Long-term survey of algae of the Lena Delta Wildlife Reserve including data on chemistry of waters
Gabyshev V, Ivanova A, Gabysheva O (2024). Long-term survey of algae of the Lena Delta Wildlife Reserve including data on chemistry of waters. Version 1.3. Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/mvt9r3 accessed via GBIF.org on 2025-03-07.Description
The dataset presents the summarized data on the algal flora of Lena Delta Wildlife Reserve, including the lower reaches of the Lena River and Lena Delta distributary channels, adjoining areas of the Laptev Sea (Tiksi Bay, Neyelova Gulf and Buor-Khaya Gulf); lakes, streams and swampy areas of the lower Lena River basin area; waterbodies and watercourses on Kotelny island (New Siberian Islands archipelago). Dataset includes data on planktonic, benthic and periphytic algal communities. The dataset is based on published works and on our own samples collection. Part of reported events based on later sampling have data on chemical composition of waters were samples were collected. Part of occurrences that based on later sampling has data on abundance (cells per liter) and biomass (mg per liter) of particular species. We plan consistently replenish the dataset as new samples become available.
The main objective of the Dataset is to provide reliable data for assessing the status and trends in the species composition of algal flora, as well as abundance and spatial structure of algal communities of water bodies and watercourses of the Lena Delta Wildlife Reserve in combination with data on water chemistry, for both conservation and research purposes. With a view to ensuring researchers all available data we summarized the data on the algal flora based on published works and on our own samples collection with a view to ensure that all available data on the algal flora of that remote area would be accessible to researchers.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
The lower reaches of the Lena River and Lena Delta, adjoining areas of the Laptev Sea (Tiksi Bay, Neyelova Gulf and Buor-Khaya Gulf); lakes, streams and swampy areas of lower Lena River basin area; waterbodies and watercourses on Kotelny island (New Siberian Islands archipelago). Sampling temporal coverage: summer of 1972 - August 8, 2018.Sampling
Plankton sampling was performed by water filtering using plankton net from 20 to 30 um. Benthic and periphytic algae were collected using a sample collection jar, a pocketknife or similar device for scraping algae from hard substrates and a pipette for suctioning algae from soft substrates. The preservative for algal samples is 4% Formalin solution.Method steps
- Sample analysis Algae identification and phytoplankton abundance counting were performed under an Olympus BH2 light microscope. Preparations of diatoms were produced from separate samples. Cold burning was used to remove organic matter from diatom valves (Balonov, 1975). Preparations of diatoms were examined under a Quanta 200 and JEOL 7800 F scanning electron microscopes and LEO 906E transmission electron microscope.
- Phytoplankton abundance and biomass counting Phytoplankton abundance was measured and expressed as cell numbers (individuum/l). Nageotte chamber was used to cell counting. The cell volume of particular species was calculated by equate it to basic geometric figure. From the cell volume data, the biomass is simply derived by a rough assumption of a plasma density of 1 mg/dm3.
- Methods for water chemical analyses Gas regime components (O2, BOD5, and CO2) and some physical characteristics (transparency, odor, taste, and suspended matter) were determined in situ. Concentrations of other chemicals were determined in the laboratory. Salinity of water as sum of ions: sulfate anions were determined by turbidimetry; chlorides by mercurometry; hydrocarbonates by back titration; water hardiness by complexometric titration using eriochrome black; calcium titrometrically with trilon B; potassium and sodium cations by flame photometry; phenols and petrochemicals by fluorescence chromatography using a Fluorat-02 spectrofluorometer; water pH was evaluated electrometrically using a Multitest IPL-101 titrator; dissolved carbon dioxide by titration with phenolphthalein; dissolved oxygen by Winkler’s method (iodometry); easy-to-oxidize organic substances (from biological oxygen demand, BOD5) by Winkler’s method (iodometry); chemical oxygen demand with permanganate as the oxidant by titration with potassium permanganate; concentration of copper (Cu), lead (Pb), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy using an atomic emission spectrometer «AAnalyst».
- Micro photographs For some occurrences micro photographs are provided.
- Field data transferred to MS xl spreadsheets. Converted to Darwin Core Archive format using the dplyr and tidyr libraries in R (https://github.com/andersfi/DwC)
Taxonomic Coverages
Cyanobacteriarank: phylum
Euglenozoarank: phylum
Ochrophytarank: phylum
Bacillariophytarank: phylum
Miozoarank: phylum
Cryptophytarank: phylum
Katablepharidophytarank: phylum
Rhodophytarank: phylum
Chlorophytarank: phylum
Charophytarank: phylum
Fungirank: phylum
Geographic Coverages
Bibliographic Citations
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Viktor Gabyshevoriginator
position: Chief researcher
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS
41, Lenin ave.
email: v.a.gabyshev@yandex.ru
Anna Ivanova
position: Researcher
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS
41, Lenin ave.
email: a.p.ivanova@rambler.ru
Olga Gabysheva
position: Chief researcher
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS
41, Lenin ave.
email: g89248693006@yandex.ru
Viktor Gabyshev
metadata author
position: Chief researcher
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS
41, Lenin ave.
email: v.a.gabyshev@yandex.ru
Elena Troeva
email: troeva.e@gmail.com
Viktor Gabyshev
administrative point of contact
position: Chief researcher
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS
41, Lenin ave.
email: v.a.gabyshev@yandex.ru