Seminar: Biodiversity – from knowledge to policy?

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7 February 2018
14:30 - 00:00 CET

This symposium hosted by NTNU Sustainability and the Norwegian Environment Agency features leading speakers sharing their insights on challenges and opportunities for developing knowledge and formulating policy for the sustainable governance of biodiversity:

WATCH: YouTube livestream / recording


14.30 Gunnar Bovim, Rector, NTNU
14.35 Ellen Hambro, Director General, Norwegian Environment Agency
14.45 Sir Robert Watson, Chair, IPBES
15.30 Donald Hobern, Executive Secretary, GBIF
16.15 Norunn Sæther Myklebust, Managing Director, NINA
16.30 Francesco Cherubini, Industrial Ecology Programme, NTNU
16.45 Bernt-Erik Sæther, Managing Director, Centre for Biodiversity Dynamics, NTNU
17.00 Panel
17.30 Closing

Programme (in Norwegian)

NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet
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7 February 2018 14:30 - 00:00