the Pacific Islands face in sharing data and its use in research and policy.
Decision makers depend on high-quality biodiversity information to support planning and policy and to encourage world-class research. The second survey (also available in English and French versions) seeks insights into how well the information needs of decision makers in the Pacific Islands are currently served.
We invite those interested in responding to take the 12- and 13-question, 20-minute surveys, and also to share them with their contacts and networks. Wider distribution will help us gain a deeper, more practical understanding of how BID can best support data mobilization and use across the Pacific.
Those respondents who may lack sufficiently reliable Internet connectivity may download and fill out 'offline' versions of the appropriate survey in Microsoft Word:
GBIF expects to issue a call for proposals led by organizations from the ACP countries in the Pacific Islands in late August or early September 2016. Potential grantseekers can sign up to receive updates via email or visit the BID grantseekers’ site for more information as it becomes available.
This programme is funded by the European Union.
Aerial view of Kadavu Island, Fiji. 2014 CC BY-NC Nick Hobgood