2008 GBIF Africa Regional Nodes Meeting

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2 November 2008

The regional meeting in Africa will discuss the work programme of GBIF for the next two years and will emphasize on the aspects most important for the region. The key objective of this meeting is to assure that the work programme meets the needs of the region and to clarify what those needs are exactly. In a two day training session Node managers will get the opportunity to gain key qualifications to support the start and/or implementation of a sustainable biodiversity information network at national/regional/thematic level. In a joint session with Nodes of other regions opportunities to facilitate collaborations, such as mentoring activities at regional and global level will be addressed. The future plans for GBIF’s Capacity Enhancement Programme for Developing Countries (CEPDEC) will be discussed and the CEPDEC Pilot project in Tanzania will be presented.
This event is kindly hosted by the Tanzanian Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) as the Secretariat of the Tanzania Biodiversity Information Facility (TanBIF), (www.tanbif.or.tz)

Arusha International Conference Centre, Tanzania
Country or area
Tanzania, United Republic of
2 November 2008