Six GBIF nodes meet on developing national biodiversity data portals

Software developers from the GBIF nodes in Argentina, Brazil, France, Portugal, Spain and Australia met at the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, Spain in October, to move forward on the development of national biodiversity portals.

Software developers from the GBIF nodes in Argentina, Brazil, France, Portugal, Spain and Australia met at the Royal Botanical Garden in Madrid, Spain in October, to move forward on the development of national biodiversity portals based on the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) site. The emphasis of the meeting was on developing species and geospatial modules for the portals.

The meeting, organized by GBIF Spain, was the second of the CoopBioPlat working group, set up to build a common platform to serve biodiversity information at the national level. The working group is funded by the European Commission.

At the meeting, progress was also made towards the translation of key technical documentation and web user-interface of the ALA portal into French, Portuguese and Spanish. This activity is part of the Encounter Bay project, which was one of six projects to receive GBIF support in 2015.

Watch: GBIF nodes staff talk about progress in adapting the ALA portal at the meeting.