AVJNF: Søholt Storskov, bat survey by stationary automatic detectors
Johansen T W, Baagøe H, Malmborg L (2021). AVJNF: Søholt Storskov, bat survey by stationary automatic detectors. Version 1.1. Aage V. Jensen Nature Foundation. Sampling event dataset https://doi.org/10.15468/mm9d3y accessed via GBIF.org on 2024-12-14.Description
In the beginning of 2020, Aage V. Jensen Nature Foundation acquired a big nature area Søholt Storskov placed between the three largest lakes in the middle of the island of Lolland in the Southern Baltic Sea. The area of 1,134 ha comprises old and young deciduous forests, lakes and agricultural land. Map of the area: https://www.avjf.dk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Søholt-Storskov_Sort-afgrænsning.pdf Description in Danish: https://www.avjf.dk/avjnf/naturomraader/soeholt-storskov/ The foundations goal is to preserve and improve the nature values and biodiversity in the area. Prior to the planned nature restoration activities, Aage V. Jensen Nature Foundation initiated a baseline monitoring programme for the biodiversity in Søholt Storskov. Bat survey conducted by Thomas W. Johansen and Hans Baagøe was a part of this programme.Sampling Description
Study Extent
The whole area of Søholt Storskov was devided in four survey areas. Bat activity was recorded using automatic bat detectors placed at 20 locations: five detectors in each of the four survey areas. At each location recordings were carried out two nights in the period June 24th-26th 2020 and two nights in the period July 12th-14th 2020, from sunset until sunrise. The locations were chosen based on our expert knowledge of the individual species biology, transport flight, feeding behaviour and their use of the landscape. The massive amounts of data were divided into sound files of maximum 15 secund length. These sound files were analysed in Batsound. Number of sound files reflects time of activity and not the number of bats, which is very important to keep in mind when applying our data.Quality Control
N/AMethod steps
- N/A
Taxonomic Coverages
Bats (Chiroptera, Vespertilionidae)
Vespertilionidaerank: family
Geographic Coverages
Denmark, Lolland, Søholt Storskov
Bibliographic Citations
Thomas W. Johansenoriginator
position: Biologist
email: thomas.w.johansen@gmail.com
Hans Baagøe
position: Associate professor emeritus
Flagermus Forskning og Rådgivning
email: hansjbaagoe@gmail.com
Lars Malmborg
position: Biologist
Aage V. Jensen Nature Foundation
email: lm@avjf.dk
homepage: https://www.avjf.dk
Lars Malmborg
metadata author
position: Biologist
Aage V. Jensen Nature Foundation
email: lm@avjf.dk
homepage: https://www.avjf.dk
Thomas W. Johansen
metadata author
position: Biologist
email: thomas.w.johansen@gmail.com
Hans Baagøe
metadata author
position: Associated professor emeritus
Flagermus Forskning og Rådgivning
email: hansjbaagoe@gmail.com
Isabel Calabuig
position: Node Manager, Data Curator
DanBIF, Natural History Museum of Denmark
email: icalabuig@snm.ku.dk
homepage: http://snm.ku.dk/english/staffsnm/staff/?pure=en/persons/88409
userId: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5515-7900
Irina Goldberg
position: Biologist
email: irina.goldberg@gmail.com
Lars Malmborg
administrative point of contact
position: Biologist
Aage V. Jensen Nature Foundation
email: lm@avjf.dk
homepage: https://www.avjf.dk