A Specimen List of Hymenophyllaceae of Seram and Ambon collected on Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions 1983–1986
Ebihara A (2022). A Specimen List of Hymenophyllaceae of Seram and Ambon collected on Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions 1983–1986. Version 1.2. National Institute of Genetics, ROIS. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/psecmf accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-18.Description
This is a list of specimens of Hymenophyllaceae collected in Seram and Ambon from 1983 to 1986. The first two sets of specimens of this family are kept in TI and BO; the third more or less incomplete set will be in L, with a few more duplicates to be distributed to other herbaria. In tatal, 47 species of the Hymenophyllaceae are recorded. Seram has an area of about 17,000 km2 with many mountain peaks reaching 2,000 to 3,000 m elevation, the highest being 3019 m tall. When the collections were made in 1980s, most mountainous areas were still natural and undeveloped, covered mostly with primary forests. Mountains over 1500 m elevation are in a cloud zone of mossy forests where filmy ferns prefer to grow. For the species enumerated here, the habitat of each species is summarized and edited from the field notes on the collection labels. There are widespread calcareous on Seram Island, and most collections are from such areas. Ambon is a much smaller island located southwest of Seram. The flora of Ambon had been relatively better known than Seram’s because of the epoch-making pre-Linnean work of G. E. Rumphius, Herbarium Amboinense. However, the island is now well populated and has been deforested. A small number of Hymenophyllaceae were collected on Ambon. On Seram Island, no particular species of filmy fern grow obligatory in limestone areas. For the epiphytic species, calcareous habitats appear to be of less concern. The epipetric species cited in the following list usually grow on very wet, often moss-covered limestone as facultative calcareous species.Sampling Description
Study Extent
Pteridophytes specimens including those of Hymenophyllaceae were collected in Seram and Ambon islands on the expeditions 1983–1986.Sampling
The pteridophyte flora of Ambon and Seram (Ceram) was comprehensively explored in the 1980s and was studied by M. Kato and his colleagues during 1985 and 2007. Most of the pteridophyte collections were already studied, but the specimens of Hymenophyllaceae remained unprocessed. After identification of the specimens by the authors following the classification system by Ebihara et al. (2006), seven genera and 47 species are here recorded. The diversity of species is equivalent to nearly half of all species in Malesia, where 108 species have now been identified and recorded (K. Iwatsuki & A. Ebihara, in preparation). The field research was organized as a joint survey by the Botanical Gardens, the University of Tokyo, and Herbarium Bogoriense, LIPI. Along with the work on the Hymenophyllaceae for Flora Malesiana, this taxonomically interesting family has been revised and the taxonomy of the species has been determined, including the identification of the collections cited here. A modern system including information based on molecular systematics was proposed by Ebihara et al. (2006), although further study is continuing. This list of Ambon and Seram species is arranged according to the system proposed there, except for the order of the infrageneric taxa.Quality Control
For most of the specimens, the coordinate was supplied by the authors based on the itinerary of field trips.Method steps
- The information on labels was collected from the specimens deposited in TI.
Taxonomic Coverages
Hymenophyllaceaecommon name: filmy ferns rank: family
Geographic Coverages
Ambon Island and Seram Island (the Moluccas), Indonesia
Bibliographic Citations
- Kato M (1990a) The fern flora of Seram. In: Baas P et al. (Eds) Plant Diversity of Malesia. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dortrecht, 225–234. - https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-009-2107-8
- Kato M (1989a) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions II. Davalliaceae and Oleandraceae. Journal of Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, sect. III 14: 219–241. -
- Kato M (1989b) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions III. Eusporangiate and some lower leptosporangiate families. Acta Phytotaxnomica et Geobotanica 40: 77–92. - https://doi.org/10.18942/bunruichiri.KJ00001078670
- Kato M (1990b) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions IV. Tree-fern families. Journal of Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, sect. III 14: 369–384. -
- Kato M (1992) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions VIII. Aspleniaceae, Blechnaceae and Lomariopsidaceae. Journal of Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, sect. III 15: 135–152. -
- Kato M (1994) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions IX. Woodsiaceae, Lindsaeaceae, and Adiantaceae. Journal of Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, sect. III 15: 315–347. -
- Kato M (1996) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions X. Dennstaedtiaceae, Vittariaceae and Tectarioideae (Dryopteridaceae). Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 47: 61–90. - https://doi.org/10.18942/bunruichiri.KJ00001077534
- Kato M (1997) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected on Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions XI. Thelypteridaceae (1). Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 48: 43–59. - https://doi.org/10.18942/bunruichiri.KJ00001077485
- Kato M (2007) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected on Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions 1983–86. XII. Coryphopteris and Plesioneuron (Thelypteridaceae). Bulletin of National Museum of Nature and Science, ser. B 33: 13–27. -
- Kato M, Kramer KU (1990) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions VI. Pteridaceae. Acta Phytotaxonomica et Geobotanica 41: 155–168. - https://doi.org/10.18942/bunruichiri.KJ00001078689
- Kato M, Parris BS (1992) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions VII. Grammitidaceae. Journal of Faculty of Science, University of Tokyo, sect. III 15: 111–133. -
- Kato M, Price MG (1990) Taxonomic studies of pteridophytes of Ambon and Seram (Moluccas) collected by Indonesian-Japanese botanical expeditions V. Dipteridaceae and Polypodiaceae. Acta Phytotaxmica et Geobotanica 41: 61–76. - https://doi.org/10.18942/bunruichiri.KJ00002594280
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Atsushi Ebiharaoriginator
position: Senior curator
National Museum of Nature and Science
4-1-1 Amakubo
Telephone: +81-29-853-8988
email: ebihara@kahaku.go.jp
homepage: http://www.kahaku.go.jp/
Atsushi Ebihara
metadata author
position: Senior curator
National Museum of Nature and Science
4-1-1 Amakubo
Telephone: +81-29-853-8988
email: ebihara@kahaku.go.jp
homepage: http://www.kahaku.go.jp/
Osamu Kurashima
position: Research fellow
The University of Tokyo
3-8-1 Komaba
email: osamu@darwin.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp
homepage: http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
Kunio Iwatsuki
position: Professor emeritus
The University of Tokyo
815-29 Kamoshida, Aoba-ku
Herbarium, the University of Tokyo (TI)
The Botanical Gardens, Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo, 3-7-1 Hakusan
Atsushi Ebihara
administrative point of contact
position: Senior curator
National Museum of Nature and Science
4-1-1 Amakubo
Telephone: +81-29-853-8988
email: ebihara@kahaku.go.jp
homepage: http://www.kahaku.go.jp/