BID Project activities launch workshop

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27 July 2016
10:00 - 16:00 CEST
BID activities launch workshop

This workshop aims to inform representatives from relevant national institutions of the activities and desirable outcomes planned by Gabon national project funded under the BID programme.

4 presentations will be made:

  • Detailed description of Gabon national project's goals and objectives and GBIF

  • Botanical Research and Herbarium Management System (BRAHMS): Genese of the dataset and data analysis

  • Presentation of the Research Autorisation Dataset as sources of information

  • Presentation of the Agence Nationale des Parcs Nationaux (ANPE) library

Following the presentations, 2 roundtable sessions on Data Mobilization Strategies and Dataset Hosting Institutions will be organized.

Herbier National du Gabon
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27 July 2016 10:00 - 16:00