II Atlas of nesting birds - target species (1999-2005)
Silva J P, Encarnação V, Almeida J, Messina T (2022). II Atlas of nesting birds - target species (1999-2005). Version 1.7. ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/emmc2q accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-13.Description
The Atlas of nesting birds from Portugal makes an inventory of 235 breeding species, from which 221 are native, and, among these, 205 with regular nesting activity. It covers a period from 1999 to 2005. The project "Atlas of the Birds that Nest in Portugal" aimed to know the current distribution of breeding species in Mainland Portugal and in the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores and to characterize abundance, when possible, of national populations of these species, during the period of 1999 to 2005. This dataset comprised two layers of information: Directed Census - Distribution data for bird species targeted by directed census, except Aquila adalberti, Aegypius monachus and Pterocles alchata whose location is confidential (includes marginal 10x10 km UTM squares); Other species - distribution data for the remaining species (does not include UTM 10x10 km marginal grids). The project involved the participation of ca. 500 volunteers, more than a dozen professional employees and various work teams in the organization. It is the result of a fundamental partnership with three other entities, namely the SPEA - Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (a non-governmental association that works for the conservation of birds and their habitats in Portugal and which brings together numerous members interested in this faunal group); the Natural Park of Madeira (PNM) and the Regional Directorate for the Environment of the Azores (DRA), entities responsible for the conservation of wild birds in the autonomous regions.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The geographic area considered for the original study was Mainland Portugal and in the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores. The species included are bird species that were observed regarding its nesting activities.Sampling
The project "Atlas of the Birds that Nest in Portugal" aimed to know the current distribution of breeding species in Mainland Portugal and in the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores and to characterise abundance, when possible, of national populations of these species, during the period of 1999 to 2005. Unsystematic and systematic recordings were carried out. For systematic there were 30-minute visits to 6 2x2 km tetrads of a 10x10 km grid. The attribution of the grids were the responsibility of the observer. The data allowed to estimate abundances relative to most species and enable systematic coverage of the territory. Also it directed censuses to know the dimension of the breeding population. These censuses were carried out in areas where the majority of the population was expected to occur. Individuals and/or couples outside these areas, also had the number of breeding individuals and couples recorded. This dataset comprised two layers of information: Directed Census - Distribution data for bird species targeted by directed census, except Aquila adalberti, Aegypius monachus and Pterocles alchata whose location is confidential (includes marginal 10x10 km UTM squares); Other species - distribution data for the remaining species (does not include UTM 10x10 km marginal grids).Quality Control
Data available was inserted in a specific relational database built specifically for the project, which implemented several quality control methods. In the preparation of the dataset for GBIF publication, data consistency was verified using cluster algorithms using OpenRefine.Method steps
- 1. Aggregation of original data from several sources (see above) into a purpose specific relational database built for the project. For details, see Silva (2008). 2. Preparation of the dataset for GBIF publication used as source the geographic layer in shape file format. Although the data layer was a polygon layer with a 10 km grid, the attribute table contained, for the field records, original GPS coordinates with higher precision. In that case, the coordinates with higher spatial precision were considered. The following steps were performed: Conversion of the spatial layer to geographic coordinates using WGS84 as reference system to determine centroids of grid polygons; If the record contained coordinates in the database with higher precision, these were kept; Determination WKT for the polygons for which centroids were considered; Exporting to csv and reinterpretation to attributes to match DwC standard terms.
Taxonomic Coverages
The Atlas of nesting birds from Portugal collected occurrence data of 29 species, distributed throughout 11 orders and 11 genera.
Aquila chrysaetosrank: species
Aquila fasciatarank: species
Ardea cinerearank: species
Ardea purpurearank: species
Bubulcus ibisrank: species
Calonectris diomedearank: species
Ciconia ciconiarank: species
Ciconia nigrarank: species
Egretta garzettarank: species
Falco naumannirank: species
Falco peregrinusrank: species
Gyps fulvusrank: species
Gyps rueppelliirank: species
Ichthyaetus audouiniirank: species
Larus michahellisrank: species
Milvus milvusrank: species
Neophron percnopterusrank: species
Nycticorax nycticoraxrank: species
Oceanodroma castrorank: species
Otis tardarank: species
Phalacrocorax aristotelisrank: species
Platalea leucorodiarank: species
Porphyrio porphyriorank: species
Pterocles orientalisrank: species
Pyrrhocorax Pyrrhocoraxrank: species
Recurvirostra avosettarank: species
Sterna hirundorank: species
Sternula albifronsrank: species
Uria aalgerank: species
Geographic Coverages
Mainland Portugal and in the autonomous regions of Madeira and the Azores.
Bibliographic Citations
- Silva, João. (2008). Sisão - Atlas das aves nidificantes em Portugal 1999 - 2005. Geocatalogo ICNF (2020). II Atlas das aves nidificantes 1999-2005. https://sig.icnf.pt/portal/home/item.html?id=067cb81bdc8148839f44ad6115b1824e -
João Paulo Silvaoriginator
position: Researcher
University of Porto - Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos (CIBIO)
email: silvaj@sapo.pt
homepage: https://cibio.up.pt/people/details/jpsilva
Vitor Encarnação
position: Technician
email: vitor.encarnacao@icnf.pt
Julia Almeida
position: Technician
email: julia.almeida@icnf.pt
Tainan Messina
metadata author
position: Researcher
GBIF Portugal
Tapada da Ajuda
email: tmessina@isa.ulisboa.pt
Teresa Pimenta
position: Technician
Telephone: +351212348021
email: Teresa.Pimenta@icnf.pt
Teresa Pimenta
administrative point of contact
position: Technician
Telephone: +351212348021
email: Teresa.Pimenta@icnf.pt
Mario Reis
administrative point of contact
position: Technician
email: mario.reis@icnf.pt