Budalen 2023 Plant Pollinator Survey
Slettan F, Trascau B M, Speed J D M (2024). Budalen 2023 Plant Pollinator Survey. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Occurrence dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/ebbpk3 accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-12.Description
This is a documentation of surveys of flowering plants and plant-pollinator interactions done in the Budalen Valley, Norway, as part of a project investigating the impact of different land-use changes on flowering plant diversity and pollination. Three different land-uses were selected: FH (Former Haymaking), EG (Extensive Grazing) and IG (Intensive Grazing). Within each land-use, 3 sites (50m by 25m) were established. Within each site, 5 transects were established, each 5m apart from the previous. For the flowering plant surveys, 5 quadrats were established along each transect, each 10m apart. In each quadrat the frequency of flowering plant was recorded. For the pollinator survey, each plant-pollinator interaction observed whilst walking alongside the transects was recorded. Recording time for each transect was approximately 5 minutes and 30 seconds.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The study was carried out in the Budalen subalpine landscape conservation area (33 km^2), laying at 600-900 m.a.s.l. The sampling was carried out in 9 sites with the following coordinates: FH1: 62.734964N, 10.683115E FH2: 62.734905N, 10.686017E FH3: 62.736355N, 10.683845E EG1: 62.732242N, 10.700742E, EG2: 62.731253N, 10.705989E, EG3: 62.732208N, 10.702540E, IG1: 62.728650N, 10.702922E, IG2: 62.728993N, 10.702122E, IG3: 62.729156N, 10.701814E. Each site was 50m in length and 25m in width. Within each site, 5 transects were established, each 5m apart from the previous. In each site, a plant survey and a pollinator survey were carried out. For the plant survey, 5 quadrats were placed over the length of each transect. In each quadrat, the frequency of flowering plants was recorded. For the pollinator survey, observers walked up and down each transect and recorded every plant-pollinator interaction, as well as every flying pollinator observed along the transect and 2.5m to each side of the transect. The recording time for each transect was approximately 5 minutes. The sampling was carried out over the course of the summer 2023, from 19.06.2024 to 02.08.2023 in three separate sampling events: 19.06.2023 - 21.06.2023, 07.07.2023 - 10.07.2023, 01.08.2023 - 03.08.2023.Sampling
The sampling was carried out in 9 sites with the following coordinates: FH1: 62.734964N, 10.683115E FH2: 62.734905N, 10.686017E FH3: 62.736355N, 10.683845E EG1: 62.732242N, 10.700742E, EG2: 62.731253N, 10.705989E, EG3: 62.732208N, 10.702540E, IG1: 62.728650N, 10.702922E, IG2: 62.728993N, 10.702122E, IG3: 62.729156N, 10.701814E. Each site was 50m in length and 25m in width. Within each site, 5 transects were established, each 5m apart from the previous. In each site, a plant survey and a pollinator survey were carried out. For the plant survey, 5 quadrats were placed over the length of each transect. In each quadrat, the frequency of flowering plants was recorded. For the pollinator survey, observers walked up and down each transect and recorded every plant-pollinator interaction, as well as every flying pollinator observed along the transect and 2.5m to each side of the transect. The recording time for each transect was approximately 5 minutes. The sampling was carried out over the course of the summer 2023, from 19.06.2024 to 02.08.2023 in three separate sampling events: 19.06.2023 - 21.06.2023, 07.07.2023 - 10.07.2023, 01.08.2023 - 03.08.2023.Method steps
- For the plant survey, 5 quadrats were placed over the length of each transect. In each quadrat, the frequency of flowering plants was recorded. For the pollinator survey, observers walked up and down each transect and recorded every plant-pollinator interaction, as well as every flying pollinator observed along the transect and 2.5m to each side of the transect. See Sampling Description for more details. The raw data files were processed using R (v 4.3.2) and the scripts used to format the data into a DarwinCore-compliant format. The scripts used are available from a public Github repository.
Taxonomic Coverages
For the vegetation data given here, the data represents the frequency of the plant species which were flowering at the time of survey. This data should not be used to infer on the absence of plant species, as a lack of recording of a species in this dataset simply means that this species was not flowering at the time of sampling.
Similarly, for the insect records included here, they are only the species seen interacting with the plants at the time of the survey.
Viola biflorarank: species
Rubus saxatilisrank: species
Geum rivalerank: species
Fragaria vescarank: species
Alchemillarank: genus
Trientalis europaearank: species
Ranunculus acrisrank: species
Thalictrum alpinum"rank: species
Viola caninarank: species
Vaccinium myrtillusrank: species
Antennaria dioicarank: species
Geranium sylvaticumrank: species
Pedicuralis oederirank: species
Rumex acetosarank: species
Silene dioicarank: species
Urtica dioicarank: species
Veronica alpinarank: species
Taraxacumrank: genus
Caltha palustrisrank: species
Potentilla erectarank: species
Hieraciumrank: genus
Tofieldia pusillarank: species
Melampyrum pratenserank: species
Veronica chamaedrysrank: species
Dactylorhiza maculata subsp.fuchsiirank: subspecies
Dactylorhiza maculatarank: species
Pyrola minorrank: species
Vaccinium vitis idaearank: species
Bistorta vivipararank: species
Rhinanthus minorrank: species
Aconitum septentrionalerank: species
Veronica serpyllifoliarank: species
Pinguicula vulgarisrank: species
Myosotisrank: genus
Prunella vulgarisrank: species
Trifolium repensrank: species
Leucanthemum vulgarerank: species
Stellaria nemorumrank: species
Euphrasia wettsteiniirank: species
Filipendula ulmariarank: species
Solidago virgaurearank: species
Campanula rotundifoliarank: species
Parnassia palustrisrank: species
Veronica officinalisrank: species
Saxifraga aizoidesrank: species
Anthriscus sylvestrisrank: species
Brachycerarank: suborder
Lepidopterarank: order
Nematocerarank: suborder
Syrphidaerank: family
Araneaerank: order
Plebejus idasrank: species
Boloria thorerank: species
Boloria euphrosynerank: species
Boloria selenerank: species
Erebia ligearank: species
Bombusrank: genus
Bombus pratorumrank: species
Bombus balteatusrank: species
Apis melliferarank: species
Bombus lapidariusrank: species
Bombus pascuorumrank: species
Bombus consobrinusrank: species
Bombus wurfleniirank: species
Geographic Coverages
The given bounding box is for the Budalen subalpine landscape conservation area (33km2), which lays at an elevation of 600-900 m.a.s.l. The coordinates for each site are as follows:
FH1: 62.734964N, 10.683115E
FH2: 62.734905N, 10.686017E
FH3: 62.736355N, 10.683845E
EG1: 62.732242N, 10.700742E,
EG2: 62.731253N, 10.705989E,
EG3: 62.732208N, 10.702540E,
IG1: 62.728650N, 10.702922E,
IG2: 62.728993N, 10.702122E,
IG3: 62.729156N, 10.701814E
Bibliographic Citations
Frida Slettanoriginator
position: Master Student
NTNU University Museum
email: fridasle@stud.ntnu.no
Beatrice Maria Trascau
position: PhD Student
NTNU University Museum
email: beatrice.m.trascau@ntnu.no
userId: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6236-9655
James David Mervyn Speed
position: Professor
NTNU University Museum
email: james.speed@ntnu.no
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0633-5595
Beatrice Maria Trascau
metadata author
position: PhD Candidate
NTNU University Museum
email: beatrice.m.trascau@ntnu.no
userId: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6236-9655
Beatrice Maria Trascau
administrative point of contact
position: PhD Candidate
NTNU University Museum
email: beatrice.m.trascau@ntnu.no
userId: https://orcid.org/0009-0003-6236-9655
James David Mervyn Speed
administrative point of contact
position: Professor
NTNU University Museum
email: james.speed@ntnu.no
userId: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0633-5595