Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase (Zooplancton Chetumal)
Pozo de la Tijera M D C, Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad C (2024). Fortalecimiento de las colecciones de ECOSUR. Primera fase (Zooplancton Chetumal). Version 1.10. Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-01-19.Description
En este proyecto se trabajará con 21 colecciones de ECOSUR las cuales se encuentran distribuidas en tres sedes. En Chetumal se tienen 11 colecciones (Zooplancton, Ictioplancton, Poliquetos, Nemátodos, Corales, Hormigas, Mariposas, Peces, Anfibios y reptiles, Aves y Mamíferos marinos), en San Cristóbal de las Casas 6 (Insectos, Abejas, Peces, Anfibios y reptiles, Mamíferos y un Herbario) y en Tapachula 4 (Insectos, Arañas, Herbario y Hongos). Para un mejor mantenimiento y uso de las colecciones, se hará trabajo curatorial en cada una de ellas y se actualizarán sus bases de datos, las cuales serán administradas por una Unidad de Bioinformática. Todas las especies registradas en las 21 colecciones de ECOSUR que participan en este proyecto, contarán con fotografías de alta calidad para su uso en identificaciones taxonómicas. Para lograr esta meta, se contará con la participación de 16 investigadores y 7 técnicos contratados por ECOSUR, además de 9 capturistas y 14 técnicos externos y una responsable de la Unidad de Bioinformática que se contratarán con recursos de este financiamiento. También se tendrá la participación de 13 taxónomos invitados y se comprará equipo necesario para el trabajo curatorial en estas 21 colecciones. Al término del proyecto se espera tener más de 98 145 registros en bases de datos administradas por la Unidad de Bioinformática, con datos de más de 5,000 especies de más de 1,000 localidades.
Reino: 1 Filo: 7 Clase: 14 Orden: 37 Familia: 159 Género: 328 Subgénero: 9 Especie: 648 Epitetoinfraespecifico: 29
Taxonomic Coverages
Animaliarank: kingdom
Arthropodarank: phylum
Cnidariarank: phylum
Annelidarank: phylum
Molluscarank: phylum
Chordatarank: phylum
Chaetognatharank: phylum
Rotiferarank: phylum
Malacostracarank: class
Hydrozoarank: class
Maxillopodarank: class
Polychaetarank: class
Branchiopodarank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Appendiculariarank: class
Cephalocaridarank: class
Cubozoarank: class
Sagittoidearank: class
Ostracodarank: class
Eurotatoriarank: class
Thaliacearank: class
Scyphozoarank: class
Amphipodarank: order
Calycophoraerank: order
Siphonostomatoidarank: order
Filiferarank: order
Calanoidarank: order
Opheliidarank: order
Phyllodocidarank: order
Limnomedusaerank: order
Monstrilloidarank: order
Diplostracarank: order
Trachymedusaerank: order
Cyclopoidarank: order
Pteropodarank: order
Copelatarank: order
Brachypodarank: order
Spionidarank: order
Physonectaerank: order
Harpacticoidarank: order
Tanaidacearank: order
Carybdeidarank: order
Aphragmophorarank: order
Arguloidarank: order
Statocystarank: order
Decapodarank: order
Capitatarank: order
Podocopidarank: order
Ploimarank: order
Flosculariacearank: order
Euphausiacearank: order
Aplanulatarank: order
Salpidarank: order
Narcomedusaerank: order
Coronataerank: order
Cystonectaerank: order
Laodiceidarank: order
Isopodarank: order
Gymnocoparank: order
Lycaeopsidaerank: family
Platyscelidaerank: family
Lestrigonidaerank: family
Diphyidaerank: family
Abylidaerank: family
Caligidaerank: family
Hydractiniidaerank: family
Pontellidaerank: family
Vibiliidaerank: family
Opheliidaerank: family
Pseudodiaptomidaerank: family
Parascelidaerank: family
Lycaeidaerank: family
Phyllodocidaerank: family
Oxycephalidaerank: family
Brachyscelidaerank: family
Lernanthropidaerank: family
Pandeidaerank: family
Olindiidaerank: family
Monstrillidaerank: family
Macrothricidaerank: family
Geryoniidaerank: family
Amphithyridaerank: family
Cyclopidaerank: family
Atlantidaerank: family
Limacinidaerank: family
Oikopleuridaerank: family
Hutchinsoniellidaerank: family
Spionidaerank: family
Agalmatidaerank: family
Phronimidaerank: family
Peltidiidaerank: family
Phrosinidaerank: family
Cordagalmatidaerank: family
Tanaididaerank: family
Botryllophilidaerank: family
Carybdeidaerank: family
Sagittidaerank: family
Argulidaerank: family
Thalestridaerank: family
Pterosagittidaerank: family
Candaciidaerank: family
Eucheilotidaerank: family
Corycaeidaerank: family
Pseudanthessiidaerank: family
Tortanidaerank: family
Entobiidaerank: family
Acartiidaerank: family
Balaenophilidaerank: family
Campanulariidaerank: family
Metidaerank: family
Eupronoidaerank: family
Penaeidaerank: family
Scinidaerank: family
Clytiidaerank: family
Louriniidaerank: family
Rhopalonematidaerank: family
Lichomolgidaerank: family
Eucalanidaerank: family
Cladonematidaerank: family
Rathkeidaerank: family
Hyperiidaerank: family
Oithonidaerank: family
Laophontidaerank: family
Diaptomidaerank: family
Chydoridaerank: family
Ergasilidaerank: family
Darwinulidaerank: family
Ilyocryptidaerank: family
Asplanchnidaerank: family
Limnocytheridaerank: family
Brachionidaerank: family
Cyprididaerank: family
Sididaerank: family
Lepadellidaerank: family
Candonidaerank: family
Lecanidaerank: family
Euchlanidaerank: family
Daphniidaerank: family
Mytilinidaerank: family
Trichotriidaerank: family
Moinidaerank: family
Bosminidaerank: family
Synchaetidaerank: family
Ameiridaerank: family
Testudinellidaerank: family
Flosculariidaerank: family
Temoridaerank: family
Miraciidaerank: family
Trichocercidaerank: family
Ridgewayiidaerank: family
Scaridiidaerank: family
Canthocamptidaerank: family
Epiphanidaerank: family
Tachidiidaerank: family
Epacteriscidaerank: family
Centropagidaerank: family
Notommatidaerank: family
Hexarthridaerank: family
Paracalanidaerank: family
Cavoliniidaerank: family
Euphausiidaerank: family
Paraphronimidaerank: family
Peraclidaerank: family
Dairellidaerank: family
Corymorphidaerank: family
Salpidaerank: family
Euchaetidaerank: family
Tryphanidaerank: family
Prayidaerank: family
Cuninidaerank: family
Thaumatopsyllidaerank: family
Cytaeididaerank: family
Hippopodiidaerank: family
Fritillariidaerank: family
Aeginidaerank: family
Aetideidaerank: family
Syllidaerank: family
Pronoidaerank: family
Metridinidaerank: family
Nausithoidaerank: family
Eirenidaerank: family
Cymbuliidaerank: family
Corynidaerank: family
Physophoridaerank: family
Augaptilidaerank: family
Solmarisidaerank: family
Iulopididaerank: family
Oncaeidaerank: family
Nereididaerank: family
Physaliidaerank: family
Laodiceidaerank: family
Linuchidaerank: family
Phaennidaerank: family
Tubulariidaerank: family
Lubbockiidaerank: family
Myicolidaerank: family
Zancleidaerank: family
Dajidaerank: family
Calanidaerank: family
Forskaliidaerank: family
Desmopteridaerank: family
Clausocalanidaerank: family
Lanceolidaerank: family
Pterotracheidaerank: family
Clausidiidaerank: family
Sapphirinidaerank: family
Mimonectidaerank: family
Rhizophysidaerank: family
Arietellidaerank: family
Krohnittidaerank: family
Aegisthidaerank: family
Tomopteridaerank: family
Carinariidaerank: family
Bythotiaridaerank: family
Cystisomatidaerank: family
Bougainvilliidaerank: family
Oceaniidaerank: family
Aequoreidaerank: family
Lycaeopsisrank: genus
Tetrathyrusrank: genus
Hyperioidesrank: genus
Eudoxoidesrank: genus
Enneagonumrank: genus
Abylopsisrank: genus
Lestrigonusrank: genus
Caligusrank: genus
Chelophyesrank: genus
Hyperiettarank: genus
Diphyesrank: genus
Bassiarank: genus
Hydractiniarank: genus
Platyscelusrank: genus
Labidocerarank: genus
Lensiarank: genus
Vibiliarank: genus
Polyophthalmusrank: genus
Pseudodiaptomusrank: genus
Parascelusrank: genus
Muggiaearank: genus
Thyropusrank: genus
Simorhynchotusrank: genus
Pterocirrusrank: genus
Themistellarank: genus
Rhabdosomarank: genus
Oxycephalusrank: genus
Euthamneusrank: genus
Lycaearank: genus
Streetsiarank: genus
Lernanthropusrank: genus
Amphinemarank: genus
Olindiasrank: genus
Glossocephalusrank: genus
Monstrillarank: genus
Macrothrixrank: genus
Lirioperank: genus
Brachyscelusrank: genus
Amphithyrusrank: genus
Halicyclopsrank: genus
Atlantarank: genus
Sulculeolariarank: genus
Limacinarank: genus
Metacaligusrank: genus
Oikopleurarank: genus
Lightiellarank: genus
Pontellopsisrank: genus
Spiophanesrank: genus
Paralycaearank: genus
Agalmarank: genus
Phronimarank: genus
Peltidiumrank: genus
Pontellarank: genus
Nanomiarank: genus
Phrosinarank: genus
Cordagalmarank: genus
Sinelobusrank: genus
Haplostomidesrank: genus
Carybdearank: genus
Macrocyclopsrank: genus
Ferosagittarank: genus
Argulusrank: genus
Rhynchothalestrisrank: genus
Pterosagittarank: genus
Paracandaciarank: genus
Cubaiarank: genus
Anchylomerarank: genus
Eucheilotarank: genus
Cymbasomarank: genus
Farranularank: genus
Pseudanthessiusrank: genus
Tortanusrank: genus
Entobiusrank: genus
Acartiarank: genus
Balaenophilusrank: genus
Phialidiumrank: genus
Phronimellarank: genus
Phronimopsisrank: genus
Metisrank: genus
Parapronoerank: genus
Farfantepenaeusrank: genus
Scinarank: genus
Clytiarank: genus
Louriniarank: genus
Ceratocymbarank: genus
Cranocephalusrank: genus
Calanopiarank: genus
Eupronoerank: genus
Aglaurarank: genus
Herrmannellarank: genus
Eucalanusrank: genus
Paratyphisrank: genus
Corycaeusrank: genus
Staurocladiarank: genus
Podocorynoidesrank: genus
Hyperocherank: genus
Oithonarank: genus
Laophonterank: genus
Arctodiaptomusrank: genus
Chydorusrank: genus
Neoergasilusrank: genus
Alicenularank: genus
Leptodiaptomusrank: genus
Ilyocryptusrank: genus
Microcyclopsrank: genus
Asplanchnarank: genus
Eucyclopsrank: genus
Leydigiarank: genus
Limnocythererank: genus
Prionodiaptomusrank: genus
Brachionusrank: genus
Mastigodiaptomusrank: genus
Cypridopsisrank: genus
Diaphanosomarank: genus
Euryalonarank: genus
Acanthocyclopsrank: genus
Colurellarank: genus
Typhlocyprisrank: genus
Lecanerank: genus
Heterocyprisrank: genus
Latonopsisrank: genus
Beauchampiellarank: genus
Stenocyprisrank: genus
Tropocyclopsrank: genus
Simocephalusrank: genus
Mytilinarank: genus
Cyprettarank: genus
Ceriodaphniarank: genus
Trichotriarank: genus
Candonarank: genus
Platyiasrank: genus
Strandesiarank: genus
Scapholeberisrank: genus
Alonarank: genus
Alonellarank: genus
Mesocyclopsrank: genus
Cytheridellarank: genus
Cypriarank: genus
Diacyclopsrank: genus
Moinarank: genus
Aglaodiaptomusrank: genus
Bosminarank: genus
Keratellarank: genus
Paracyclopsrank: genus
Grimaldinarank: genus
Daphniarank: genus
Potamocyprisrank: genus
Polyarthrarank: genus
Metacyclopsrank: genus
Pleuroxusrank: genus
Synchaetarank: genus
Parapseudoleptomesochrarank: genus
Kurziarank: genus
Testudinellarank: genus
Ptygurarank: genus
Vestalenularank: genus
Camptocercusrank: genus
Ephemeroporusrank: genus
Thermocyclopsrank: genus
Karualonarank: genus
Plationusrank: genus
Euchlanisrank: genus
Skistodiaptomusrank: genus
Asplanchnopusrank: genus
Macrochaetusrank: genus
Hesperodiaptomusrank: genus
Eurytemorarank: genus
Leydigiopsisrank: genus
Tripleuchlanisrank: genus
Schizoperarank: genus
Notoalonarank: genus
Diaphanocyprisrank: genus
Lophocharisrank: genus
Ectocyclopsrank: genus
Trichocercarank: genus
Allocyclopsrank: genus
Neocypridopsisrank: genus
Cypricercusrank: genus
Exumellarank: genus
Lepadellarank: genus
Keysercypriarank: genus
Pseudochydorusrank: genus
Scaridiumrank: genus
Cletocamptusrank: genus
Epiphanesrank: genus
Sarsilatonarank: genus
Euterpinarank: genus
Moinodaphniarank: genus
Therodamasrank: genus
Ergasilusrank: genus
Darwinularank: genus
Balinellarank: genus
Onchobunopsrank: genus
Chlamydothecarank: genus
Osphranticumrank: genus
Monommatarank: genus
Hexarthrarank: genus
Prionocyprisrank: genus
Cyprinotusrank: genus
Pseudosidarank: genus
Riocyprisrank: genus
Limniasrank: genus
Hemicyprisrank: genus
Nitokrarank: genus
Candonocyprisrank: genus
Microdiaptomusrank: genus
Physocypriarank: genus
Paracalanusrank: genus
Spinalonarank: genus
Apocyclopsrank: genus
Dunhevediarank: genus
Homocyclopsrank: genus
Cavoliniarank: genus
Euphausiarank: genus
Creseisrank: genus
Primnorank: genus
Stylocheironrank: genus
Thysanopodarank: genus
Serratosagittarank: genus
Diacriarank: genus
Diacavoliniarank: genus
Nematoscelisrank: genus
Paraphronimarank: genus
Nematobrachionrank: genus
Cuvierinarank: genus
Abylarank: genus
Peraclerank: genus
Dairellarank: genus
Dimophyesrank: genus
Vannucciarank: genus
Salparank: genus
Euchaetarank: genus
Mesosagittarank: genus
Hyalocylisrank: genus
Tryphanarank: genus
Schizoscelusrank: genus
Amphicaryonrank: genus
Cuninarank: genus
Ritteriellarank: genus
Leptocotisrank: genus
Caribeopsyllusrank: genus
Cytaeisrank: genus
Pegearank: genus
Thaliarank: genus
Vogtiarank: genus
Fritillariarank: genus
Styliolarank: genus
Cliorank: genus
Aeginarank: genus
Gaetanusrank: genus
Autolytusrank: genus
Stegosomarank: genus
Ihlearank: genus
Pronoerank: genus
Hemityphisrank: genus
Athorybiarank: genus
Hippopodiusrank: genus
Gaussiarank: genus
Frillagalmarank: genus
Nausithoerank: genus
Helgicirrharank: genus
Corollarank: genus
Sarsiarank: genus
Physophorarank: genus
Centraugaptilusrank: genus
Pegantharank: genus
Iulopisrank: genus
Rhopalonemarank: genus
Pachosrank: genus
Parasagittarank: genus
Nereisrank: genus
Physaliarank: genus
Laodicearank: genus
Linucherank: genus
Phaennarank: genus
Hybocodonrank: genus
Corymorpharank: genus
Flaccisagittarank: genus
Stomotocarank: genus
Lubbockiarank: genus
Hyperionyxrank: genus
Pseudomyicolarank: genus
Zanclearank: genus
Heterophryxusrank: genus
Calanusrank: genus
Thysanoessarank: genus
Forskaliarank: genus
Eirenerank: genus
Acanthoscinarank: genus
Desmopterusrank: genus
Glebarank: genus
Iasisrank: genus
Lizziarank: genus
Microcalanusrank: genus
Lanceolarank: genus
Desmophyesrank: genus
Pterotrachearank: genus
Halistemmarank: genus
Firoloidarank: genus
Proceraearank: genus
Saphirellarank: genus
Sapphirinarank: genus
Mimonectesrank: genus
Rhizophysarank: genus
Arietellusrank: genus
Protatlantarank: genus
Krohnittarank: genus
Aegisthusrank: genus
Calocalanusrank: genus
Undinularank: genus
Euphysorarank: genus
Staurodiscusrank: genus
Tomopterisrank: genus
Euchirellarank: genus
Neocalanusrank: genus
Cardiapodarank: genus
Haloptilusrank: genus
Exogonerank: genus
Solmundellarank: genus
Mecynocerarank: genus
Bythotiararank: genus
Rhincalanusrank: genus
Cystisomarank: genus
Bougainvilliarank: genus
Sagittarank: genus
Turritopsisrank: genus
Aequorearank: genus
Euscelusrank: genus
Coecariarank: subgenus
Acutanusrank: subgenus
Arctodiaptomusrank: subgenus
Daphniarank: subgenus
Bosminarank: subgenus
Ctenodaphniarank: subgenus
Lepadellarank: subgenus
Vexillariarank: subgenus
Acartiurarank: subgenus
Lycaeopsis zamboangaerank: species
Tetrathyrus forcipatusrank: species
Hyperioides sibaginisrank: species
Eudoxoides spiraliscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Enneagonum hyalinumcommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Abylopsis tetragonacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Lestrigonus bengalensisrank: species
Abylopsis eschscholtzicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Caligus rufimaculatusrank: species
Chelophyes appendiculatacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Hyperietta vosselerirank: species
Eudoxoides mitracommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Diphyes bojanicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Diphyes disparcommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Bassia bassensiscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Hydractinia marrank: species
Platyscelus crustulatusrank: species
Labidocera scottirank: species
Lensia campanellacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Vibilia longicarpusrank: species
Polyophthalmus pictuscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Pseudodiaptomus cokerirank: species
Parascelus edwardsiirank: species
Muggiaea kochicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Lycaeopsis themistoidesrank: species
Thyropus sphaeromarank: species
Simorhynchotus antennariusrank: species
Hyperietta stephensenirank: species
Pterocirrus macroceroscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Lestrigonus schizogeneiosrank: species
Themistella fuscarank: species
Rhabdosoma whiteirank: species
Oxycephalus clausirank: species
Euthamneus rostratusrank: species
Lycaea serratarank: species
Streetsia mindanaonisrank: species
Lernanthropus chacchirank: species
Amphinema dinemacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Olindias tenuiscommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Glossocephalus milneedwardsirank: species
Monstrilla barbatarank: species
Lestrigonus schoemakerirank: species
Macrothrix spinosarank: species
Liriope tetraphyllacommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Lycaea bovallirank: species
Brachyscelus crusculumrank: species
Amphithyrus bispinosusrank: species
Halicyclops canekirank: species
Atlanta planarank: species
Sulculeolaria chunicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Caligus haemulonisrank: species
Labidocera aestivarank: species
Limacina trochiformiscommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Metacaligus rufusrank: species
Oikopleura (Coecaria) gracilisrank: species
Lightiella incisarank: species
Pontellopsis lubbockirank: species
Spiophanes bombyxcommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Metacaligus yucatanensisrank: species
Paralycaea hoyleirank: species
Sulculeolaria bilobacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Agalma okenicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Phronima bowmanirank: species
Hyperioides longipesrank: species
Peltidium nayaritrank: species
Pontella mimoceramirank: species
Pontella securiferrank: species
Nanomia bijugacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Phrosina semilunatarank: species
Pseudodiaptomus pelagicusrank: species
Sulculeolaria monoicacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Cordagalma cordiformiscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Sinelobus stanfordirank: species
Haplostomides hawaiiensisrank: species
Carybdea marsupialiscommon name: caja de gelatina rank: species
Ferosagitta hispidacommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Argulus flavescensrank: species
Platyscelus serratulusrank: species
Lestrigonus latissimusrank: species
Lycaea pulexrank: species
Rhynchothalestris rufocinctarank: species
Pterosagitta dracocommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Brachyscelus globicepsrank: species
Streetsia porcellarank: species
Paracandacia simplexrank: species
Vibilia armatarank: species
Cubaia aphroditecommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Anchylomera blossevilleirank: species
Eucheilota duodecimaliscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Cymbasoma boxshallirank: species
Farranula gracilisrank: species
Pseudanthessius tortuosusrank: species
Tortanus (Acutanus) setacaudatusrank: species
Vibilia chunirank: species
Entobius scionidesrank: species
Lycaea bajensisrank: species
Acartia spinatarank: species
Monstrilla mariaeugeniaerank: species
Balaenophilus manatorumrank: species
Acartia lilljeborgiirank: species
Hydractinia minutacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Phialidium mccradyrank: species
Amphithyrus sculpturatusrank: species
Macrothrix elegansrank: species
Phronimella elongatarank: species
Phronimopsis spiniferarank: species
Sulculeolaria turgidacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Cymbasoma quintanarooenserank: species
Lycaea bovallioidesrank: species
Metis holothuriaerank: species
Lycaea vincentiirank: species
Parapronoe parvarank: species
Labidocera mirabilisrank: species
Farfantepenaeus notialisrank: species
Scina marginatarank: species
Monstrilla elongatarank: species
Clytia mccradyicommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Lourinia armatarank: species
Ceratocymba leuckarticommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Cranocephalus scleroticusrank: species
Calanopia americanarank: species
Platyscelus ovoidesrank: species
Cymbasoma chelemenserank: species
Amphithyrus muratusrank: species
Eupronoe intermediarank: species
Parapronoe crustulumrank: species
Phronima bucephalarank: species
Labidocera neriirank: species
Aglaura hemistomacommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Herrmannella tivelaerank: species
Monstrilla helgolandicarank: species
Cymbasoma californienserank: species
Eucalanus subcrassusrank: species
Paratyphis maculatusrank: species
Monstrilla spinosarank: species
Lensia hotspurcommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Corycaeus flaccusrank: species
Atlanta lesueurirank: species
Limacina inflatarank: species
Staurocladia vallentinirank: species
Podocorynoides minimacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Hyperoche martinezirank: species
Oithona plumiferarank: species
Lestrigonus crucipesrank: species
Laophonte cornutarank: species
Lycaea pachypodarank: species
Arctodiaptomus (Arctodiaptomus) dorsalisrank: species
Chydorus brevilabrisrank: species
Neoergasilus japonicusrank: species
Alicenula serricaudatarank: species
Leptodiaptomus garciairank: species
Ilyocryptus spiniferrank: species
Asplanchna silvestriicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Eucyclops leptacanthusrank: species
Limnocythere axalapascorank: species
Prionodiaptomus colombiensisrank: species
Brachionus caudatuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Mastigodiaptomus nesusrank: species
Cypridopsis viduarank: species
Diaphanosoma fluviatilerank: species
Euryalona orientalisrank: species
Acanthocyclops caesariatusrank: species
Colurella obtusacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Leptodiaptomus siciloidesrank: species
Typhlocypris ellipticarank: species
Lecane bullacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Asplanchna priodontacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Diaphanosoma breviremerank: species
Heterocypris dubiarank: species
Latonopsis australisrank: species
Beauchampiella eudactylotacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Stenocypris fontinalisrank: species
Acanthocyclops americanusrank: species
Simocephalus serratulusrank: species
Mytilina bisulcatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Cypretta mayarank: species
Ceriodaphnia laticaudatarank: species
Trichotria tetractiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane elsacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Candona alchichicarank: species
Tropocyclops prasinusrank: species
Platyias quadricorniscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Strandesia intrepidarank: species
Scapholeberis duranguensisrank: species
Alona pectinatarank: species
Alonella brasiliensisrank: species
Mesocyclops pesceirank: species
Cytheridella ilosvayirank: species
Cypria pseudocrenulatarank: species
Leptodiaptomus sicilisrank: species
Diacyclops chakanrank: species
Arctodiaptomus dampfirank: species
Moina micrurarank: species
Cypretta campechensisrank: species
Ceriodaphnia dubiarank: species
Aglaodiaptomus clavipesrank: species
Simocephalus exspinosusrank: species
Mastigodiaptomus suarezmoralesirank: species
Asplanchna sieboldiicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Bosmina tubicenrank: species
Keratella cochleariscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Paracyclops hirsutusrank: species
Grimaldina brazzairank: species
Mastigodiaptomus albuquerquensisrank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) laevisrank: species
Potamocypris islagrandensisrank: species
Polyarthra dolichopteracommon name: rotífero rank: species
Mesocyclops aspericornisrank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) parvularank: species
Mesocyclops brasilianusrank: species
Alona pseudoverrucosarank: species
Leptodiaptomus novamexicanusrank: species
Metacyclops deserticusrank: species
Pleuroxus varidentatusrank: species
Macrocyclops albidusrank: species
Synchaeta longipescommon name: rotífero rank: species
Microcyclops ceibaensisrank: species
Simocephalus mixtusrank: species
Parapseudoleptomesochra botosaneanuirank: species
Moina hutchinsonirank: species
Eucyclops angelirank: species
Bosmina (Bosmina) liederirank: species
Diaphanosoma hebertirank: species
Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia) exilisrank: species
Kurzia polyspinarank: species
Ceriodaphnia rigaudirank: species
Testudinella ahlstromirank: species
Ptygura liberacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Vestalenula paglioliirank: species
Caligus quadratusrank: species
Ilyocryptus gouldenirank: species
Chydorus nitidulusrank: species
Eucyclops torresphilipirank: species
Camptocercus dadayirank: species
Ephemeroporus hybridusrank: species
Microcyclops rubellusrank: species
Cypria maculatarank: species
Thermocyclops inversusrank: species
Brachionus quadridentatuscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Alona glabrarank: species
Eucyclops cuatrocienegasrank: species
Karualona penuelasirank: species
Plationus patuluscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Eucyclops pectiniferrank: species
Chydorus invaginatusrank: species
Moina macrocoparank: species
Skistodiaptomus pallidusrank: species
Eucyclops agilisrank: species
Microcyclops dubitabilisrank: species
Metacyclops cushaerank: species
Caligus tenuifurcatusrank: species
Asplanchnopus multicepscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) schondlerirank: species
Cypria granadaerank: species
Asplanchna girodicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Macrochaetus sericusrank: species
Leptodiaptomus dodsonirank: species
Mytilina mucronatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Cypretta spinosarank: species
Mesocyclops longisetusrank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) pulexrank: species
Hesperodiaptomus morelensisrank: species
Eurytemora affinisrank: species
Ceriodaphnia reticulatarank: species
Strandesia ellipticarank: species
Leydigiopsis curvirostrisrank: species
Tripleuchlanis plicatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Cypria kraepelinirank: species
Lecane hamatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Schizopera tobaerank: species
Mesocyclops edaxrank: species
Asplanchna brightwelliicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Notoalona globulosarank: species
Alona setulosarank: species
Diaphanocypris meridanarank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) ambiguarank: species
Potamocypris dadayirank: species
Ptygura furcillatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lophocharis salpinacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Moina dumontirank: species
Ectocyclops phaleratusrank: species
Trichocerca iernisrank: species
Kurzia mediarank: species
Keratella americanacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Allocyclops veracruzanusrank: species
Cypretta intonsarank: species
Trichocerca pusillacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Neocypridopsis yucatanensisrank: species
Cypricercus cuneatusrank: species
Exumella tsonotrank: species
Lecane lunacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Euchlanis incisacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) patellacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Keysercypria xanabanicarank: species
Mytilina ventraliscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Chydorus dentiferrank: species
Pseudochydorus globosusrank: species
Macrochaetus collinsiicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Heterocypris congenerarank: species
Scaridium bostjanicommon name: rotífero rank: species
Trichocerca similiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Cletocamptus gomezirank: species
Eucyclops pseudoensiferrank: species
Epiphanes clavulatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Ceriodaphnia cornutarank: species
Sarsilatona serricaudarank: species
Diacyclops pilosusrank: species
Ilyocryptus nevadensisrank: species
Mesocyclops reidaerank: species
Euterpina acutifronsrank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) ovaliscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Moinodaphnia macleayirank: species
Therodamas mexicanusrank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) acuminatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Ergasilus davidirank: species
Darwinula stevensonirank: species
Lepadella (Lepadella) rhomboidescommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lecane quadridentatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Balinella yucatanensisrank: species
Ilyocryptus agilisrank: species
Limnocythere stationisrank: species
Macrothrix agsensisrank: species
Euchlanis dilatatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Onchobunops tuberculatusrank: species
Chlamydotheca arcuatarank: species
Alonella dadayirank: species
Eucyclops conrowaerank: species
Potamocypris variegatarank: species
Osphranticum labronectumrank: species
Monommata maculatarank: species
Mastigodiaptomus texensisrank: species
Hexarthra intermediacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Prionocypris longiformarank: species
Testudinella amphorarank: species
Trichocerca myersirank: species
Leydigiopsis brevirostrisrank: species
Cyprinotus puteirank: species
Ptygura melicertarank: species
Testudinella patinacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Trichocerca hollaertirank: species
Heterocypris puteirank: species
Alonella excisarank: species
Lecane closterocercacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Eucyclops chihuahuensisrank: species
Pseudosida ramosarank: species
Asplanchnopus hyalinusrank: species
Riocypris hinzeaerank: species
Lecane eleganscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Limnias melicertacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Acanthocyclops marceloirank: species
Mesocyclops pehpeiensisrank: species
Hemicypris salariarank: species
Nitokra spinipesrank: species
Candonocypris serratomarginatarank: species
Microdiaptomus cokerirank: species
Acanthocyclops einsleirank: species
Testudinella mucronatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Alona affinisrank: species
Mastigodiaptomus reidaerank: species
Ephemeroporus barroisirank: species
Pseudodiaptomus marshirank: species
Moina affinisrank: species
Chlamydotheca unispinosarank: species
Physocypria denticulatarank: species
Paracalanus aculeatusrank: species
Limnocythere opestarank: species
Brachionus havanaensiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Trichocerca flagellatarank: species
Typhlocypris annaerank: species
Spinalona anophtalmarank: species
Apocyclops panamensisrank: species
Potamocypris unicaudatarank: species
Dunhevedia odontoplaxrank: species
Lecane pyriformiscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Paracyclops chiltonirank: species
Homocyclops aterrank: species
Brachionus calycifloruscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Synchaeta pectinatacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Cypria javanarank: species
Cyprinotus unispiniferarank: species
Notoalona sculptarank: species
Cypria gibberarank: species
Brachionus rubenscommon name: rotífero rank: species
Oikopleura (Vexillaria) rufescensrank: species
Lensia subtiliscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Streetsia challengerirank: species
Euphausia brevisrank: species
Creseis clavarank: species
Creseis conicarank: species
Primno abyssalisrank: species
Stylocheiron suhmirank: species
Thysanopoda aequalisrank: species
Stylocheiron carinatumrank: species
Serratosagitta serratodentatacommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Euphausia gibboidesrank: species
Stylocheiron affinerank: species
Diacria quadridentatacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Thysanopoda tricuspidarank: species
Diacavolinia eleganscommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Stylocheiron abbreviatumrank: species
Diacavolinia aspinacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Nematoscelis atlanticarank: species
Eupronoe minutarank: species
Stylocheiron longicornerank: species
Hyperietta stebbingirank: species
Oikopleura (Coecaria) longicaudarank: species
Euphausia muticarank: species
Primno brevidensrank: species
Euphausia americanarank: species
Diacavolinia constrictacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Diacavolinia atlanticacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Diacavolinia longirostriscommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Lensia fowlericommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Paraphronima gracilisrank: species
Nematobrachion boopisrank: species
Lensia meteoricommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Creseis virgulacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Phronima dunbarirank: species
Abyla haeckelicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Stylocheiron elongatumrank: species
Paralycaea gracilisrank: species
Peracle reticulatacommon name: caracol mariposa marina rank: species
Vibilia gibbosarank: species
Euphausia hemigibbarank: species
Dairella californicarank: species
Dimophyes arcticacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Vannuccia forbesiicommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Scina nanarank: species
Scina curvidactylarank: species
Parascelus typhoidesrank: species
Salpa cylindricarank: species
Euchaeta marinarank: species
Cavolinia longirostriscommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Euphausia tenerarank: species
Lecane obtusacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Lestrigonus macrophthalmusrank: species
Diacavolinia vanutrechtirank: species
Mesosagitta minimacommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Lensia cossackcommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Hyalocylis striatarank: species
Tryphana malmiirank: species
Scina crassicornisrank: species
Eupronoe maculatarank: species
Schizoscelus ornatusrank: species
Phronima pacificarank: species
Amphicaryon ernesticommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Cunina peregrinacommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Sulculeolaria quadrivalviscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Eupronoe laticarparank: species
Streetsia steenstrupirank: species
Phronima collettirank: species
Ritteriella retractacommon name: salpa rank: species
Vibilia australisrank: species
Ceratocymba sagittatacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Thysanopoda monacantharank: species
Vibilia stebbingirank: species
Leptocotis tenuirostrisrank: species
Diacria rampalirank: species
Limacina lesueuriicommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Scina borealisrank: species
Diacavolinia deshayesicommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Caribeopsyllus chawayirank: species
Cytaeis tetrastylacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Pegea confoederatacommon name: salpa rank: species
Thalia cicarcommon name: salpa rank: species
Vogtia glabracommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Fritillaria formicarank: species
Vibilia borealisrank: species
Phronima stebbingirank: species
Styliola subularank: species
Nematobrachion flexipesrank: species
Oxycephalus piscatorrank: species
Aegina citreacommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Brachyscelus rapacoidesrank: species
Gaetanus milesrank: species
Thysanopoda orientalisrank: species
Autolytus dentaliuscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Primno latreilleirank: species
Paratyphis parvusrank: species
Stylocheiron maximumrank: species
Stegosoma magnumrank: species
Ihlea punctatacommon name: salpa rank: species
Diacria trispinosacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Phronima atlanticarank: species
Monstrilla carelirank: species
Abyla trigonacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Pronoe capitorank: species
Fritillaria pellucidarank: species
Lensia multicristatacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Hemityphis tenuimanusrank: species
Nematoscelis tenellarank: species
Oxycephalus latirostrisrank: species
Limacina helicoidesrank: species
Athorybia rosaceacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Scina similisrank: species
Phronima sedentariarank: species
Diacria majorcommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Hippopodius hippopuscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Vogtia spinosacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Thysanopoda pectinatarank: species
Lensia lelouveteaucommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Gaussia princepsrank: species
Vibilia viatrixrank: species
Frillagalma vityazicommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Peracle apicifulvacommon name: caracol mariposa marina rank: species
Scina pacificarank: species
Carybdea alatacommon name: caja de gelatina rank: species
Nausithoe punctatacommon name: escifomedusa rank: species
Diacavolinia strangulatacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Lensia conoideacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Nematoscelis micropsrank: species
Helgicirrha shulzeicommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Primno johnsonirank: species
Lycaea liliarank: species
Labidocera acutifronsrank: species
Phialidium gelatinosumrank: species
Amphicaryon acaulecommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Oikopleura (Coecaria) fusiformisrank: species
Sarsia graciliscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Oikopleura (Coecaria) intermediarank: species
Centraugaptilus rattrayirank: species
Limacina bulimoidesrank: species
Pegantha trilobacommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Hyperietta luzonirank: species
Physophora hydrostaticacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Lensia exetercommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Iulopis lovenirank: species
Karualona karuarank: species
Scina tullbergirank: species
Rhopalonema velatumcommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Pontella spinipesrank: species
Vibilia propinquarank: species
Pachos punctatumrank: species
Parasagitta tenuiscommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Paratyphis promontorirank: species
Oikopleura (Vexillaria) dioicarank: species
Scina lepismarank: species
Nereis egregicirratacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Physalia physaliscommon name: fragata portuguesa, carabella portuguesa, fragata portuguesa rank: species
Laodicea undulatacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Thalia rhomboidescommon name: salpa rank: species
Phronima solitariarank: species
Lycaea paulirank: species
Linuche unguiculatacommon name: escifomedusa rank: species
Thysanopoda cristatarank: species
Phaenna spiniferarank: species
Hybocodon forbesiicommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Corymorpha gracilisrank: species
Flaccisagitta lyracommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Paratyphis spinosusrank: species
Stomotoca pterophyllacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Scina vosselerirank: species
Corycaeus giesbrechtirank: species
Scina excisarank: species
Lubbockia squillimanarank: species
Amphithyrus glaberrank: species
Hyperionyx macrodactylusrank: species
Primno evansirank: species
Lensia hostilecommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Scina langhansirank: species
Corolla ovatarank: species
Pontellopsis regalisrank: species
Pseudomyicola spinosusrank: species
Zanclea costatacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Euphausia pseudogibbarank: species
Heterophryxus appendiculatusrank: species
Phronima curvipesrank: species
Cavolinia tridentatarank: species
Lecane robertsonaerank: species
Scina stenopusrank: species
Calanus minorrank: species
Thysanoessa gregariarank: species
Forskalia leuckarticommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Agalma eleganscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Eirene pyramidaliscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Acanthoscina acanthodesrank: species
Desmopterus papiliocommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Paraphronima crassipesrank: species
Gleba cordatarank: species
Iasis zonariacommon name: salpa rank: species
Lizzia ferrariicommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Microcalanus pusillusrank: species
Cavolinia gibbosacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Salpa fusiformiscommon name: salpa rank: species
Desmophyes annectenscommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Pterotrachea hippocampusrank: species
Halistemma rubrumcommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Firoloida desmarestiarank: species
Proceraea cornutacommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Saphirella tropicarank: species
Sapphirina scarlatarank: species
Salpa maximacommon name: salpa rank: species
Nematobrachion sexspinosusrank: species
Mimonectes gaussirank: species
Rhizophysa eysenhardticommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Arietellus setosusrank: species
Flaccisagitta hexapteracommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Vogtia pentacanthacommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Lensia ajaxcommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Protatlanta souleyetirank: species
Krohnitta subtiliscommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Pegea bicaudatacommon name: salpa rank: species
Lecane crepidacommon name: rotífero rank: species
Pterotrachea coronatarank: species
Monstrilla marioirank: species
Tortanus (Acutanus) angularisrank: species
Scina damasirank: species
Amphinema rugosumcommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Aegisthus mucronatusrank: species
Calocalanus styliremisrank: species
Undinula vulgarisrank: species
Lensia achillescommon name: sifonóforo rank: species
Euphysora graciliscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Staurodiscus tetrastauruscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Rhabdosoma minorrank: species
Tomopteris eleganscommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Euchirella bitumidarank: species
Neocalanus robustiorrank: species
Fritillaria haplostomarank: species
Vibilia jeangerardirank: species
Ritteriella amboinensiscommon name: salpa rank: species
Cardiapoda placentarank: species
Zanclea medusopolypatarank: species
Haloptilus spinicepsrank: species
Monstrilla careloidesrank: species
Exogone loureicommon name: poliqueto rank: species
Solmundella bitentaculatacommon name: hidromedusa rank: species
Flaccisagitta enflatacommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Scina submarginatarank: species
Paracalanus quasimodorank: species
Mecynocera clausirank: species
Euchaeta spinosarank: species
Euchaeta puberarank: species
Bythotiara depressacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Rhincalanus cornutusrank: species
Clio pyramidatacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: species
Labidocera wilsonirank: species
Oikopleura (Vexillaria) cophocercarank: species
Krohnitta pacificacommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Cystisoma longipesrank: species
Phialidium discoidumrank: species
Bougainvillia muscuscommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Sagitta bipunctatacommon name: gusano flecha rank: species
Turritopsis nutriculacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Bougainvillia ramosacommon name: hidrozoo rank: species
Monstrilla globosarank: species
Aequorea aequorearank: species
Acartia (Acartiura) tonsarank: species
Macrocyclops albidus subsp. albidusrank: infraspecificname
Microcyclops anceps subsp. ancepsrank: infraspecificname
Leydigia louisi var. mexicanarank: infraspecificname
Mastigodiaptomus albuquerquensis subsp. patzcuarensisrank: infraspecificname
Tropocyclops prasinus subsp. aztequeirank: infraspecificname
Scapholeberis armata subsp. armatarank: infraspecificname
Euchlanis dilatata dilatatarank: infraspecificname
Scapholeberis armata subsp. freyirank: infraspecificname
Schizopera tobae subsp. cubanarank: infraspecificname
Lecane ludwigii f. ercodesrank: infraspecificname
Osphranticum labronectum subsp. mexicanumrank: infraspecificname
Cavolinia uncinata subsp. uncinatarank: infraspecificname
Diacria trispinosa subsp. trispinosacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: infraspecificname
Cuvierina columnella f. atlanticarank: infraspecificname
Cavolinia inflexa f. inflexacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: infraspecificname
Diacria quadridentata f. danaerank: infraspecificname
Clio pyramidata subsp. lanceolatarank: infraspecificname
Oikopleura fusiformis f. typicarank: infraspecificname
Cavolinia inflexa f. imitansrank: infraspecificname
Diacavolinia limbata f. limbatacommon name: mariposa de mar rank: infraspecificname
Oikopleura (Coecaria) fusiformis subsp. cornutogastrarank: infraspecificname
Cavolinia longirostris f. longirostrisrank: infraspecificname
Clio pyramidata subsp. sulcatarank: infraspecificname
Cavolinia uncinata f. ropericommon name: mariposa de mar rank: infraspecificname
Cuvierina columnella f. urceolarisrank: infraspecificname
Diacria trispinosa f. atlanticarank: infraspecificname
Scina hurleyi subsp. australisrank: infraspecificname
Fritillaria borealis subsp. sargassirank: infraspecificname
Fritillaria formica subsp. digitatarank: infraspecificname
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
- Desqueyroux-Faúndez & Van Soest. 1997. Shallow water Demosponges of the Galapagos Islands. Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 104(2). Muséum d´Histoire naturelle. Genova, Suiza. -
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- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 102. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 104. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 112. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 114. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 116. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 120. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 121. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 122. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 126. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
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- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 134. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
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- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 139. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 169. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
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- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 175. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 176. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 178. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 181. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 184. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 185. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 203. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
- Suárez-Morales, E., Reid, J. W., Iliffe, T. M. & Fiers, F. 1996. Catálogo de los Copepodos (Crustacea) Continentales de la Penìnsula de Yucatàn. 211. ECOSUR y CONABIO. -
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- Vinogradov, Volkov, A.F. & Semenova, T. N. 1996. Hyperiid amphipods (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) of the world oceans. 581-583 PagsPublicadas: 632. Science Publishers. USA. -
- Vinogradov, Volkov, A.F. & Semenova, T. N. 1996. Hyperiid amphipods (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) of the world oceans. 584,586-588 & PagsPublicadas: 632. Science Publishers. USA. -
- Vinogradov, Volkov, A.F. & Semenova, T. N. 1996. Hyperiid amphipods (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) of the world oceans. 584-586 & PagsPublicadas: 632. Science Publishers. USA. -
María del Carmen Pozo de la Tijeraoriginator
position: Responsable
El Colegio de la Frontera SurUnidad ChetumalDepartamento de Conservación de la BiodiversidadGrupo Interacción, Adaptación y Biodiversidad
Ave. Centenario km 5.5
Othón Blanco, Chetumal
Quintana Roo
Telephone: 01 983 835 0440 ext. 4301
CONABIO Comisión nacional para el conocimiento y uso de la biodiversidad
metadata author
position: Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
Telephone: 50045000
Patricia Ramos Rivera
administrative point of contact
position: Dirección General de Sistemas
Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
Liga Periférico-Insurgentes Sur No. 4903, Col. Parques del Pedregal
Telephone: 50045000