Digitization of biological collections

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5 - 7 July 2006
15:15 - 15:15 CEST

This event was organized during the mentoring project between Spain and Portugal and aimed to gather the maximum number of potential data providers from Portugal. It was attended by more than 50 participants from institutions all around Portugal. The contents of the workshop were:

  • General information about GBIF

  • Portuguese participation in GBIF

  • The Spanish experience in GBIF

  • The German experience in GBIF

  • GBIF technologies

  • Biodiversity data digitization

  • The point of view of data providers from the three thematic areas: zoological, botanical and microbiological

  • Natural history collections survey for Portugal

  • Intellectual propriety rights and data sharing

University of Minho (Braga - Portugal)
5 July 2006 15:15 - 7 July 2006 15:15