Fang Y (2020). 人禾環境倫理發展基金會_2017-2019東北部獨流溪魚蝦蟹螺調查. Version 1.6. Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/5un923 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-11.Description
2017-2019瑞芳鎮到蘇澳鎮間出海獨流溪水域中魚蝦蟹螺類浮潛觀察紀錄。各溪觀察資訊不均等。Sampling Description
Study Extent
浮潛觀察及影像拍攝記錄為主。部分輔以踢擊網捕捉。Quality Control
以影像拍攝紀錄提供鑑定。Method steps
- 請參考計畫相關資訊(Project Data)。
Taxonomic Coverages
Actinopterygiicommon name: 條鰭魚綱 rank: class
Malacostracacommon name: 軟甲綱 rank: class
Gastropodacommon name: 腹足綱 rank: class
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Yunju Fangoriginator
position: 研究員
人禾環境倫理發展基金會Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan(http://www.eeft.org.tw)
email: yjfang@eeft.org.tw
Yunju Fang
metadata author
position: 研究員
人禾環境倫理發展基金會Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan(http://www.eeft.org.tw)
email: yjfang@eeft.org.tw
Jerome Chie-Jen Ko
position: 助理研究員
Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
Hui-Ming Zhong
administrative point of contact
position: 計畫助理
Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute
email: ldp4120@gmail.com
Yunju Fang
administrative point of contact
position: 研究員
人禾環境倫理發展基金會Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan(http://www.eeft.org.tw)
email: yjfang@eeft.org.tw
Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan
administrative point of contact
position: 代表信箱
人禾環境倫理發展基金會Environmental Ethics Foundation of Taiwan(http://www.eeft.org.tw)
email: eeft@eeft.org.tw