Moss occurrences in Salair ridge (Altai-Sayan mountain country)
Pisarenko O (2022). Moss occurrences in Salair ridge (Altai-Sayan mountain country). Version 1.6. Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS. Occurrence dataset accessed via on 2025-02-16.Description
The dataset contains information on moss occurrences in the territory of Salair ridge, which is the northwest spoor of Altai-Sayan mountain country, South Siberia. The dataset summarizes data of the author's bryological explorations of the territory. The surveys were mainly conducted in 1992-1996, with some later visits on the ridge. The dataset consists of 2442 occurrence records and includes both preserved specimens (553) and ‘human observations’ of the author (1889). The ‘human observations’ are data of bryological relevés. The relevés were made during field explorations; all collected moss specimens were checked under the microscope and registered in Data Base. Only some of the checked specimens were stored into herbarium; preference was given to rare species, but for common species, it was down to notes. All the records are georeferenced. A total of 231 moss taxa belonging to 119 genera and 35 families are reported herein to occur in Salair ridge. The work is under the support of Russian Science Foundation № 18-14-00121,»Sampling Description
Study Extent
Most of the works has been done at two key areas of Salair ridge representing two forest sub-belts of the ridge. The key area “Kotorovo” is а spot of well-preserved native vegetation in the axial part of the ridge, in the sub-belt of black fir-aspen forests, so-called ‘chernevaia taiga’. The author's long-term research on this territory focused on the area between the settlement Kotorovo and Suenga, in the upper Suenga river tributaries basin. The second key area is the surroundings of Mirnyy Settlement, it represents well-preserved native mesophilic grassy pine and birch forests, which form the lower sub-belt of the forest belt. Chernevaia taiga and mesophilic grassy pine and birch forests are the two most spread types of plant communities on the Salair ridge. Besides the stationary work, many route studies have been conducted to explore mire and steppe communities in different parts of the ridge in 1992-1996. Rock outcrops and habitats along crooks were the objects of special attention.Sampling
In most cases bryological investigations were in parallel with the geobotanical relevés of the plots; moss samples were collected on each type of substrate. Rock outcrops and habitats along crooks were the objects of special attention. Standard methods of moss collection have been used. Preserved samples are in NSK.Quality Control
The data were collected and identified by reseachers from the Central Siberian Botanical Gagden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Some moss specimens were identified by taxonomic specialists from the Faculty of Biology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Method steps
- The source materials are stored in two personal databases. Geobotanical and bryological materials are stored in the IBIS (Zverev, 2007). Herbarium label data can be found in the Excell table (partially available on the website). The materials were brought together in the Excell table and revised; the names and contents of the fields were aligned with Darwin Core (Wieczorek et al. 2012) and include the following: “occurrenceID”, “taxonID”, “scientificName”, “taxonRank” “kingdom”, “phylum”, “class”, “family”, “genus”, “acceptedNameUsage”, “country”, “countryCode”, “stateProvince”, “verbatimLocality”, “habitat”, “fieldNotes” (extended field description of habitat, in Russian), “verbatimElevation”, “decimalLatitude”, “decimalLongitude”, “coordinateUncertaintyInMeters”, “day”, “month”, “year”, “identifiedBy”, “recordedBy”, “basisOfRecord”, “collectionCode”, “catalogNumber” (number of a specimen in herbarium NSK), “datasetName”.
Taxonomic Coverages
231 moss taxa from 119 genera and 35 families
Bryophytarank: phylum
Geographic Coverages
Salair ridge is the northwestern spur of the Altai-Sayan mountain system. That is a low peneplain, indistinctly expressed in relief with average altitudes ca. 400 m. Macroslopes of Salair are asymmetric, the eastern one is steep, while the western is more gentle. The ridge surface is covered with a thick layer of quaternary sediments, mainly eolian loess, which is especially thick on the western slope. Rocky outcrops occur mainly in river valleys. Annual precipitation is about 1000 mm on the western slope, declining to 400 mm in the rain shadow on the eastern one. The ridge is totally within the forest belt. But the forest belt is heterogeneous: the difference in local climates, supported by differences in drainage, provides differentiation of forest vegetation. The largest areas are occupied by black fir-aspen forests (Abies sibirica + Populus tremula), the communities form continuous carpet covering the gently sloping watersheds. On the steep and drier eastern macroslope of the ridge, mesophilic grassy pine and birch forests prevail. Petrophytic steppe with Festuca valesiaca, Koeleria cristata, Potentilla acaulis, Artemisia frigida, Carex duriuscula occurs on steep and sunny faces among the forest. Some xerophytic mosses participate in these communities. Mires are rare and small, being mostly of mesotrophic-type. Syntaxonomy of the vegetation is comprehensively described by Lashchinskiy (2009).
Bibliographic Citations
- Pisarenko O.Yu. 2014. Mosses of Salair-Kuznetsk region (Altai-Sayan mountain country) and adjacent plains of West Siberia // Arctoa. V.23 p. 33-58. doi 10.15298/arctoa.23.06 - doi 10.15298/arctoa.23.06
- Pisarenko O.Yu. 2007. Mosses. In: Flora Salairskogo kriaja. (ed. N.N.Lashchinsky). Novosibirsk, Geo. P.137-154. (in Russian). [Писаренко О.Ю. 2007. Листостебельные мхи. // Флора Салаирского кряжа. (под ред. Н.Н.Лащинского). Новосибирск: Гео. С. 137-154.] -
- Pisarenko O (2021) Moss occurrences in Salair-Kuznetsk Region (Altai-Sayan mountain country). Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e72889. -
Olga Pisarenkooriginator
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS
Zolotodolinskaya, 101
Telephone: +79139551766
Olga Pisarenko
metadata author
position: Researcher
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS
Zolotodolinskaya, 101
Olga Pisarenko
Olga Pisarenko
administrative point of contact
Central Siberian Botanical Garden, SB RAS
Zolotodolinskaya, 101
Telephone: +79139551766