NDFF KOR project
Gmelig Meyling A, Oomen D (2018). NDFF KOR project. Dutch National Database of Flora and Fauna (NDFF). Metadata dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/b3gxna accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-11.Description
The Kor project involves fishing on the beach with small tow nets. The fish and crabs that are caught are counted and measured. The Anemoon Foundation uses this method to gain knowledge about changes to the populations of juvenile platvis such as Schol, Schar, Tong and Bot. The Kor method is explained on the website of the Anemoon Foundation. Kor excursions are led by an experienced observer of the Dutch associations for young nature enthusiasts (the NJN/JNM). Dataset available via https://www.ndff.nl/english / serviceteamndff@natuurloket.nl Positive observations without zeros.Taxonomic Coverages
Fish found in breaking waves like plaice, dab, sole and flounder.
Pleuronectes platessacommon name: European plaice rank: species
Limanda limandacommon name: Common dab rank: species
Solea soleacommon name: Common sole rank: species
Platichthys flesuscommon name: European flounder rank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Adriaan Gmelig Meylingoriginator
position: Database manager
Anemoon Foundation
Dries Oomen
metadata author
email: serviceteamNDFF@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english
Henk de Vries
position: Node manager NLBIF
NLBIF (Netherlands Biodiversity Information Facility)
P.O.Box 9517
2300 RA
email: henk.devries@naturalis.nl
Dries Oomen
administrative point of contact
position: Publisher
email: serviceteamNDFF@natuurloket.nl
homepage: https://www.ndff.nl/english