The GBIF Secretariat is inviting Participants to apply for co-funding of projects designed to address capacity needs throughout the network.
The call encourages projects that facilitate knowledge transfer and collaboration at the regional and global levels, such as mentoring activities and regional training support, as well as actions to increase awareness of GBIF and to produce documentation supporting the work of sharing and using biodiversity data.
Applicants may align their proposals with the 2014 components of the GBIF 2014-2016 work programme. Although linkages to all work programme items are encouraged, the two main recommended areas for alignment are addressing data quality issues and identification of content mobilization priorities.
A total of €40,000 is available for the programme, with a maximum of €20,000 for any single project.
Proposals are to be submitted in a two-stage process, and the deadline for the submission of initial concept notes is 26 May 2014.
The Capacity Enhancement Programme combines a number of programmes operated separately in previous years, including those on mentoring and regional training support. It is a component of a new GBIF capacity enhancement strategy, currently under development. A development plan, released together with this call, provides the relevant context for applicants to consider when preparing proposals.
For more information:
Mélianie Raymond
Alberto González Talaván
GBIF Secretariat