Asia Virtual Nodes Meeting 2020

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17 July 2020
09:00 - 11:00 CEST

This virtual meeting for node managers in the Asian region will take place on Zoom on 17 July 2020 and is expected to last two hours.

The meeting aims to engage GBIF node managers from the region in discussions on:
a) Progress towards the aims described in the Nodes Strategy 2020-2021
b) Strengthening regional engagement and participation in GBIF through BIFA, CESP and other outreach actions
c) Development of a regional engagement strategy

Attendees are welcome to sign in to the meeting 30 minutes before the official start to check that the audio/video is working.

Node Managers and their teams are invited to participate in the GBIF Asia virtual summit that will take place on Zoom on 20 July.

Virtual (by invitation only)
17 July 2020 09:00 - 11:00