Biodiversity Information Management Forum (BIMF), 2020

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8 - 9 December 2020
John Chipeta from Museums of Malawi, at Biodiversity Information Management Forum (BIMF), 2020. Photo by Zacheous Kantchowa licensed under <a href="">CC BY 4.0</a>

Organized by the National Commission for Science and Technology (NCST) and as part of the CESP project Mobilizing endemic and economically useful species data for policy and protection this third Biodiversity Information Management Forum (BIMF) was held with the theme “Biodiversity data for national processes, species, Red lists and KBA Assessments”.

The forum attracted several stakeholders from government institutions, non-governmental organizations and private sectors and provided a platform for biodiversity data holding institutions (researchers) and biodiversity data users to meet and discuss best management of Biodiversity data in order to contribute to sustainable development in the country.

Attendees at the event included for example; MSc students and staff from academic institutions, journalists from different media houses, Environmental Affairs Department (EAD), National Herbarium and Botanic Gardens of Malawi, Wildlife and Environmental Society of Malawi, Malawi University of Science and Technology, SANBI (virtually), and the Forestry Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM).

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8 - 9 December 2020