Prey identification of free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) from rural and natural areas of Spain through scat analysis
Sanglas A, Roman J, Palomares F (2024). Prey identification of free-ranging domestic cats (Felis catus) from rural and natural areas of Spain through scat analysis. Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-12-11.Description
This dataset includes information on the prey consumed by free-ranging domestic cats with different care/nourishment conditions, obtained from the analysis of scats. Most of the samples have been collected in two different regions (north of Palencia province and northeastern of the Sierra Nevada, Almería province), although opportunistic samples from volunteers from other localities of Spain are also included. The remains used to identify prey to the most specific taxonomic level are stored in the holdings of Doñana Biological Station (EBD-CSIC) and they are mainly composed of mandibles, teeth, feathers, scales and hard parts of arthropod exoskeletons. Scat samples were collected during 2022 in the framework of the project Feral Cats - WP4 SUMHAL with the goal of exploring the diversity of species that free-roaming domestic cats hunt and assessing which species or animal groups predominate in their catches. This dataset can be used to study the predatory activity of domestic cats and relate it to their environment, the conditions in which they live or their feeding regime, among other things.Purpose
The goal was to study the diversity of species that free-ranging domestic cats might be preying on, depending on the degree of nourishment and/or care received by people.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Scats samples were collected in two main regions of Spain, Parque Natural de la Montaña Pelentina (northern Palencia province) and northeastern of the Sierra Nevada National and Natural Park (area consisting of four municipalities of Almeria province, Abla, Abrucena, Ohanes and Las Tres Villas). The first area was located in Montaña Palentina Natural Park, an area composed of small villages surrounded by extensive livestock pastures and natural grasslands. Towns are nearly uninhabited during winter, when only farmers and older people remain, and filled with tourists and families with second homes during summer. Scats in the second area were collected in a non-managed cat colony present on the edge of Abla village, one of the main towns of the study area, and in the isolated cottages found widespread throughout the Natural Park area. Permanent residence within the Natural Park is now rare and cottages are mainly used for temporary stays such as vacations-weekends or crop maintenance. In both places, cat ownership is mainly for rodent control purposes. Finally, opportunistic scat samples were also collected from free-ranging cat owners throughout Spain, who had previously participated as volunteers tracking their cats for the citizen science part of WP4 - Feral Cats project, and who kindly sent us scats from their cats.Sampling
Scats were mainly collected from places near human settlements (towns, farms, isolated buildings...). For each sample, information associated with the cat that had deposited the excrement was associated when possible in form of two variables. Variable "Cat Type" describes the relationship of the cat with humans and includes the following categories: "Owned": cats that although left free outdoors (entirely or partially), are provided with at least regular food and shelter (veterinary care optional); "Colony cat": cats that live in groups in a specific area and spend their whole time outdoors basically because they do not belong to a specific owner. These may be often supported by caretakers or neighbours that provide them with food but do not consider themselves as owners. Variable "Care level" describes the frequency of food provided by people. It includes the following categories: "Fed": they have feeding guaranteed, either in form of controlled meals or "ad libitum"; "Semifed": they do not receive food in a regular manner or are fed insufficiently with cat food or leftovers and "Probably unfed": individuals found in such isolated or unpopulated places that they are unlikely to receive or have access to food coming from people. Therefore, they would only rely on their catches, although this category is difficult to prove.Quality Control
The following limitations should be considered when analysing and interpreting these data: - Those remains belonging to species unlikely to have been hunted by a cat in the wild and which were probably of anthropogenic origin were not considered as prey (e.g. fish vertebrae coming from leftovers). - The number of prey consumed is the minimum possible based on body parts found in the scats that allow accounting for different individuals (e.g. mandibles, teeth, number of legs...). More individuals could have been consumed but may have been undetected due to non-individualisable remains such as fur or bones, thus underestimating the prey consumed. - In many cases, we do not know if the scats collected in a specific place belong to several cats or to the same individual.Method steps
- Sample processing: Scats were dried at 60 ºC degrees during 48-72h periods to avoid degradation by fungi or insects, as well as the transmission of possible diseases. Then, each sample was left in water for at least one day to hydrate and be able to separate the unidentifiable organic matter from undigested remains with a 500㎛ sieve. Remains such as fur, teeth, bones, mandibles, feathers, scales or hard parts of arthropod exoskeletons were kept in Petri plates for later identification. When content of scats consisted of more than 90% of dry cat food or leftovers, it was reported in "eventRemarks" field.
- Morphological identification: All specimens were identified to the most specific taxonomic level possible. Mandibles and teeth features were used to assess rodent species or genera following the manual of Roman (2019). Scales from reptiles were usually used to reach order levels. Feathers and calamus remains from birds did not allow us to get further from the class level. Exoskeleton parts from arthropods were analysed by expert entomologists. Generally, the third pair of legs allowed us to identify some specimens at the species level, but most of them were identified at the family level. The variable "identificationMethod" within the dynamic properties in the Occurrence table details the body part found and used in each scat to reach the species identification level. Variables "individualCount" in Occurrence table refers to the minimum number of different individuals of the same species found in the scat. This estimation is done by counting body parts such as mandibles, teeth or legs that can only be present in a certain number in each individual (e.g. there were three upper left mandibles in the scat and one rodent can only have one, it means that at least three individuals were consumed). The variable "sampleSizeValue" in Event table represents the sum of all organisms consumed found in that scat (e.g. two mice and a grasshopper gives an individual count of three).
Taxonomic Coverages
All specimens were identified to the most specific taxonomic level possible. Mandibles and teeth features were used to assess rodent species or genus. Scales from reptiles were usually used to reach order level. Feathers and calamus remains from birds did not allow us to get further from class level. Exoskeleton parts from arthropods, generally the third pair of legs, allowed us to identify some specimens to the species level, but most of them were identified to family level.
Acrididaecommon name: saltamontes rank: family
Anacridium aegyptiumcommon name: langosta egipcia rank: species
Anthidiumcommon name: abeja rank: genus
Apodemusrank: genus
Apodemus sylvaticuscommon name: ratón de campo rank: species
Arvicola amphibiuscommon name: rata topera rank: species
Arvicola sapiduscommon name: rata de agua rank: species
Avescommon name: pájaro rank: class
Calliptamuscommon name: saltamontes rank: genus
Carabidaecommon name: carábido rank: family
Coleopteracommon name: coleóptero rank: order
Colubridaecommon name: culebra rank: family
Crocidura russulacommon name: musaraña gris rank: species
Grylluscommon name: grillo rank: genus
Insectacommon name: insecto rank: class
Iris oratoriacommon name: mantis mediterránea rank: species
Iriscommon name: mantis rank: genus
Lacertidaecommon name: lagartija rank: family
Mammaliacommon name: mamífero rank: class
Mantodeacommon name: mantodeos rank: order
Melolontha melolonthacommon name: escarabajo sanjuanero rank: species
Microtus arvaliscommon name: topillo campesino rank: species
Microtus duodecimcostatuscommon name: topillo mediterraneo rank: species
Microtus lavernediicommon name: topillo agreste rank: species
Microtus lusitanicuscommon name: topillo lusitano rank: species
Microtusrank: genus
Musrank: genus
Mus musculuscommon name: ratón doméstico rank: species
Mus spretuscommon name: ratón moruno rank: species
Odonatacommon name: libelula rank: order
Orthopteracommon name: ortóptero rank: order
Platycleiscommon name: saltamontes longicornios rank: genus
Rodentiacommon name: micromamífero rank: order
Scarabaeidaecommon name: escarabajos rank: family
Segestria florentinarank: species
Sorex coronatuscommon name: musaraña tricolor rank: species
Squamatacommon name: réptil rank: order
Talpa europaeacommon name: topo europeo rank: species
Tettigoniidaecommon name: saltamontes longicornio rank: family
Volucellacommon name: sírfidos rank: genus
Geographic Coverages
The collection is primarily formed by specimens found in free-ranging domestic cat scats from two main regions of Spain, Montaña Palentina Natural Park (north of Palencia province) and the northeastern of the Sierra Nevada National and Natural Park, in the province of Almería. It also contains specimens from free-ranging cat owners throughout Spain who kindly sent us scats from their cats.
Bibliographic Citations
- Roman, J. 2019. Manual para la identificación de los cráneos de los roedores de la península ibérica, islas baleares y canarias. Manuales de Mastozoología de la SECEM. - ISBN: 978-84-09-14779-3
Ariadna Sanglasoriginator
position: Research assistant
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Jacinto Roman
position: Research assistant
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Francisco Palomares
position: Principal investigator
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Ariadna Sanglas
metadata author
position: Research assistant
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Francisco Palomares
metadata author
position: Principal investigator
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Ariadna Sanglas
content provider
position: Research assistant
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Francisco Palomares
principal investigator
position: Principal investigator
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Jacinto Roman
content provider
position: Research assistant
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Jairo Robla
content provider
position: PhD student
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26
Francisco Palomares
administrative point of contact
position: Principal investigator
Estación Biológica de Doñana, CSIC
Avda. Américo Vespucio 26