Webinar GBIF.es: "Skills on collections: best practices, training and coordination" (in Spanish only)

Webinar GBIF.ES: «Skills on collections: best practices, training and coordination» Add to calendar
20 January 2022
15:30 - 17:00 CET

In order to address the demand for dissemination and training about biodiversity data use and data publication, we are launching a programme of webinars around this topic, a friendly and feasible format in these pandemic times.

The 2021-year's webinars were focused on natural history collections, an essential source of biodiversity data. The last webinar of this series is called "Skills on collections: best practices, training and coordination" and it was supposed to be held at the end of 2021. However, due to logistic issues, this webinar has been reprogrammed to January 20th, at 15.30 (Madrid time) through the Zoom platform and will last approximately 90 minutes.

The number of participants through the ZOOM platform is limited, so transmission will also be available through the GBIF Spain YouTube channel.

More information can be found here

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20 January 2022 15:30 - 17:00