Full day symposium on national and international initiatives and projects related to DiSSCo and GBIF
Discussion on creating a cross-sectoral platform to coordinate Norwegian participation in national and international infrastructure projects in biodiversity.
We plan to provide video-streaming for remote participants to attend. More information will be provided on how to access the video-stream here before the seminar. Participants will be asked for consent to the video-streaming and recording during the registration at arrival. If not all participants agree, the video will only show the presenter and the screen up in the front.
Program topics
- 09:00 Registration and coffee
- 10:00 Welcome to the seminar
- GBIF - Global Biodiversity Information Facility (Mélianie Raymond, GBIF Secretariat)
- DiSSCo - Distributed System of Scientific Collections (Dimitris Koureas and Ana Casino, DiSSCo Coordination Office)
- Swedish Biodiversity Data Infrastructure (SBDI) - BioAtlas.se, Swedish
- LifeWatch (Anders Telenius, Swedish Museum of Natural History)
- Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF) - LAIJ.fi
- Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility (NLBIF) (Niels Raes, Naturalis)
- Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC)
- Living Norway Ecological Data Network (Erlend Nilsen, NINA)
- Living Atlases Community - Collection Portals
- 16:00 Closing of the seminar