NHMD Amber Collection
Vilhelmsen L, Selvantharan S, Illum A, Pedersen J (2025). NHMD Amber Collection. Natural History Museum of Denmark. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/sh5sry accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-02-14.Description
The amber collection at SNM comprises almost 70.000 pieces with inclusions, mostly of insects. Almost all the pieces are of Baltic amber, either collected on the western coast of Jutland or along the Baltic coastline of Russia (Kaliningrad region) or Latvia. The collection includes approx. 100 holotypes and additional material identified to species, but most of the material is identified only to order or family. The entire collection is databased and packed in airtight zip lock bags. The majority of the collection (57.000+ pieces) was bought in 2018 from a private collector in Skagen, Karin Nordmann Ernst. This purchase was made possible by donations from Augustinusfonden, Knud Højgaards Fond and Villum Fonden.Ravsamlingen består af ca. 70.000 stykker med inklusioner af primært insekter. Det fleste stykker er baltisk rav og indsamlet på den Jyllands vestkyst, eller langs den baltiske kystlinje i Rusland (Kalinigrad) og Letland. Samlingen indeholder ca. 100 holotyper samt rester af dyr som er bestemt til enten orden, familie,eller artsniveau. Hele samlingen er registeret og pakket i lufttætte zip-lock poser. Størstedelen af samlingen (57.000) blev købt fra en privat samler, Karin Nordmann Ernst. Dette blev muligt igennem en gavmild donation fra Augustinusfonden, Knud Højgaards Fond og Villum Fonden.Taxonomic Coverages
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Lars Vilhelmsenoriginator
position: Curator of Amber and Hemiptera
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Universitetsparken 15
Capital Region of Denmark
Telephone: +45 35321110
email: lbvilhelmsen@snm.ku.dk
email: lbvilhelmsen@snm.ku.dk
homepage: https://snm.ku.dk/ansatte/ansatte/?pure=da/persons/10873
Lars Vilhelmsen
position: Curator of Amber and Hemiptera
Natural History Museum of Denmark
email: lbvilhelmsen@snm.ku.dk
Sree Selvantharan
metadata author
position: Collection Manager
Natural History Museum of Denmark
email: selvantharan@snm.ku.dk
Anders Illum
metadata author
position: Collection manager
Natural History Museum of Denmark
email: andersaillum@snm.ku.dk
Jan Pedersen
metadata author
position: Collection manager
Natural History Museum of Denmark
email: japedersen@snm.ku.dk
Fedor Alexander Steeman
position: Data Coordinator
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Universitetsparken 15
Capital Region of Denmark
Telephone: +45 22369539
email: fedor.steeman@snm.ku.dk
homepage: https://snm.ku.dk/ansatte/samlinger/?id=228929&vis=medarbejder
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2153-8104
Zsuzsanna Papp
position: Data Coordinator
Natural History Museum of Denmark
Universitetsparken 15
Capital Region of Denmark
email: zsuzsanna.papp@snm.ku.dk