Long-term dynamics of Collembola communities in a spruce forest and a meadow (1991-1997)
Kuznetsova N A (2019). Long-term dynamics of Collembola communities in a spruce forest and a meadow (1991-1997). Version 1.4. A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/fagy0w accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-03-07.Description
Information about the number of specimens of springtail species in soil cores collected in a spruce forest (Piceetum oxalidosum) and in a dry natural meadow (Moscow Region, Russia) from 1991 to 1997. Data from forest include 28287 individuals of 53 species (55 sampling series, 1053 soil cores). Data from meadow include 18640 individuals of 52 species (55 sampling series, 1064 soil cores).
Информация о числе особей видов ногохвосток в отдельных почвенных пробах, собранных в ельнике (Piceetum oxalidosum) и на суходольном лугу (Московская обл., Россия) в 1991-1997. В лесу данные по 28287 экземплярам 53 видов (55 серий учетов, 1053 почвенных образца). На лугу данные по 18640 экземплярам 52 видов (55 серий учетов, 1064 почвенных образца). Данные включают события отбора без находок для полноты матрицы сообщества.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Regular (usually monthly) sampling of soil samples using a corer (8 см2) in two sampling sites. In the forest, the samples included the entire depth of the litter (L+F+H layers) and the upper 1–2 cm of the underlying soil. Three microsites were sampled: near tree trunks, under tree crowns, in a gap between trees. In the meadow, the samples included material from the surface to a depth of 15 cm. Two microsites were studied: areas with herbaceous vegetation and areas under young spruce trees planted in 1990. Collembola were extracted into alcohol using Tullgren funnels, the material was mounted on slides in Phoera liquid and was determined to species level using a microscope.Sampling
In the forest, the samples included the entire depth of the litter (L+F+H layers) and the upper 1–2 cm of the underlying soil. Three microsites were sampled: near tree trunks, under tree crowns, in a gap between trees. In the meadow, the samples included material from the surface to a depth of 15 cm. Two microsites were studied: areas with herbaceous vegetation and areas under young spruce trees planted in 1990.Quality Control
Keys by Fjellberg (1980, 1998, 2007) and Potapov (2002), selected taxonomic articles, advices from the experts on the taxonomy of springtails Mikhail Potapov and Anatoly Babenko.Method steps
- Collembola were extracted into alcohol using Tullgren funnels, the material was mounted on slides in Phoera liquid and was determined to species level using a microscope.
Taxonomic Coverages
Arthropodarank: phylum
Collembolarank: order
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Kuznetsova N.A. 2006. Long-term dynamics of Collembola in two contrast ecosystems. Pedobiologia. V.50. N2. P. 157-164. 2005.12.004 - doi:10.1016/j.pedobi.2005.12.004
- Kuznetsova N.A. 2007. Long-term Dynamics of Collembolan population in Forest and Meadow Ecosystems. Entomological Review. V.87. N1. P. 11-24. d - doi 10.1134/S0013873807010022
Natalia A. Kuznetsovaoriginator
position: Researcher
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, Zoology and Ecology Dpt.
Kibalchicha 6, B.3.
Telephone: +7 916 3889841
email: mpnk@yandex.ru
Natalia A. Kuznetsova
metadata author
position: Researcher
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, Zoology and Ecology Dpt.
Kibalchicha 6, B.3.
Telephone: +7 916 3889841
email: mpnk@yandex.ru
Natalia A. Kuznetsova
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Biology and Chemistry, Zoology and Ecology Dpt.
Kibalchicha 6, B.3.
Telephone: +7 916 3889841
email: mpnk@yandex.ru