Distribution of Macroalgae in the area of Calvi (Corsica, Mediterranean Sea)
Katz L, Sirjacobs D, Danis B (2021). Distribution of Macroalgae in the area of Calvi (Corsica, Mediterranean Sea). Version 1.7. Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/7esudn accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-15.Description
This dataset describes the occurrences of 19 species of macroalgae along standardized transects in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica). This dataset was based on 2 different campaigns (one in 2016 and one in 2019) in the Bay of Calvi. In both campaigns, an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) was deployed in the Bay and navigated along straight transects perpendicular to the coastline. The ROV was equipped with a down-looking GoPro camera, to capture footage of the bottom, and a built-in front-looking camera to capture a general view of the landscape and navigation. Algae were identified and their coverage was quantified using the down-looking videos.
The species of macroalgae are the following : Acetabularia acetabulum, Amphiroa rigida, Caulerpa prolifera, Caulerpa cylindracea, Codium bursa, Colpomenia sinuosa, Corralinales (order), Cystoseira brachycarpa, Cystoseira crinita, Cystoseira spinosa, Cystoseira zosteroides, Dictyota (genus), Flabellia petiolata, Halopteris (genus), Halopteris scoparia, Jania (genus), Osmundaria volubilis, Padina pavonica, Peyssonnelia squamaria.
In this project, each of the "events" represent different transects navigated by the ROV. The points on the map are the location of the beginning of each transect (located on the coast). From this point, the ROV navigated perpendicularly to the coast until the end of the rocky shore. The actual geographic position of each algae is not recorded, but only the presence of each algae species along this transect.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The study is based on 2 sampling campaigns. Both campaigns covered the same area (see "geographic coverage"). The lenght of the transects is variable but is around 100m in general.The first one occurred in july 2016 and was performed over several days. Each transect was observed 1 time. The second campaign took place in june 2019. Again, several days were needed to observe the different transects. Each transect was observed 1 time.
Each transect was filmed by GoPro cameras attached to an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Videos were visualised and annotated using the software "COVER" (Carré 2010). For each transect, species were identified and relative cover and abundance were estimated.Quality Control
In some videos, species identification was validated by another algae specialist (Damien Sirjacobs, Université de Liège). We also replicated one transect with a team of divers who did their own identifications. This proved that our ROV/video method was strong and provided similar results.Method steps
- For each transect : - an underwater ROV was navigated at approximately 1m from the bottom in a straight line perpendicular to the shore. It was equipped with cameras filming the bottom and the surroundings. - in the lab, down-looking video was analysed and annotated. Species are identified. Information about depth, salinity, temperature and cover were retrieved for each algae observation. - abundances of different macroalgae were compared between transects (spatial comparisons) and between different years (temporal comparisons).
Taxonomic Coverages
Acetabularia acetabulumrank: species
Amphiroa rigidarank: species
Caulerpa proliferarank: species
Caulerpa cylindracearank: species
Codium bursarank: species
Colpomenia sinuosarank: species
Corralinalesrank: order
Cystoseira brachycarparank: species
Cystoseira crinitarank: species
Cystoseira spinosarank: species
Cystoseira zosteroidesrank: species
Dictyotarank: genus
Flabellia petiolatarank: species
Halopterisrank: genus
Halopteris scopariarank: species
Janiarank: genus
Osmundaria volubilisrank: species
Padina pavonicarank: species
Peyssonnelia squamariarank: species
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
Lea Katzoriginator
position: Student
Université Libre de Bruxelles
email: lea.katz@ulb.be
homepage: https://biomar.ulb.ac.be/staff/phds/lea-katz/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5748-602X
Damien Sirjacobs
position: Researcher
Université de Liège
email: d.sirjacobs@ulg.ac.be
homepage: http://www.phytosystems.ulg.ac.be/en/groups/eukaryotic-phylogenomics/members/damien-sirjacobs
Bruno Danis
position: Associate Professor
Université Libre de Bruxelles
email: bdanis@ulb.ac.be
homepage: https://biomar.ulb.ac.be/staff/academics/bruno-danis/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9037-7623
Lea Katz
metadata author
position: Student
Université Libre de Bruxelles
email: lea.katz@ulb.be
homepage: https://biomar.ulb.ac.be/
Lea Katz
position: Student
Université Libre de Bruxelles
email: lea.katz@ulb.be
Damien Sirjacobs
position: Researcher
Université de Liège
homepage: http://www.phytosystems.ulg.ac.be/en/groups/eukaryotic-phylogenomics/members/damien-sirjacobs
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1770-2063
Bruno Danis
position: Associate Professor
Université Libre de Bruxelles
email: bdanis@ulb.ac.be
homepage: http://biomar.ulb.ac.be
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9037-7623
Lea Katz
administrative point of contact
position: Student
Université Libre de Bruxelles
email: lea.katz@ulb.be
homepage: https://biomar.ulb.ac.be/staff/phds/lea-katz/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5748-602X
Damien Sirjacobs
administrative point of contact
position: Researcher
Université de Liège
email: d.sirjacobs@ulg.ac.be
homepage: http://www.phytosystems.ulg.ac.be/en/groups/eukaryotic-phylogenomics/members/damien-sirjacobs
Bruno Danis
administrative point of contact
position: Associate Professor
Université Libre de Bruxelles
email: bdanis@ulb.ac.be
homepage: https://biomar.ulb.ac.be/staff/academics/bruno-danis/
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9037-7623