GBIF France has launched the Atlas of Living France, a new data portal providing access to more than 17 million biodiversity data records published by French institutions.
The launch coincided with the meeting of the GBIF France Steering Committee.
The website, which allows users to explore occurrence records and metadata, uses open-source code developed by GBIF’s Australian Participant, the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA). The new French atlas is the second national portal developed with the ALA’s tools, coming on the heels of GBIF Spain’s release last year.
“The workshops held by the ALA in Canberra and Paris were really helpful in getting an understanding of the architecture of the portal," said Marie-Elise Lecoq from GBIF France.
“Feedback from GBIF Spain about the development of their site made my work easier," she added. Front-end development of the portal took three months. The portal imports its 17 million records via the GBIF API.
GBIF France expects to develop a mapping tool for published records, also based on ALA software, as the next stage of development.
A GBIF capacity enhancement project later this year will enlist Belgium, France, Spain and Portugal to translate tools and documentation for adapting ALA tools into French, Spanish and Portuguese.
For more information and feedback, please contact the GBIF France development team.