GBIF Community webinar: framing the 2020 virtual regional meetings

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28 April 2020
15:00 - 16:00 CEST

This webinar provided updates from the Nodes Committee and the GBIF Secretariat as background for regional discussions in the 2020 virtual regional meetings:

15:00 - Introducing the 2020 virtual regional meetings—André Heughebaert, Nodes Committee Chair
15:05 - Updates on GBIF planning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic—Joe Miller
15:10 - Status of plans for virtual regional meetings —Mélianie Raymond
15:20 - Regional statistics on GBIF data mobilization—John Waller
15:35 - Informatics update—Federico Mendez
15:45 - Update on projects and participation—Tim Hirsch
16:00 - End

The webinar was be recorded and the video can be found at

28 April 2020 15:00 - 16:00