Diversidad y análisis de la distribución geográfica del suborden Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) en el estado de Oaxaca: Fase III: región de Huatulco
Llorente Bousquets J, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2021). Diversidad y análisis de la distribución geográfica del suborden Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) en el estado de Oaxaca: Fase III: región de Huatulco. Version 1.4. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/dds7wa accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-14.Description
Los objetivos y metas de este proyecto se orientan al análisis de los patrones de distribución geográfica de los ropalóceros mexicanos, en especial en el estado de Oaxaca. Con este fin, se han estado desarrollando desde 2005 estudios faunísticos en áreas poco exploradas o inexploradas del Estado, con el objetivo de describir taxones nuevos e incrementar la representación geográfica de las especies y el número de ejemplares de la colección de Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) del Museo de Zoología "Alfonso L. Herrera" (la cual es la de mayor representación a nivel nacional). Todo ello incorporado en la base de datos MARIPOSA (la mayor base curatorial en un grupo de artrópodos a nivel continental), pero sobre todo el reconocimiento geográfico de este taxón en Oaxaca. Se pretende seguir avanzando y conseguir los resultados concomitantes: 1. Estudios faunísticos locales y regionales fundamentados en una metodología sistemática rigurosa, y 2. Monografías de taxones de México. En este caso se espera que Oaxaca contendrá entre el 60 y 65% de los taxones de ropalóceros de México y, por lo tanto, que se acerque en riqueza al estado de Chiapas, que hasta ahora es el de mayor diversidad ropalocerológica de México. Con base en los objetivos del proyecto central, se ha dividido en varias fases debido a su magnitud y al esfuerzo de recolecta que conlleva un inventario faunístico. Este proyecto en sus diferentes fases, ha sido financiado por la CONABIO, el CONACyT, DGAPA-UNAM (Papiit y Papime) y la Facultad de Ciencias. De esta forma se ha dividido en: a) Estudio Lepidopterofaunístico en la Reserva de la Biosfera Tehuacán-Cuicatlán, Oaxaca-Puebla (CONABIO), b) Diversidad y análisis de la distribución geográfica del suborden Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) en el estado de Oaxaca: Fase I. Región Loxicha, Sierra Madre del Sur (Papiit, Papime y CONACyT a término), c) Fase II. Sierra Mixe (Sierra Madre Oriental) (Papiit, Papime y CONACyT, en proceso). Los registros de los ejemplares de la Región Loxicha están siendo curados con apoyo de los recursos del proyecto HA015 de CONABIO.
Reino: 1 Filo: 1 Clase: 1 Orden: 1 Familia: 7 Género: 165 Especie: 94 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 213
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Insectarank: class
Lepidopterarank: order
Pieridaerank: family
Nymphalidaerank: family
Hesperiidaerank: family
Lycaenidaerank: family
Riodinidaerank: family
Papilionidaerank: family
Erebidaerank: family
Pyrisitiarank: genus
Dynaminerank: genus
Hamadryasrank: genus
Memphisrank: genus
Eueidesrank: genus
Oleriarank: genus
Graisrank: genus
Anartiarank: genus
Phyciodesrank: genus
Smyrnarank: genus
Cupidorank: genus
Euptoietarank: genus
Adelpharank: genus
Anterosrank: genus
Pyrgusrank: genus
Nicarank: genus
Euremarank: genus
Eresiarank: genus
Emesisrank: genus
Kricogoniarank: genus
Danausrank: genus
Cissiarank: genus
Microtiarank: genus
Ganyrarank: genus
Chlosynerank: genus
Glutophrissarank: genus
Anthanassarank: genus
Heliconiusrank: genus
Archaeopreponarank: genus
Consulrank: genus
Eunicarank: genus
Bolboneurarank: genus
Protesilausrank: genus
Eurybiarank: genus
Hypnarank: genus
Opsiphanesrank: genus
Zaretisrank: genus
Callimormusrank: genus
Gyrocheilusrank: genus
Mesosemiarank: genus
Hypophyllarank: genus
Urbanusrank: genus
Mysoriarank: genus
Euptychiarank: genus
Hemiargusrank: genus
Siproetarank: genus
Morphorank: genus
Fountainearank: genus
Melanisrank: genus
Celastrinarank: genus
Dryasrank: genus
Anaearank: genus
Leptotesrank: genus
Vettiusrank: genus
Agyllarank: genus
Lycorearank: genus
Phoebisrank: genus
Copaeodesrank: genus
Preponarank: genus
Cariarank: genus
Marpesiarank: genus
Aphrissarank: genus
Spathilepiarank: genus
Nymphalisrank: genus
Caligorank: genus
Taygetisrank: genus
Protographiumrank: genus
Mysceliarank: genus
Coloburarank: genus
Tegosarank: genus
Temenisrank: genus
Mechanitisrank: genus
Antigonusrank: genus
Hypanartiarank: genus
Typhedanusrank: genus
Hermeuptychiarank: genus
Heraclidesrank: genus
Zopyrionrank: genus
Astraptesrank: genus
Pyrrhogyrarank: genus
Pterourusrank: genus
Biblisrank: genus
Sideronerank: genus
Dionerank: genus
Asciarank: genus
Castiliarank: genus
Gretarank: genus
Polygonusrank: genus
Celaenorrhinusrank: genus
Pieriballiarank: genus
Prestoniarank: genus
Anteosrank: genus
Lamphiotesrank: genus
Callicorerank: genus
Tithorearank: genus
Historisrank: genus
Mesenerank: genus
Rhabdodryasrank: genus
Lasaiarank: genus
Meleterank: genus
Synargisrank: genus
Chioidesrank: genus
Nathalisrank: genus
Asterocamparank: genus
Doxocoparank: genus
Melinaearank: genus
Itaballiarank: genus
Paramacerarank: genus
Nothemerank: genus
Battusrank: genus
Achlyodesrank: genus
Papiliorank: genus
Junoniarank: genus
Paridesrank: genus
Epiphilerank: genus
Altinoterank: genus
Aeriarank: genus
Pteronymiarank: genus
Theoperank: genus
Leptophobiarank: genus
Libytheanarank: genus
Calydnarank: genus
Catonephelerank: genus
Ocybarank: genus
Hesperocharisrank: genus
Catastictarank: genus
Mimoidesrank: genus
Staphylusrank: genus
Zerenerank: genus
Cabaresrank: genus
Calpodesrank: genus
Baroniarank: genus
Zariaspesrank: genus
Apodemiarank: genus
Gorgythionrank: genus
Rhetusrank: genus
Thisberank: genus
Vanessarank: genus
Atarnesrank: genus
Diaethriarank: genus
Timocharesrank: genus
Agraulisrank: genus
Proteidesrank: genus
Echinargusrank: genus
Eumaeusrank: genus
Dryadularank: genus
Thereusrank: genus
Dismorphiarank: genus
Agunarank: genus
Mestrarank: genus
Nisoniadesrank: genus
Cyclogrammarank: genus
Anetiarank: genus
Napaearank: genus
Baeotisrank: genus
Dircennarank: genus
Cyllopsisrank: genus
Abaeisrank: genus
Episcadarank: genus
Polythrixrank: genus
Pompeiusrank: genus
Quadrusrank: genus
Pseudolycaenarank: genus
Metronrank: genus
Eucheirarank: genus
Memphis forrerirank: species
Oleria paularank: species
Pyrisitia proterpiarank: species
Cupido comyntasrank: species
Adelpha basiloidescommon name: monja basiloides rank: species
Pyrgus oileuscommon name: ajedrezada oileus rank: species
Kricogonia lysidecommon name: amarilla lyside rank: species
Emesis poeasrank: species
Cissia themisrank: species
Anthanassa atroniarank: species
Cissia similisrank: species
Zaretis callidryasrank: species
Mesosemia lamachusrank: species
Hypophylla zeuripparank: species
Urbanus simpliciusrank: species
Mysoria amrarank: species
Euptychia fetnarank: species
Chlosyne melanargerank: species
Vettius fantasosrank: species
Agylla marginatarank: species
Copaeodes minimarank: species
Caria stillaticiarank: species
Spathilepia cloniuscommon name: saltadora clonius rank: species
Zaretis ellopsrank: species
Taygetis uncinatarank: species
Tegosa guatemalenarank: species
Antigonus erosusrank: species
Typhedanus undulatusrank: species
Hermeuptychia hermesrank: species
Mysoria affinisrank: species
Zopyrion sandacerank: species
Castilia griseobasalisrank: species
Hypanartia letherank: species
Eunica monimarank: species
Celaenorrhinus stolarank: species
Emesis vulpinarank: species
Prestonia clarkirank: species
Anteos clorindecommon name: amarilla clorinde, mariposa amarillo sulfuroso rank: species
Lamphiotes velazquezirank: species
Heraclides cresphontescommon name: limonero, parapente con colmillos rank: species
Opsiphanes boisduvalliirank: species
Castilia myiarank: species
Mesene margarettarank: species
Anteos maerulacommon name: amarilla maerula rank: species
Synargis myconerank: species
Chioides albofasciatusrank: species
Nathalis iolecommon name: amarilla iole rank: species
Emesis emesiacommon name: metálica emesia rank: species
Taygetis kerearank: species
Chioides zilpacommon name: coluda zilpa rank: species
Achlyodes pallidacommon name: parda pallida, saltadora rank: species
Parides montezumarank: species
Callimormus saturnusrank: species
Dynamine theseusrank: species
Theope eupolisrank: species
Antigonus nearchusrank: species
Catonephele cortesirank: species
Dynamine dyoniscommon name: capitán dyonis rank: species
Staphylus vulgatarank: species
Parides photinuscommon name: corola photinus, mariposa de lunares rosados rank: species
Antigonus funebrisrank: species
Catasticta oaxacacommon name: mariposa del tejocote rank: species
Calpodes ethliusrank: species
Caria melinorank: species
Pteronymia rufocinctarank: species
Zariaspes mythecusrank: species
Apodemia walkerirank: species
Thisbe lycoriasrank: species
Atarnes salleirank: species
Caligo uranusrank: species
Battus eraconcommon name: sombra mexicana rank: species
Echinargus isolacommon name: azul isola rank: species
Eumaeus toxearank: species
Vanessa virginiensiscommon name: gusano del llano, ninfa virginiensis rank: species
Dryadula phaetusacommon name: mariposa de banda anaranjada rank: species
Adelpha pithysrank: species
Thereus orasusrank: species
Hypanartia godmaniirank: species
Nisoniades godmarank: species
Cyclogramma pandamarank: species
Napaea umbrarank: species
Leptotes marinacommon name: azul marina rank: species
Abaeis nicipperank: species
Polythrix asinerank: species
Pompeius pompeiuscommon name: saltarín pompeius rank: species
Quadrus lugubrisrank: species
Castilia ofellarank: species
Apodemia multiplagarank: species
Pseudolycaena damorank: species
Heliconius hortensecommon name: mexicana alas largas rank: species
Metron chrysogastrarank: species
Memphis wellingirank: species
Taygetis virgiliarank: species
Theope pseudopediasrank: species
Pyrisitia nise subsp. nelpherank: infraspecificname
Dynamine postverta subsp. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Hamadryas februa subsp. ferentinarank: infraspecificname
Eueides aliphera subsp. gracilisrank: infraspecificname
Grais stigmaticus subsp. stigmaticusrank: infraspecificname
Anartia fatima subsp. fatimarank: infraspecificname
Phyciodes graphica subsp. graphicarank: infraspecificname
Smyrna blomfildia subsp. datisrank: infraspecificname
Euptoieta hegesia subsp. meridianiarank: infraspecificname
Anteros carausius subsp. carausiusrank: infraspecificname
Nica flavilla subsp. bachianarank: infraspecificname
Eurema salome subsp. jamaparank: infraspecificname
Eresia phillyra subsp. phillyrarank: infraspecificname
Emesis zela subsp. zelarank: infraspecificname
Adelpha iphicleola subsp. iphicleolarank: infraspecificname
Danaus gilippus subsp. thersippuscommon name: mariposa del tizmo, mariposa reina, mariposa tiznada rank: infraspecificname
Microtia elva subsp. elvarank: infraspecificname
Ganyra josephina subsp. josepharank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne hippodrome subsp. hippodromerank: infraspecificname
Glutophrissa drusilla subsp. tenuisrank: infraspecificname
Heliconius charithonia subsp. vazquezaerank: infraspecificname
Archaeoprepona amphimachus subsp. baronirank: infraspecificname
Consul fabius subsp. cecropsrank: infraspecificname
Anthanassa frisia subsp. tulcisrank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne janais subsp. janaisrank: infraspecificname
Eunica alcmena subsp. alcmenarank: infraspecificname
Bolboneura sylphis subsp. sylphisrank: infraspecificname
Eurema arbela subsp. boisduvalianarank: infraspecificname
Protesilaus macrosilaus subsp. penthesilausrank: infraspecificname
Eurybia elvina subsp. elvinarank: infraspecificname
Hypna clytemnestra subsp. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Eurema daira subsp. sidoniarank: infraspecificname
Opsiphanes cassina subsp. fabriciirank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne theona subsp. theonarank: infraspecificname
Callimormus radiola subsp. radiolarank: infraspecificname
Gyrocheilus patrobas subsp. patrobasrank: infraspecificname
Eurema albula subsp. celatarank: infraspecificname
Urbanus dorantes subsp. dorantesrank: infraspecificname
Phyciodes mylitta subsp. thebaisrank: infraspecificname
Hemiargus hanno subsp. antibubastusrank: infraspecificname
Pyrisitia lisa subsp. centralisrank: infraspecificname
Siproeta stelenes subsp. biplagiatarank: infraspecificname
Morpho helenor subsp. guerrerensisrank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne lacinia subsp. laciniacommon name: gusanito rank: infraspecificname
Fountainea glycerium subsp. glyceriumrank: infraspecificname
Melanis pixe subsp. pixerank: infraspecificname
Celastrina argiolus subsp. gozorarank: infraspecificname
Dryas iulia subsp. moderatarank: infraspecificname
Danaus eresimus subsp. montezumarank: infraspecificname
Anaea troglodyta subsp. aidearank: infraspecificname
Leptotes cassius subsp. cassidularank: infraspecificname
Adelpha phylaca subsp. phylacarank: infraspecificname
Hamadryas guatemalena subsp. marmaricerank: infraspecificname
Lycorea halia subsp. atergatisrank: infraspecificname
Phoebis sennae subsp. marcellinarank: infraspecificname
Eunica tatila subsp. tatilarank: infraspecificname
Heliconius erato subsp. cruentusrank: infraspecificname
Morpho polyphemus subsp. polyphemuscommon name: morfo blanco rank: infraspecificname
Prepona laertes subsp. octaviarank: infraspecificname
Adelpha naxia subsp. naxiarank: infraspecificname
Phoebis argante subsp. ssp. nov.common name: azufre espiguilla, azufre zigzag, mariposa albaricoque rank: infraspecificname
Marpesia petreus subsp. ssp. nov.common name: alas de daga rojiza, capitán petreus, mariposa de alas afiladas rank: infraspecificname
Hamadryas amphinome subsp. mazairank: infraspecificname
Aphrissa statira subsp. statirarank: infraspecificname
Melanis cephise subsp. acroleucarank: infraspecificname
Nymphalis antiopa subsp. antioparank: infraspecificname
Celastrina argiolus subsp. echorank: infraspecificname
Archaeoprepona demophon subsp. occidentalisrank: infraspecificname
Caligo telamonius subsp. memnonrank: infraspecificname
Anthanassa ardys subsp. ardysrank: infraspecificname
Archaeoprepona demophoon subsp. gulinarank: infraspecificname
Protographium epidaus subsp. fenochioniscommon name: cebra cristal rank: infraspecificname
Myscelia ethusa subsp. ethusarank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne marina subsp. marinarank: infraspecificname
Hamadryas glauconome subsp. glauconomerank: infraspecificname
Phoebis neocypris subsp. virgorank: infraspecificname
Colobura dirce subsp. dircerank: infraspecificname
Eurema mexicana subsp. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Temenis laothoe subsp. quilapayuniarank: infraspecificname
Mechanitis polymnia subsp. lycidicerank: infraspecificname
Hamadryas atlantis subsp. lelapsrank: infraspecificname
Myscelia cyaniris subsp. alvaradiarank: infraspecificname
Hypanartia dione subsp. disjunctarank: infraspecificname
Siproeta epaphus subsp. epaphusrank: infraspecificname
Anthanassa otanes subsp. otanesrank: infraspecificname
Heraclides androgeus subsp. epidaurusrank: infraspecificname
Memphis pithyusa subsp. pithyusarank: infraspecificname
Astraptes fulgerator subsp. azulrank: infraspecificname
Pyrrhogyra neaerea subsp. hypsenorrank: infraspecificname
Protographium philolaus subsp. philolauscommon name: cebra oscura rank: infraspecificname
Pterourus multicaudata subsp. multicaudatacommon name: mariposa de colores rank: infraspecificname
Pyrisitia dina subsp. westwoodirank: infraspecificname
Biblis hyperia subsp. aganisarank: infraspecificname
Siderone galanthis subsp. ssp. nov.rank: infraspecificname
Adelpha paraena subsp. massiliarank: infraspecificname
Anartia jatrophae subsp. luteipictarank: infraspecificname
Anthanassa nebulosa subsp. alexonrank: infraspecificname
Eueides isabella subsp. evarank: infraspecificname
Dione moneta subsp. poeyiirank: infraspecificname
Phoebis philea subsp. philearank: infraspecificname
Ascia monuste subsp. monusterank: infraspecificname
Greta morgane subsp. morganerank: infraspecificname
Polygonus leo subsp. arizonensisrank: infraspecificname
Anthanassa sitalces subsp. cortesrank: infraspecificname
Pterourus menatius subsp. victorinuscommon name: jorongo pseudoazabache rank: infraspecificname
Pieriballia viardi subsp. viardirank: infraspecificname
Callicore texa subsp. loxicharank: infraspecificname
Adelpha iphiclus subsp. iphiclusrank: infraspecificname
Marpesia chiron subsp. mariusrank: infraspecificname
Heraclides thoas subsp. autoclesrank: infraspecificname
Tithorea harmonia subsp. hippothousrank: infraspecificname
Historis acheronta subsp. acherontarank: infraspecificname
Rhabdodryas trite subsp. ssp. nov.rank: infraspecificname
Pterourus garamas subsp. baronirank: infraspecificname
Lasaia agesilas subsp. callainarank: infraspecificname
Melete lycimnia subsp. isandrarank: infraspecificname
Heraclides anchisiades subsp. idaeusrank: infraspecificname
Asterocampa idyja subsp. argusrank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne erodyle subsp. erodylerank: infraspecificname
Taygetis mermeria subsp. griseomarginatarank: infraspecificname
Doxocopa laure subsp. laurerank: infraspecificname
Melinaea lilis subsp. imitatarank: infraspecificname
Itaballia demophile subsp. centralisrank: infraspecificname
Mechanitis lysimnia subsp. utemaiarank: infraspecificname
Dione juno subsp. huascumarank: infraspecificname
Paramacera xicaque subsp. rubrosuffusarank: infraspecificname
Myscelia cyananthe subsp. cyanantherank: infraspecificname
Historis odius subsp. diousrank: infraspecificname
Notheme erota subsp. diademarank: infraspecificname
Fountainea nobilis subsp. rayoensisrank: infraspecificname
Lasaia sula subsp. sularank: infraspecificname
Battus polydamas subsp. polydamasrank: infraspecificname
Heraclides astyalus subsp. pallasrank: infraspecificname
Fountainea eurypyle subsp. glanzirank: infraspecificname
Astraptes anaphus subsp. annettarank: infraspecificname
Papilio polyxenes subsp. asteriusrank: infraspecificname
Junonia evarete subsp. nigrosuffusarank: infraspecificname
Heliconius ismenius subsp. telchiniarank: infraspecificname
Doxocopa pavon subsp. theodorarank: infraspecificname
Epiphile adrasta subsp. escalanteirank: infraspecificname
Parides erithalion subsp. trichopusrank: infraspecificname
Archaeoprepona demophoon subsp. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Altinote stratonice subsp. oaxacarank: infraspecificname
Aeria eurimedia subsp. pacificarank: infraspecificname
Pteronymia cotytto subsp. cotyttorank: infraspecificname
Achlyodes busirus subsp. herosrank: infraspecificname
Leptophobia aripa subsp. elodiarank: infraspecificname
Libytheana carinenta subsp. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Calydna venusta subsp. venustarank: infraspecificname
Ocyba calathana subsp. calanusrank: infraspecificname
Hesperocharis graphites subsp. avivolansrank: infraspecificname
Catasticta flisa subsp. flisacommon name: mariposa del tejocote rank: infraspecificname
Mimoides phaon subsp. phaonrank: infraspecificname
Phoebis agarithe subsp. agarithecommon name: gusano pinto, pintillo rank: infraspecificname
Adelpha bredowii subsp. bredowiirank: infraspecificname
Phyciodes tharos subsp. tharosrank: infraspecificname
Zerene cesonia subsp. cesoniarank: infraspecificname
Catonephele numilia subsp. immaculatarank: infraspecificname
Cabares potrillo subsp. potrillorank: infraspecificname
Greta annette subsp. moschionrank: infraspecificname
Baronia brevicornis subsp. brevicornisrank: infraspecificname
Mimoides ilus subsp. occiduusrank: infraspecificname
Protographium agesilaus subsp. fortisrank: infraspecificname
Phyciodes phaon subsp. phaonrank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne gaudialis subsp. wellingirank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne erodyle subsp. ssp. nov.rank: infraspecificname
Hesperocharis costaricensis subsp. pasionrank: infraspecificname
Gorgythion begga subsp. pyralinarank: infraspecificname
Rhetus arcius subsp. beutelspacherirank: infraspecificname
Theope publius subsp. incompositusrank: infraspecificname
Vanessa atalanta subsp. rubriarank: infraspecificname
Diaethria astala subsp. asteroiderank: infraspecificname
Timochares trifasciata subsp. trifasciatarank: infraspecificname
Agraulis vanillae subsp. incarnatarank: infraspecificname
Proteides mercurius subsp. mercuriusrank: infraspecificname
Anthanassa ptolyca subsp. amatorrank: infraspecificname
Adelpha lycorias subsp. melantherank: infraspecificname
Adelpha leuceria subsp. leuceriarank: infraspecificname
Adelpha barnesia subsp. leucasrank: infraspecificname
Tithorea tarricina subsp. duennarank: infraspecificname
Opsiphanes tamarindi subsp. tamarindirank: infraspecificname
Catasticta nimbice subsp. nimbicerank: infraspecificname
Dismorphia amphione subsp. isoldarank: infraspecificname
Aguna asander subsp. asanderrank: infraspecificname
Mestra dorcas subsp. amymonerank: infraspecificname
Mechanitis menapis subsp. doryssusrank: infraspecificname
Melinaea lilis subsp. flavicansrank: infraspecificname
Diaethria anna subsp. mixtecarank: infraspecificname
Emesis mandana subsp. furorrank: infraspecificname
Catasticta teutila subsp. flavifaciatarank: infraspecificname
Euptoieta claudia subsp. dauniusrank: infraspecificname
Anetia thirza subsp. thirzarank: infraspecificname
Baeotis zonata subsp. zonatarank: infraspecificname
Dircenna klugii subsp. klugiirank: infraspecificname
Adelpha fessonia subsp. fessoniarank: infraspecificname
Consul excellens subsp. geninirank: infraspecificname
Cyllopsis pyracmon subsp. pyracmonrank: infraspecificname
Adelpha diocles subsp. cretonrank: infraspecificname
Chlosyne cyneas subsp. cyniscarank: infraspecificname
Episcada salvinia subsp. salviniarank: infraspecificname
Junonia genoveva subsp. ssp. nov.rank: infraspecificname
Heraclides ornythion subsp. ornythioncommon name: parapente de orilla punteada rank: infraspecificname
Archaeoprepona phaedra subsp. ssp. nov.rank: infraspecificname
Ganyra phaloe subsp. tiburtiarank: infraspecificname
Consul electra subsp. electrarank: infraspecificname
Pteronymia artena subsp. praedictarank: infraspecificname
Melanis cephise subsp. cephiserank: infraspecificname
Pyrrhogyra edocla subsp. paradisearank: infraspecificname
Opsiphanes quiteria subsp. quirinusrank: infraspecificname
Heraclides rogeri subsp. pharnacescommon name: abanico de dos bandas rank: infraspecificname
Eucheira socialis subsp. socialiscommon name: gusano del madroño, gusano verde de la mixteca, mariposa del madroño rank: infraspecificname
Battus philenor subsp. philenorrank: infraspecificname
Urbanus proteus subsp. proteusrank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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- Miller, L. D. & Maza, J. E. 1984. Notes on Cyllopsis, especially from Mexico, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera: Satyridae). Bulletin of the Allyn Museum. 88: 1-7. -
- Jenkins, D. W. 1985. Neotropical Nymphalidae III. Revision of Catonephele. Bulletin of the Allyn Museum. 92: 1-65. -
- Ferris, C. D. 1985. A new subspecies of Apodemia hypoglauca (Godman & Salvin) from the Yucatán Peninsula (Lycaenidae: Riodininae). Bulletin of the Allyn Museum. 94: 1-7. -
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- Druce, H. H. C. 1874. Descriptions of new species of diurnal Lepidoptera chiefly from tropical America. Cistula Entomologica. 1(10): 285-290. -
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- Klots, A. B. 1933. A generic revision of the Pieridae (Lepidoptera). Together with a study of the male genitalia. Entomologica Americana. 12(3): 139-242. -
- Schaus, W. 1890. New species of Mexican Lepidoptera. Entomologica Americana. 6(1): 18-20. -
- Druce, H. H. C. 1890. Descriptions of seven new species of Thecla. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 26(313): 151-152. -
- Bates, H. W. 1864-1865. New species of butterflies from Guatemala and Panama collected by Osbert Salvin and F. du Cane Godman, Esqs. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 1(2). -
- Hewitson, W. C. 1874. Descriptions of new species of Lycaenidae from South America. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 11(124): 104-107. -
- Butler, A. G. 1887. A new genus of Pierinae allied to Appias. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 23(275): 248-249. -
- Bates, H. W. 1866. New species of butterflies from Guatemala and Panama, collected by Osbert Salvin and F. du Cane Godman, Esqs. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 3(27-31): 49-157. -
- Butler, A. G. 1868. An essay towards an arrangement of the genera of the family Satyridae. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 4(45): 193-197. -
- Butler, A. G. 1870. On new or recently described species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine. 6(71): 250-252. -
- Hewitson, W. C. 1870. Descriptions of five new species of diurnal Lepidoptera from Chontales, Nicaragua, and of one from Minas Gerais. Entomologist's monthly Magazine. 7(73): 3-6 -
- Clench, H. K. 1965. A collection of butterflies from Western Chihuahua, Mexico. Entomological News. 76(6): 157-162. -
- Holland, W. J. 1900. A description of a variety of Argynnis nitocris from Chihuahua, Mexico. Entomological News. 11(1): 332-333. -
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- Schaus, W. 1911. A new Papilio from Florida, and one from Mexico. Entomological News. 22(10): 438-439. -
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- Gunder, J. D. 1925. Several new varieties of and aberrant Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) from California. Entomological News. 36(1): 1-9. -
- Barnes, W. & Benjamin, F. H. 1926. Types of North American Lepidoptera in the Natural History Museum, Vienna. Entomological News. 37(5): 139-140. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1932. Macrolepidoptera: species and lower concepts. Entomological News. 43(10): 261-268. -
- Beutelspacher, C. R. 1990. Tres especies nuevas del género Anthanassa Scudder (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Melitaeinae) de México. Anales del Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Zoología). 61(1):153-159. -
- Mengel, L. W. S. 1894. Description of a new species of Myscelia from western Mexico. Entomological News. 5(3): 96. -
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- Chermock, R. L. 1947. A revisional study of the Euptychia pyracmon group. Entomological News. 58(8): 193-204. -
- Skinner, H. 1895. Notes of Rhopalocera, with Descriptions of New Species. Entomological News. 6(4): 112-114. -
- Ehrlich, P. R. 1960. A new subgenus and species of Callophrys (s.l.) from the southwestern United States (Lepidoptera Lycaenidae). Entomological News. 71(6): 137-141. -
- Schaus, W. 1898. Two new species of Hesperocharis. Entomological News. 9(9): 215. -
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- Witt, T. 1980. Description of a new species and new subspecies of the genus Anaea Hübner, 1819, from the Yucatán peninsula, with notes on other species (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Charaxinae). Entomofauna. 1(18): 366-383. -
- Fruhstorfer, H. 1915. Beitrag zur Morphologie der Prepona- und Agrias- Arten. Entomologische Rundschau. 32(8): 45-47. -
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- Hall, A. 1924. Descriptions of two new forms of Chlosyne (Lep. Nymphalidae). Entomologist. 57(738): 241-242. -
- Lathy, P. I. 1926. New species and forms of the genus Euselasia (Lepidoptera) in the Joicey collection. Entomologist. 59(756): 143-146. -
- Riley, N. D. 1926. Colaenis and Dione (Lep. Nymphalidae): A revisional note on the species. Entomologist. 59(760): 240-245. -
- Hall, A. 1929. New forms of Nymphalidae (Rhopalocera) in the collection of the British Museum. Entomologist. 62(793): 130-134. -
- Goodson, F. W. 1945. Notes and descriptions of new species of American Theclinae contained in The British Museum (Natural History) (Lep. Lycaenidae). Entomologist. 78(990-991): 169-187. -
- Clench, H. K. 1946. Notes on the amyntor group of the genus Thecla (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). Entomologist. 79(998/999): 152-191. -
- Schaus, W. 1920. New species of the Lepidoptera in the United States National Museum. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 57(2307): 107-152. -
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- Dyar, H. G. 1920. New Lepidoptera, chiefly from Mexico, with synonymic notes. Insecutor Inscitiae Menstruus. 8(10/12): 187-198. -
- Hemming, A. F. 1939. Notes on the generic nomenclature of the Lepidoptera Rhopalocera, I. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. 8(7): 133-138. -
- Westwood, J. O. 1847. Description of two new Exotic species of the Genus Papilio. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 5(2): 36-37. -
- Butler, A. G. 1873. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera. Cistula Entomologica. 1(7): 151-177. -
- Staudinger, O. 1876. Neue Lepidopteren des südamerikanischen Faunengebiets. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 25: 89-124. -
- Austin, G. T. 1991. A review of Apodemia hepburni (Lycaenidae: Riodininae) with a description of a new subspecies. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 45(2): 135-141. -
- Vázquez, L. G. 1988. Baronia brevicornis Salvin y sus formas (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae - Baroniinae). Anales del Instituto de Biología. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Zoología). 58(2): 655-679. -
- Fruhstorfer, H. 1908. Neue südamerikanische Rhopaloceren. Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift. 1(42): 319. -
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- Bates, H. W. 1864. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidotera - Nymphalinae. Journal of Entomology. 2(10): 175-213. -
- Bates, H. W. 1865. Contributions to an insect fauna of the Amazon Valley. Lepidoptera - Nymphalinae. Journal of Entomology. 2(12): 311-346. -
- Field, W. D. 1938. New forms and subspecies of North America Libytheidae and Lycaenidae. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. 11(4): 124-133. -
- Clench, H. K. 1967. A note on Caria domitianus and ino (Riodinidae) with description of a new subspecies. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 21(1): 53-56. -
- Bauer, D. L. 1961. Descriptions of two new Chlosyne (Nymphalidae) from Mexico, with a discussion of related forms. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 14(2): 148-154. -
- Clench, H. K. 1970. A new subspecies of Brephidium exilis from Yucatan (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 24(1). -
- Clench, H. K. 1970. Generic notes on two hairstreaks new to the United States (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 24(1): 56-59. -
- Miller, L. D. 1978. Notes and descriptions of Euptychiini (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) from the Mexican region. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 32(5) 75-85. -
- Miller, J. Y. & Miller, L. D. 1979. Notes on mexican Actinote (Nymphalidae: Acraeinae) and their relatives, with description of a new subspecies. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 34(4): 261-272. -
- Miller, L. D. 1980. A review of the Erora laeta group, with description of a new species (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 34(2): 209-216. -
- Nicolay, S. S. 1980. The genus Chlorostrymon and a new subspecies of C. simaethis. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 34(2): 253-256. -
- Opler, P. A. 1987. A new Euchloe (Pieridae) from northwestern Mexico. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 40(3): 188-190. -
- Johnson, K. 1989. Revision of Chlorostrymon Clench and description of two new Austral Neotropical species (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 43(2): 120-146. -
- Robbins, R. K. & Venables, B. A. 1991. Synopsis of a new Neotropical hairstreak genus, Janthecla, and description of a new species (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 45(1): 11-33. -
- Butler, A. G. 1877. On new species of the genus Euptychia, with a tabular view of those hitherto recorded. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology Series). 13(67): 116-128. -
- Bates, H. W. 1868. A catalogue of Erycinidae, a family of diurnal Lepidoptera. Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology Series). 9(39): 373-459. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1907. Descriptions of new American Lepidoptera. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 15(1): 50-53. -
- Forbes, W. T. 1944. Revisional notes on the Danainae (supplement). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 51(4): 295-304. -
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- Clench, H. K. 1965. Variation and distribution of Hemiargus huntingtoni (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 73(1): 41-45. -
- Johnson, K. 1989. A revisionary study of the Neotropical hairstreak butterfly genus Noreena and its new sister genus Contrafacia (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Journal of the New York Entomological Society. 97(1): 11-46. -
- McAlpine, W. S. 1971. A revision of the butterfly genus Calephelis (Riodinidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 10(1): 1-125. -
- Clench, H. K. 1972. A review of the genus Lasaia (Riodinidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 10(2). -
- Scott, J. A. 1981. Hibernal Diapause of North American Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 18(3): 171-200. -
- Clench, H. K. 1964. A synopsis of the West Indian Lycaenidae, with remarks on their zoogeography. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera. 2(4): 247-270. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1930. North American institutions featuring lepidoptera. XIX. Entomological institutions in Mexico. Entomological News. 41(10): 313-318. -
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- Stichel, H. F. 1938. Nymphalidae: I. Dioninae, Anetiinae, Apaturinae. Lepidopterorum Catalogus. 86: 1-374. -
- Mattoni, R. H. T. 1954. Taxonomy and distribution in the genus Philotes. Lepidopterists' News. 8(1/2). -
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- Rothschild, L. W. & Jordan, H. E. 1906. A revision of the American Papilios. Novitates Zoologicae. 13(3): 411-752. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1928. A review of genus Zerene Hbn. in the United States (Lepid., Rhopalocera). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 4(3): 97-102. -
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- Johnson, K. 1976. A new species of Callophrys (Mitoura) from Mexico (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 52(1): 60-62. -
- Gunder, J. D. 1929. The genus Euphydryas Scud. of boreal America (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 6(1): 1-8. -
- Klots, A. B. 1930. A new subspecies of Ascia monuste (L.) from Lower California (Lepidoptera, Pieridae). Pan-Pacific Entomologist. 6(4): 145-147. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1882. Description of species of butterflies taken in Arizona by Jacob Doll, 1881 (with lists of species). Papilio. 2(2): 19-29. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1883. Callidryas fisheri n. sp. or var. Papilio. 3(2): 43. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1884. Descriptions of new species of butterflies, mostly from Arizona. Papilio. 4(3): 53-58. -
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- Reakirt, T. 1866. Descriptions of some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 18(3): 238-249. -
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- Strecker, F. H. H. 1885. Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 37(12/13): 174-179. -
- Behr, H. H. 1864. On California Lepidoptera. No. IV. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3(2): 123-127. -
- Behr, H. H. 1865. On California Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 3(2): 187-179. -
- Edwards, W. H. 1865. Descriptions of certain species of diurnal Lepidoptera found within the limits of the United States and British America. No.4. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 2(4): 201-204. -
- Edwards, W.H. 1864. Descriptions of certain species of diurnal Lepidoptera found within the limits of the United States and British north America, No. 3. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 2(4): 501-507. -
- Reakirt, T. 1863. Notes on Central American Lepidoptera, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 2: 135-360. -
- Reakirt, T. 1868. Descriptions of some new species of diurnal Lepidoptera. Series III. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 20(1/2): 87-91. -
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- Reakirt, T. 1866. Descriptions of some new species of Eresia. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Philadelphia. 5: 224-227. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1909. New species of American Lepidoptera. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington. 11(1): 19-29. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1912. Descriptions of new species and genera of Lepidoptera, chiefly from Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 42(1885): 39-106. -
- Field, W. D. 1967. Preliminary revision of butterflies of the genus Calycopis Scudder (Lycaenidae: Theclinae). Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 119(3552): 1-48. -
- Field, W. D. 1967. Butterflies of the new genus Calystryma (Lycaenidae: Theclinae, Strymonini). Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 123(3611). -
- Schaus, W. 1902. Descriptions of new American butterflies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 24(1262): 383-460. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1913. Descriptions of new Lepidoptera, chiefly from Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 44(1951): 279-324. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1914. Descriptions of new species and genera of Lepidoptera from Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 47(2054): 365-409. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1916. Descriptions of new Lepidoptera from Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 51(2139): 1-37. -
- Dyar, H. G. 1918. Descriptions of new Lepidoptera from Mexico. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. 54(2239): 335-372. -
- Bates, H. W. 1863. On a collection of butterflies brought by Messrs. Salvin and Godman from Panama, with remarks on geographical distribution. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1863(2): 239-249. -
- Butler, A. G. 1865. Description of six new species of exotic butterflies in the collection of the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1865(2): 455-459. -
- Butler, A. G. 1865. Descriptions of the characters of six new species of rhopalocerus Lepidoptera in the collection of the British Museum, with notes on the allied species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1865(2): 481-486. -
- Butler, A. G. [1866]. Descriptions of six butterflies new to science, belonging to the genera Heterochroa and Romaleosoma. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1865(3): 667-673. -
- Butler, A. G. & Druce, H. H. C. 1874. List of the Butterflies of Costa Rica, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1874(3): 330-370. -
- Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. 1877. Description of twelve new species and a new genus of Rhopalocera from Central America. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1877(1): 60-64. -
- Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. 1878. Descriptions of nineteen new species of diurnal Lepidoptera from Central America. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1878(1): 264-271. -
- Godman, F. D. & Salvin, O. 1878. Descriptions of new species of Central-American butterflies of the family Erycinidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1878(2): 360-369. -
- Druce, H. H. C. 1907. On Neotropical Lycaenidae with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1907(3): 566-632. -
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Jorge Llorente Bousquetsoriginator
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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de BiologíaMuseo de Zoología "Alfonso L Herrera"
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Patricia Ramos Rivera
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