Long-term vegetation inventory dataset from the sampling plots in the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve (1979-2022)
Lebedev A V, Krinitsyn I G, Ivanova N V, Chistyakov S A (2023). Long-term vegetation inventory dataset from the sampling plots in the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve (1979-2022). Version 1.3. FGBU GPZ Kologrivskij Les name after M.G. Sinicin. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/9jns3f accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-12.Description
This sampling event dataset provides primary data on species counts in the herbaceous layer on permanent and temporary sampling plots of the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve (European part of Russia). The data covers the period from 1979 to 2022. In total, more than 2700 accounting units of herbaceous and shrubby plants are presented. For each accounting unit, the species and abundance were determined according to Braun-Blanquet scale. Field data were digitized and compiled into the spreadsheets. Deep data cleaning and validation (with documentation of changes) has been performed before data standardization according to the Darwin Core standard.
Представлены первичные данные учетов видов в травянистом ярусе на постоянных и временных пробных площадях государственного заповедника Кологривский лес (европейская часть России). Данными охвачен период с 1979 по 2022 годы. Всего представлено более 2700 учетных единиц травянистых и кустарничковых растений. Для каждой учетной единицы определяли вид и обилие по Браун-Бланке. Все полевые данные были оцифрованы и собраны в электронную таблицу. Перед стандартизацией данных в соответствии с Darwin Core выполнена их тщательная проверка, все внесенные изменения документированы.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Permanent and temporary sample plots (from 0.01 to 0.5 ha) were established in the periods from 1979 to 1985 and from 2010 to 2021 in different types of plant communities of the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve under the leadership of Aleksandr V. Pismerov (1979-1985), Igor G. Krinitsyn (2010-2022), Aleksandr V. Lebedev (2014-2022), and Sergey A. Chistyakov (2014-2022). The data includes 27 trial plots (0.1-0.5 ha) in the core of the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve established in 1979-1985, 23 permanent trial plots (0.0625 ha) established in 2014-2021 and 41 temporary trial plots (0.01-0.04 ha) established in 2010-2018.Sampling
We use standard methods of vegetation relevés (Lavrenko, 1938; Becking, 1957; Korchagin, 1964; Westhoff, van der Maarel, 1978; Rabotnov, 1983; Dengler et al., 2016) according to our tasks.Quality Control
The data of the inventories were digitized into the local spreadsheet. According to the main principles of data quality (Chapman, 2005) we checked semantic and structural consistency, as well as completeness of data. After defining errors and issues, all error instances and error types were documented, and checked. All original (verbatim) values were maintained and not lost in the data cleaning process.Method steps
- The sample plots were organized in typical habitats of the Kologrivsky Forest Nature Reserve. The size of sample plots is from 0.01 to 0.5 ha. The size of the sample plots is specified in the dataset.
- The floristic composition of the herbaceous layer was determined on the sample plots. The assessment of the plant abundance at the sample plots is applied according to the Braun-Blanquet scale.
Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Becking W. The Zurich-Montpellier school of phytosociology //Bot. Rev. 1957. Vol. 23. N 7. P. 411-488. -
- Dengler J., Boch S., Filibeck G., Chiarucci A., Dembicz I., Guarino R., Henneberg B., Janishova M., Marceno C., (…) & Biurrun I. Assessing plant diversity and composition in grasslands across spatial scales: the standardized EDGG sampling methodology. Bulletin of the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group. Vol. 32. 2016. P. 13–30. -
- Korchagin A. A. Vidovoj (floristicheskij) sostav rastitel’nykh soobshchestv i metody ego izucheniya // Lavrenko E. M., Korchagin A.A. (Red.) Polevaya geobotanika. -T. 3. - M.-L.: Izd-vo Nauka., 1964. S. 39-62. -
- Lavrenko E. M. Metodika geobotanicheskikh issledovanij stepej // Metodika polevykh geobotanicheskikh issledovanij. - M.-L.: Izd. AN SSSR, 1938. - S. 43-55. -
- Rabotnov T. A. Fitotsenologiya. 2-e izd. - M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1983. - 292 s. -
- Westhoff V., van der Maarel E. The Braun-Blanquet approach // Classification of plant communities. The Hague: Junk, 1978. P. 287-399. -
- Коренные темнохвойные леса южной тайги (резерват "Кологривский лес") / Ю.Д. Абатуров, А.В. Письмеров, А.Я. Орлов и др. М.: Наука, 1988. - 220 с. -
- Иванов, А. Н. Многолетняя динамика коренных южно-таежных ельников в заповеднике Кологривский лес / А. Н. Иванов, Е. А. Буторина, Е. А. Балдина // Вестник Московского университета. Серия 5: География. – 2012. – № 3. – С. 74-79. -
Aleksandr V. Lebedevoriginator
position: Associate Professor
Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Timiryazevskaya st., 49
email: avl1993@mail.ru
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8939-942X
Igor G. Krinitsyn
position: Researcher
Kologrisky Forest Nature Reserve
Nekrasova st., 48
Kostroma Oblast
email: hek@rambler.ru
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7744-5556
Natalya V. Ivanova
position: Senior Researcher
Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS
1, Vitkevicha str.
email: natalya.dryomys@gmail.com
homepage: https://www.impb.ru/index.php?id=div/lce/staff/ivanova
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4199-5924
Sergey A. Chistyakov
position: Deputy Director for Science
Kologrisky Forest Nature Reserve
Nekrasova st., 48
Kostroma Oblast
email: bober.vet@mail.ru
userId: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6044-7226
Aleksandr V. Lebedev
metadata author
position: Associate Professor
Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Timiryazevskaya st., 49
email: avl1993@mail.ru
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8939-942X
Konstantin S. Sitnikov
content provider
position: Volunteer
Kologrisky Forest Nature Reserve
Nekrasova st., 48
Kostroma region
Vladimir V. Gostev
content provider
position: Lecturer
Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Timiryazevskaya st., 49
email: vgostev@internet.ru
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6843-3422
Oleg A. Veselov
content provider
position: Student
Kostroma State University
17, Dzerzhinskogo str.
Anastasia V. Masterova
content provider
position: Student
Kostroma State University
17, Dzerzhinskogo str.
Aleksandr V. Lebedev
administrative point of contact
position: Associate Professor
Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Timiryazevskaya st., 49
email: avl1993@mail.ru
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8939-942X