PELD-ELPA Continuous monitoring of the micro and mesozooplankton of the Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent coastal area
Muxagata E, Teixeira-Amaral P (2022). PELD-ELPA Continuous monitoring of the micro and mesozooplankton of the Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent coastal area. Version 1.9. Sistema de Informação sobre a Biodiversidade Brasileira - SiBBr. Sampling event dataset accessed via on 2024-12-14.Description
The micro and mesozooplankton of the Patos Lagoon estuary have been sampled monthly by the zooplankton laboratory of the Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG) at two locations inside the estuary (since Apr 2009) and another at the local adjoining area (since Nov 2009), near FURG´s marine aquaculture station. Mini-bongo nets fitted with 90 and 200 microns and callibrated flowmeters are being used to collect the samples. Temperature and salinity data as well as water samples to measure Chlorophyll a are also collected from each sampling site.Purpose
The general purposes of this data bank are to provide information on zooplankton sampled in the Patos Lagoon estuary, and to identify long term trends on the zooplankton of the Patos Lagoon estuary.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
Sampling covers the inner estuary near the city of Rio Grande. Another location near the mouth of the estuary and another at the Cassino beach Coordinates: Channel (32°08’56” S 52°06’03” W), Inner estuary (32°01’30” S 52°06’24”W) and Cassino beach (32º 12.376’ S 52º 10.561’ W).Sampling
Zooplankton samples at the estuary are being collected using mini bongo frames of 30 cm of diameter fitted with 200 and 90 microns meshes with calibrated Hydrobios flowmeters attached to the mouth of each net. For the Cassino beach, a conventional 30 cm diameter frame fitted with a 200 mesh and a calibrated TSK flowmeter are being used. Temperature and salinity are measured using a thermosalinometer (Hanna HI 9828), refractometers and a mercury thermometer. Water samples of 100 mL from each site are filtered trough GF/F Filters (Whatman) using a syringe coupled with a swinnex attachment. Samples are collected from sub-superficial horizontal tows of ~ 3 min using mini bongo frames of 30 cm of diameter fitted with 200 and 90 microns meshes with calibrated Hydro-Bios flowmeters attached to the mouth of each net. For the Cassino beach, a conventional 30 cm diameter frame fitted with a 200 mesh and a calibrated TSK flowmeter are being used. All samples are immediately preserved in a 4% borax buffered formaldehyde solution (Steedman, 1976) until processing. Temperature and salinity are measured on each station using a thermosalinometer (Hanna HI 9828), refractometers and a mercury thermometer. On each station two samples of 20 to 100 mL are collected and filtered trough 2.5 cm glass microfibre filters (Whatman GF/F) using a syringe with a filter holder attachment (Swinnex). Each filter paper are then folded in half, wrapped in foil and frozen until processing. Chlorophyll a are extracted with 90% acetone and readings are made on a calibrated Turner Designs Fluorometer (TD 700) according to Welshmeyer (1994).Quality Control
All samples are collected under the supervision of post-graduate students of the Zooplankton Laboratory, and the quality of data are checked before uploading in the data bank.Method steps
- All zooplankton organisms present on subsamples of 1.25 to 50 % of the 200 µm mesh samples, were counted on a stereoscopic microscope and identified to the lowest taxonomic level possible. Copepod species were identified according to Björnberg (1981); Bradford-Grieve (1999) and Rose (1933). Barnacle nauplii according to Lang (1979; 1980) and the remaining species and/or groups using references on Boltovskoy (1981, 1999). All results are expressed in numbers of organisms.m-3.
Taxonomic Coverages
Several species belonging to the following big groups: Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Mollusca, Polychaeta, Cladocera, Cirripedia, Copepoda, Ostracoda, Mysida, Amphipoda, Euphausiacea, Decapoda, Chaetognatha and Tunicada.
Annelidarank: phylum
Arthropodarank: phylum
Chaetognatharank: phylum
Chordatarank: phylum
Cnidariarank: phylum
Ctenophorarank: phylum
Echinodermatarank: phylum
Molluscarank: phylum
Phoronidarank: phylum
Rotiferarank: phylum
Appendiculariarank: class
Bivalviarank: class
Branchiopodarank: class
Gastropodarank: class
Hexanaupliarank: class
Hydrozoarank: class
Ichthyostracarank: class
Malacostracarank: class
Ostracodarank: class
Polychaetarank: class
Sagittoidearank: class
Thaliacearank: class
Amphipodarank: order
Anomopodarank: order
Aphragmophorarank: order
Arguloidarank: order
Calanoidarank: order
Copelatarank: order
Ctenopodarank: order
Cumacearank: order
Cyclopoidarank: order
Decapodarank: order
Euphausiacearank: order
Harpacticoidarank: order
Isopodarank: order
Mysidarank: order
Onychopodarank: order
Salpidarank: order
Sessiliarank: order
Siphonophoraerank: order
Siphonostomatoidarank: order
Tanaidacearank: order
Acartiidaerank: family
Balanidaerank: family
Bosminidaerank: family
Calanidaerank: family
Centropagidaerank: family
Chydoridaerank: family
Clausocalanidaerank: family
Corycaeidaerank: family
Cyclopidaerank: family
Daphniidaerank: family
Diaptomidaerank: family
Ditrichocorycaeusrank: family
Ectinosomatidaerank: family
Ergasilidaerank: family
Eurycercidaerank: family
Heterorhabdidaerank: family
Ilyocryptidaerank: family
Kalliapseudidaerank: family
Lubbockiidaerank: family
Luciferidaerank: family
Macrothricidaerank: family
Miraciidaerank: family
Moinidaerank: family
Oikopleuridaerank: family
Oithonidaerank: family
Oncaeidaerank: family
Onychocorycaeusrank: family
Paracalanidaerank: family
Peltidiidaerank: family
Podonidaerank: family
Pontellidaerank: family
Pseudodiaptomidaerank: family
Sagittidaerank: family
Sapphirinidaerank: family
Scolecitrichidaerank: family
Sididaerank: family
Subeucalanidaerank: family
Tachidiidaerank: family
Temoridaerank: family
Acanthocyclopsrank: genus
Acartiarank: genus
Alonarank: genus
Amphibalanusrank: genus
Argyrodiaptomusrank: genus
Belzebubrank: genus
Biaperturarank: genus
Boeckellarank: genus
Bosminarank: genus
Bosminopsisrank: genus
Calanoidesrank: genus
Calanusrank: genus
Camptocercusrank: genus
Centropagesrank: genus
Ceriodaphniarank: genus
Chydorusrank: genus
Clausocalanusrank: genus
Clytemnestrarank: genus
Corycaeusrank: genus
Ctenocalanusrank: genus
Daphniarank: genus
Diaphanosomarank: genus
Ephemeroporusrank: genus
Ergasilusrank: genus
Eucyclopsrank: genus
Euryalonarank: genus
Euterpinarank: genus
Evadnerank: genus
Flaccisagittarank: genus
Halicyclopsrank: genus
Heterorhabdusrank: genus
Ilyocryptusrank: genus
Kalliapseudesrank: genus
Labidocerarank: genus
Lubbockiarank: genus
Macrosetellarank: genus
Macrothrixrank: genus
Mecynocerarank: genus
Mesocyclopsrank: genus
Metacyclopsrank: genus
Microsetellarank: genus
Moinarank: genus
Nannocalanusrank: genus
Notoalonarank: genus
Notodiaptomusrank: genus
Oikopleurarank: genus
Oithonarank: genus
Oncaearank: genus
Paracalanusrank: genus
Parasagittarank: genus
Parvocalanusrank: genus
Peniliarank: genus
Pleopisrank: genus
Podonrank: genus
Pontellopsisrank: genus
Pseudevadnerank: genus
Pseudodiaptomusrank: genus
Pseudosagittarank: genus
Pseudosidarank: genus
Sapphirinarank: genus
Scolecithrixrank: genus
Simocephalusrank: genus
Subeucalanusrank: genus
Temorarank: genus
Undinularank: genus
Acanthocyclops robustus robustusrank: species
Acartia (Acanthacartia) tonsarank: species
Acartia (Odontacartia) lilljeborgirank: species
Alona costatarank: species
Alona monacantharank: species
Amphibalanus improvisusrank: species
Argyrodiaptomus denticulatusrank: species
Biapertura affinisrank: species
Boeckella bergirank: species
Bosmina (Bosmina) longirostrisrank: species
Bosminopsis deitersirank: species
Calanoides carinatusrank: species
Camptocercus australisrank: species
Centropages furcatusrank: species
Ceriodaphnia cornutarank: species
Ceriodaphnia dubiarank: species
Chydorus eurynotusrank: species
Chydorus parvireticulatusrank: species
Chydorus sphaericusrank: species
Clausocalanus furcatusrank: species
Clausocalanus parapergensrank: species
Corycaeus speciosusrank: species
Ctenocalanus citerrank: species
Ctenocalanus vanusrank: species
Daphnia (Daphnia) ambiguarank: species
Diaphanosoma brachyurumrank: species
Diaphanosoma breviremerank: species
Diaphanosoma fluviatilerank: species
Diaphanosoma spinulosumrank: species
Ditrichocorycaeus amazonicusrank: species
Eucyclops ensiferrank: species
Euryalona orientalisrank: species
Euterpina acutifronsrank: species
Evadne nordmannirank: species
Flaccisagitta enflatarank: species
Goniopsyllus rostratusrank: species
Heterorhabdus papilligerrank: species
Ilyocryptus spiniferrank: species
Labidocera fluviatilisrank: species
Lubbockia squillimanarank: species
Macrosetella gracilisrank: species
Macrothrix spinosarank: species
Mecynocera clausirank: species
Mesocyclops longisetus longisetusrank: species
Metacyclops mendocinus mendocinusrank: species
Microsetella norvegicarank: species
Microsetella rosearank: species
Moina micrurarank: species
Moina minutarank: species
Nannocalanus minorrank: species
Notoalona sculptarank: species
Notodiaptomus incompositusrank: species
Oithona nanarank: species
Oithona oswaldocruzirank: species
Oithona plumiferarank: species
Oithona similisrank: species
Oithona simplexrank: species
Oncaea curvatarank: species
Oncaea laciniarank: species
Oncaea mediterranearank: species
Oncaea venustarank: species
Oncaea waldemarirank: species
Onychocorycaeus giesbrechtirank: species
Paracalanus aculeatusrank: species
Paracalanus indicusrank: species
Paracalanus parvusrank: species
Paracalanus quasimodorank: species
Parasagitta tenuisrank: species
Parvocalanus crassirostrisrank: species
Penilia avirostrisrank: species
Pleopis polyphemoidesrank: species
Pleopis schmackerirank: species
Pontellopsis brevisrank: species
Pseudevadne tergestinarank: species
Pseudodiaptomus richardirank: species
Pseudosagitta lyrarank: species
Pseudosida bidentatarank: species
Scolecithrix danaerank: species
Simocephalus latirostrisrank: species
Simocephalus serrulatusrank: species
Simocephalus vetulusrank: species
Subeucalanus pileatusrank: species
Temora styliferarank: species
Temora turbinatarank: species
Undinula vulgarisrank: species
Actinopterygiirank: class
Geographic Coverages
The Patos Lagoon at the southern Brazilian coastal plain (Rio Grande do Sul state) is the largest (10,360 km2) choked lagoon in the world stretching in a NE SW direction from the city of Porto Alegre (30º30’ S) to Rio Grande (32º12’ S). In the southern estuarine region, approximately 10 % of total area, a single and narrow inlet connects this lagoon to the Atlantic Ocean. The major tributary rivers at the northern and central areas of Patos Lagoon, and the São Gonçalo channel at the southern area, are significant freshwater sources from an extensive drainage basin. The hydrodynamics of Patos Lagoon estuary is strongly controlled by the discharge of tributary rivers and the action of predominant winds.
Bibliographic Citations
- Lemos, V. M., Lanari, M., Copertino, M., Secchi, E. R., de Abreu, P. C. O., Muelbert, J. H., Garcia, A. M., Dumont, F. C., Muxagata, E., Vieira, J. P., Colling, A. & Odebrecht, C. (2022). Patos Lagoon estuary and adjacent marine coastal biodiversity long-term data. Earth System Science Data, 14(3), 1015-1041. -
Erik Muxagataoriginator
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Priscila Teixeira-Amaral
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Erik Muxagata
metadata author
position: Researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Erik Muxagata
principal investigator
position: researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Clarisse Odebrecht
point of contact
position: researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Telephone: +555332336520
Eduardo Secchi
point of contact
position: Researcher and Coordinator of the Brazilian Long Term Ecological Research (PELD Site 8)
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08 P.O. Box 474
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Valéria Lemos
administrative point of contact
position: researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul
Marianna Lanari
administrative point of contact
position: researcher
FURG - University of Rio Grande
Av. Itália Km 08
Rio Grande
Rio Grande do Sul