Baltic Seabirds Transect Surveys
Zydelis, R. 2006. Baltic Seabirds Transect Surveys. Data downloaded from OBIS-SEAMAP ( on yyyy-mm-dd. accessed via on 2024-09-12.Description
Original provider: Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University Dataset credits: Gediminas Vaitkus, Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University Abstract: Seabirds transect surveys were conducted in Baltic Sea from 1992 to 1999. Standard seabird offshore sampling techniques assume that line transect of 300 m width is basically used for counting birds sitting on the water surface, whereas the 'snap-shot' method is used for the counting of flying birds at strongly fixed intervals of time.Additional efforts were put into studies of the offshore seabird and waterfowl movements. We recorded flying birds along 1,000 m wide transect over the 'classic' 300 m transect used for calculations of seabird densities during 'snap-shots'. Purpose: The main purpose of our work was to investigate spatial structure and dynamics of the offshore seabird populations and to assess their status in specific conditions of the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem. The main tasks of our work were the following:
-Study species composition, abundance and spatial distribution of seabird populations in different seasons of the year, distinguish dominating species and the most important seabird concentration areas in the eastern Baltic;
-Study community structure of inter-specific assemblages and ecological adaptations of wintering seabird populations;
-Study the processes of spatial dynamics and trends of spatial structure in regional seabird populations within the gradient of winter climatic conditions; and
-Study offshore migratory routes and temporary concentration areas of seabirds in the Baltic Proper. Supplemental information: [2020-10-01] The following invalid species names were corrected according to the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS). Larus ridibundus (176835) => Chroicocephalus ridibundus (824041) Corvus monedula (179746) => Coloeus monedula (916629) Little Gull: Larus minutus (176840) => Hydrocoloeus minutus (824065) Little Tern: Sterna albifrons (176899) => Sternula albifrons (824126) Mergus albellus (175190) => Mergellus albellus (175196) [2015-03-24] There were 199 records with a value of "EMPTY" or "empty" in the species column. These records are removed.
The main purpose of our work was to investigate spatial structure and dynamics of the offshore seabird populations and to assess their status in specific conditions of the Baltic Sea marine ecosystem. The main tasks of our work were the following:-Study species composition, abundance and spatial distribution of seabird populations in different seasons of the year, distinguish dominating species and the most important seabird concentration areas in the eastern Baltic;
-Study community structure of inter-specific assemblages and ecological adaptations of wintering seabird populations;
-Study the processes of spatial dynamics and trends of spatial structure in regional seabird populations within the gradient of winter climatic conditions; and
-Study offshore migratory routes and temporary concentration areas of seabirds in the Baltic Proper.
Sampling Description
Study Extent
NAMethod steps
- NA
Additional info
marine, harvested by iOBISTaxonomic Coverages
Scientific names are based on the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS).
Alle allecommon name: Dovekie rank: species
Alauda arvensiscommon name: Eurasian Skylark rank: species
Alca tordacommon name: Razorbill rank: species
Anascommon name: Dabbling Ducks rank: genus
Anascommon name: Dabbling Ducks rank: genus
Anas creccacommon name: Eurasian Teal rank: species
Anas platyrhynchoscommon name: Mallard rank: species
Ansercommon name: Bean Geese rank: genus
Apus apuscommon name: Common Swift rank: species
Ardea cinereacommon name: Gray Heron rank: species
Aythya marilacommon name: Greater Scaup rank: species
Bucephala clangulacommon name: Common Goldeneye rank: species
Carduelis spinuscommon name: Eurasian Siskin rank: species
Cepphus gryllecommon name: Black Guillemot rank: species
Chlidonias nigercommon name: Black Tern rank: species
Circus aeruginosuscommon name: Western Marsh Harrier rank: species
Clangula hyemaliscommon name: Long-tailed Duck rank: species
Corvus coronecommon name: Carrion Crow rank: species
Corvus frugileguscommon name: Rook rank: species
Coloeus monedulacommon name: Western Jackdaw rank: species
Columba palumbuscommon name: Common Wood Pigeon rank: species
Cygnus columbianuscommon name: Tundra Swan rank: species
Cygnus cygnuscommon name: Whooper Swan rank: species
Cygnuscommon name: Swans rank: genus
Cygnuscommon name: Swans rank: genus
Cygnus olorcommon name: Mute Swan rank: species
Erithacus rubeculacommon name: European Robin rank: species
Fringilla coelebscommon name: Common Chaffinch rank: species
Gavia arcticacommon name: Arctic Loon rank: species
Gavia immercommon name: Common Loon rank: species
Gavia stellatacommon name: Red-throated Loon rank: species
Gaviacommon name: Loons rank: genus
Gaviacommon name: Loons rank: genus
Grus gruscommon name: Common Crane rank: species
Hirundo rusticacommon name: Barn Swallow rank: species
Larus argentatuscommon name: Herring Gull rank: species
Larus canuscommon name: Mew Gull rank: species
Larus fuscuscommon name: Lesser Black-backed Gull rank: species
Larus hyperboreuscommon name: Glaucous Gull rank: species
Larus marinuscommon name: Great Black-backed Gull rank: species
Hydrocoloeus minutuscommon name: Little Gull rank: species
Chroicocephalus ridibunduscommon name: Common Black-headed Gull rank: species
Larusrank: genus
Mergellus albelluscommon name: Smew rank: species
Melanitta fuscacommon name: Velvet Scoter rank: species
Mergus mergansercommon name: Common Merganser rank: species
Melanitta nigracommon name: Black Scoter rank: species
Mergus serratorcommon name: Red-breasted Merganser rank: species
Motacilla albacommon name: White Wagtail rank: species
Parus majorcommon name: Great Tit rank: species
Sterna paradisaeacommon name: Arctic Tern rank: species
Passeridaerank: family
Phalacrocorax carbocommon name: Great Cormorant rank: species
Phylloscopusrank: genus
Podiceps aurituscommon name: Horned Grebe rank: species
Podiceps cristatuscommon name: Great Crested Grebe rank: species
Prunella modulariscommon name: Dunnock rank: species
Regulus reguluscommon name: Goldcrest rank: species
Rissa tridactylacommon name: Black-legged Kittiwake rank: species
Somateria mollissimacommon name: Common Eider rank: species
Sternula albifronscommon name: Little Tern rank: species
Stercorariusrank: genus
Sterna hirundocommon name: Common Tern rank: species
Stercorarius parasiticuscommon name: Parasitic Jaeger rank: species
Stercorarius pomarinuscommon name: Pomarine Jaeger rank: species
Sturnus vulgariscommon name: Common Starling rank: species
Tringarank: genus
Troglodytes troglodytescommon name: Winter Wren rank: species
Turdus merulacommon name: Common Blackbird rank: species
Uria aalgecommon name: Common Murre rank: species
Vanellus vanelluscommon name: Northern Lapwing rank: species
Geographic Coverages
Baltic Sea
Bibliographic Citations
Ramunas Zydelisoriginator
position: Primary contact
Duke University
metadata author
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab, Duke University
A328 LSRC building
Ramunas Zydelis
position: Primary contact
Duke University
Ramunas Zydelis
administrative point of contact
position: Primary contact
Duke University