Biodiversity data publishing in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas: platform, prospect and progress

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23 - 24 August 2012
Biodiversity data publishing in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas: platform, prospect and progress

This training brought new potential partners from the non-member countries of GBIF and oriented them about GBIF Biodiversity informatics platform and information networks. It also provided some of the GBIF member countries from Asia the opportunity to share their experiences and motivate the non-node members to become part of this global biodiversity information network, and contribute to biodiversity data publishing from the region. The training was intended to provide the participants a broad array of the opportunities provided by the GBIF platform with the first-hand experience of publishing data using the Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT). The orientation will also address the incentivising data publishing, making data publishing a demand driven process and will also bring awareness of the use and applicability of published data through their interactions with GBIF and GMBA professionals.

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
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23 - 24 August 2012