Long-term monitoring of Azorean forest spiders – Part 2
Lhoumeau S, Borges P A V (2023). Long-term monitoring of Azorean forest spiders – Part 2. Version 1.4. Universidade dos Açores. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/qyh6hs accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-01-20.Description
The data we present hereafter are part of the long-term project SLAM (Long Term Ecological Study of the Impacts of Climate Change in the natural forest of Azores). This project started in 2012, and focuses on arthropod monitoring, with the aim to understand the impact of the drivers of biodiversity erosion on Azorean native forests (Azores, Macaronesia, Portugal). In this publication, we describe the second SLAM sampling database for the arachnofauna of native forests on two islands (Pico and Terceira), collected between 2019 and 2021.Purpose
This publication is the second of a series that explore time-series data for the spider fauna in two Azorean islands (Pico and Terceira). The first part of the data, from 2012 to 2019 is already published (Costa and Borges 2021). This publication aims to describe the most recent data (from 2019 to 2021)
Sampling Description
Study Extent
We sampled a total of twenty plots on Terceira Island (13 plots) and Pico Island (7 plots) using SLAM traps (Table 1) (see Costa and Borges, 2021). In both islands, these are located in some of the best preserved wet forests patches of the two islands, having only limited human disturbance (Borges et al. 2017). The sampling plots are mostly dominated by endemic vegetation like Juniperus brevifolia, Erica azorica, Laurus azorica and Ilex azorica (see (Borges et al. 2017) for more details). In Pico, the plots located at lower elevation (0-400 m a.m.s.l.) are dominated by Erica azorica and Morella faya, but with some presence of Pittosporum undulatum. At higher elevations (600-1000 m a.m.s.l.), the dominant vegetation is more similar to that in the plots of Terceira, and is composed of Laurus azorica, Juniperus brevifolia and Ilex azorica.Sampling
Passive flight interception SLAM traps (Sea, Land and Air Malaise trap) were used to sample the plots in both islands, with one trap being setup at each plot, each one being 110 x 110 x 110 cm. In this type of trap the trapped arthropods crawl up the mesh and then fall inside the sampling recipient (Borges et al, 2017). Each one is filled with propylene glycol (pure 1,2-PROPANODIOL) to kill the captured arthropods and conserve the sample between collections, enabling also the preservation of DNA for future genetic analysis. Although this protocol was developed to sample flying arthropods, by working as an extension of the tree, non-flying species such as spiders can also crawl into the trap (Borges et al, 2017), enhancing the range of groups that can be sampled by this technique. Because of this, previous studies have used these traps to analyse diversity and abundance changes in the arthropod communities in Azores pristine forest sites (Matthews et al, 2019, Borges et al, 2020). The traps samples were collected every 3 months between December 2018 and January 2022 in Pico, and between December 2019 and March 2022 in TerceiraQuality Control
All sorted specimens were identified by a taxonomical expertMethod steps
- The data has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardised format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table (events) contains 495 records and one data table extension also exists (occurrence), with 3025 records. The extension supplies extra information about the core record
Additional info
Personnel: The project was conceived and is being led by Paulo A.V. Borges. Fieldwork: For the period 1999-2021 (Terceira Island) - Paulo A. V. Borges, Rui Carvalho, Rui Nunes, Sébastien Lhoumeau; (Pico Island) - Paulo Freitas, Sónia Manso. Parataxonomists: For the period 1999-2021 – Abrão Leite, Adrian Fernandez Marinez, Emanuela Cosma, Jonne Bonnet, Joel Martin Aye, Loic Navarro, Magí Ramon Martorell, Marco Canino, Natalia Fierro Frerot, Sébastien Lhoumeau, Valentin Moley. Taxonomists: Paulo A. V. Borges and Luís Carlos Crespo Voucher specimen management was mainly undertaken by Abrão Leite, Sébastien Lhoumeau and Paulo A. V. Borges.Taxonomic Coverages
Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae)
Araneaecommon name: Spiders rank: order
Geographic Coverages
Pico and Terceira islands in Azorean archipelago (Portugal)
Bibliographic Citations
- Matthews, T., Sadler, J.P., Carvalho, R., Nunes, R. & Borges, P.A.V. (2019). Differential turnover rates and temporal beta-diversity patterns of native and non-native arthropod species in a fragmented native forest landscape. Ecography, 42: 45–54 - DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03812
- Borges, P.A.V., Rigal, F., Ros-Prieto, A., & Cardoso, P. (2020). Increase of insular exotic arthropod diversity is a fundamental dimension of the current biodiversity crisis. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 13: 508-518 - DOI: 10.1111/icad.12431
- Borges, P.A.V., Pimentel, R., Carvalho, R., Nunes, R., Wallon, S. & Ros Prieto, A. (2017). Seasonal dynamics of arthropods in the humid native forests of Terceira Island (Azores). Arquipelago Life and Marine Sciences, 34: 105-122 -
- 166) Costa, R. & Borges, P.A.V. (2021). SLAM Project - Long term ecological study of the impacts of climate change in the natural forest of Azores: I - the spiders from native forests of Terceira and Pico Islands (2012-2019). Biodiversity Data Journal, 9: e69924 - DOI:10.3897/BDJ.9.e69924
Sébastien Lhoumeauoriginator
position: Researcher
cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment, University of the Azores
Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
Angra Do Heroismo
Telephone: +351968933212
email: seb.lhoumeau@gmail.com
homepage: http://gba.uac.pt/member/Sebastien_Lhoumeau
Paulo A. V. Borges
position: Aggregate Professor
cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment, University of the Azores
Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
Angra Do Heroismo
Telephone: +351968933212
email: paulo.av.borges@uac.pt
homepage: http://gba.uac.pt/member/paulo-a-v-borges
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8448-7623
Paulo A. V. Borges
metadata author
position: Aggregate Professor
cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment, University of the Azores
Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
Angra Do Heroismo
Telephone: +351968933212
email: paulo.av.borges@uac.pt
homepage: http://gba.uac.pt/member/paulo-a-v-borges
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8448-7623
Paulo A. V. Borges
position: Aggregate Professor
cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment, University of the Azores
Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
Angra Do Heroismo
Telephone: +351968933212
email: paulo.av.borges@uac.pt
homepage: http://gba.uac.pt/member/paulo-a-v-borges
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8448-7623
Paulo A. V. Borges
administrative point of contact
position: Aggregate Professor
cE3c- Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes, Azorean Biodiversity Group, CHANGE – Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Environment, University of the Azores
Rua Capitão João d´Ávila, Pico da Urze
Angra Do Heroismo
Telephone: +351968933212
email: paulo.av.borges@uac.pt
homepage: http://gba.uac.pt/member/paulo-a-v-borges
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8448-7623